
Kanye and his wife watched the show in Paris, Bianca challenged the pink hairstyle, and Kanye wrapped it tightly like doing nucleic acid

author:A little expert in eating melons in the entertainment industry
Kanye and his wife watched the show in Paris, Bianca challenged the pink hairstyle, and Kanye wrapped it tightly like doing nucleic acid

At Paris Fashion Week, in addition to a series of film and television stars, a special celebrity couple was ushered in, that is, Kanye and Bianca. It can be said that everywhere the couple goes, the return rate is overwhelming, and everyone understands the reason!

Kanye and his wife watched the show in Paris, Bianca challenged the pink hairstyle, and Kanye wrapped it tightly like doing nucleic acid

Bianca's hairstyle changed to curly hair, and the color changed from black to pink, the only thing that didn't change was her outfit. She seems to love wearing this kind of one-piece thong, and I have to say, she is really in good shape.

Kanye and his wife watched the show in Paris, Bianca challenged the pink hairstyle, and Kanye wrapped it tightly like doing nucleic acid

Kanye wrapped it very tightly as usual, and this time he directly covered his face. I'm curious, isn't he stuffy like this? Can you really see the road?

Kanye and his wife watched the show in Paris, Bianca challenged the pink hairstyle, and Kanye wrapped it tightly like doing nucleic acid

Probably because of the obstruction of vision, Kanye followed Bianca the whole time, and Bianca was responsible for leading him in front.

The husband and wife were led by the staff to their seats.

Kanye and his wife watched the show in Paris, Bianca challenged the pink hairstyle, and Kanye wrapped it tightly like doing nucleic acid

I don't know what the people in the show think of their family's dress? Anyway, Kanye and Bianca sat down very calmly and greeted the people next to them.

Kanye and his wife watched the show in Paris, Bianca challenged the pink hairstyle, and Kanye wrapped it tightly like doing nucleic acid

Kanye handed the phone to Bianca, and Bianca reflexively wanted to put it on her body, but the dress she was wearing today couldn't hold her phone.

Kanye and his wife watched the show in Paris, Bianca challenged the pink hairstyle, and Kanye wrapped it tightly like doing nucleic acid

Although every time the husband and wife show up, it seems like they are engaging in performance art, but does it have to be so puzzling? Kanye's clothes made netizens complain even more: I thought it was followed by a nucleic acid one, hahahaha!

Kanye and his wife watched the show in Paris, Bianca challenged the pink hairstyle, and Kanye wrapped it tightly like doing nucleic acid

The two of them, one of them can really show as much as he wants, and the other is tightly wrapped every day.

But one thing to say, Bianca's figure is really good, the kind that even girls will like when they see it.

Kanye and his wife watched the show in Paris, Bianca challenged the pink hairstyle, and Kanye wrapped it tightly like doing nucleic acid