
After reading "Live Yourself Clearly", I finally understood the root of a person's suffering

author:Qing Yao said

Title: "Live Yourself Clearly"

Author: Insight-kun

In life, there are always some people who live miserable lives, and they don't understand themselves at all.

She has a friend who has both children and daughters, a capable and considerate husband, an understanding mother-in-law, and a beautiful woman who works well.

But she always complains that her boss gives her difficult work, her husband is not gentle enough, and her mother-in-law is not good enough.

Compared with many people, she is already living in a honey pot, but she is always complaining.

If the self-awareness is not clear, then the road of life is like a jungle swamp, and it is miserable.

The Tao Te Ching reads:

"Acquaintance Wisdom, Self-Knowing."

It means that it is wise to know others and to know that it is wise to know oneself.

After reading "Live Yourself Clearly", I finally understood the root of a person's suffering

The founder of the large "Insight" with 50 million followers, Insight's book "Live Clearly" writes clearly how a person should live and understand.

I can't stop after opening it, and I read it in one go, and I strongly think that everyone is a pillow book.

There are six parts in the book, and a lot of wisdom about life that will benefit us throughout our lives.

Today I will share the views of the previous three parts with you, I hope it will be useful to you.


Your perception determines how lucky you are

It may be your parents and their financial resources and educational background that determine a person's starting point, but it must be your cognition that determines the ultimate height of a person's life.

Because your knowledge will not only be your ladder, but it will often bring you new opportunities.

As it is often said: good luck is for those who are prepared.

Bill Gates founded Microsoft Corporation when he was a school boy and it was a huge success.

Many people think he is lucky, but luck is always part of strength.

Bill Gates attended one of the very few schools in the world at the time that had computers.

Computer classes were not routine, and he studied late into the night with his friend Paul after school, even on weekends.

As a teenager, he was smart and extremely hardworking.

Behind what was considered good fortune was that he had a deep understanding of the computer field that none of the experienced computer experts of the time had.

The reason why Dong Yuhui has been popular on the Internet for many years is because he has been reading uninterrupted for many years, and he has achieved a full stomach of poetry and books, which can be exported into chapters.

Luck does seem to be accidental, but your perception, vision, and pattern will undoubtedly make you luckier.

If you want to improve your cognition, you should read books you haven't read, see places you haven't seen before, meet people you don't know, broaden your horizons, and improve your cognition.

In the wilderness, you will encounter more possibilities in life.

After reading "Live Yourself Clearly", I finally understood the root of a person's suffering


The best way for a person to live is to cultivate himself

The world is so prosperous, people's hearts are so complicated, and life is so difficult, how can people fight it on their own.

The answer is, keep cultivating yourself.

Franklin went to school at the age of eight, dropped out at the age of 10 due to poverty, and apprenticed his father.

At the age of 12, he signed a nine-year contract and became an apprentice in his brother's printing house.

The first 8 years were unpaid, which is equivalent to free labor.

Here he not only has to work, but also has to endure the occasional punches and kicks from his grumpy brother.

But instead of being depressed and complaining, he quickly mastered the art of printing and did everything he could to find books to read.

When he became disgusted with the words of the pastor of the church, he began to improve himself.

Based on the experience of the sages and their own ideas, the 13 precepts were created and strictly enforced.

Although his life did not start well, he gained happiness, wealth, and fame in the pursuit of virtue and knowledge throughout his life.

The highest way for a person to live is to constantly cultivate oneself.

When your thinking is constantly iteratively upgraded, when your moral character becomes more and more noble, you will find that the existence is beautiful, and you have already made peace with the world.

After reading "Live Yourself Clearly", I finally understood the root of a person's suffering


Only by controlling your emotions can you control your life well

There is a saying on the Internet that says:

"Only by managing your emotions well can you get rid of the haze of emotions."

Bad emotions are like a ticking time bomb that can turn your world upside down without knowing when.

In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Liu Bei was killed by Eastern Wu because of Guan Yu, and in anger, he led an army of 750,000 to attack Eastern Wu.

Zhang Fei ordered his two subordinates to buy armor for the whole army within three days.

The time was tight, the task was urgent, and the two of them really couldn't do it, so they pleaded with Zhang Fei, who knew that Zhang Fei was angry and severely punished the two.

In the end, the two had no way out, so they killed him while he was asleep and defected to Soochow.

And Liu Bei was also burned by Lu Xun because of the light enemy's rash advance, and almost the entire army was wiped out.

Zhang Fei lost his life because of anger; Liu Bei buried 750,000 troops in anger, and he himself fell ill and died in the White Emperor City, and Shu Han gradually came to an end since then.

Human beings are emotional creatures, and anger, worry, sorrow and joy are the norm.

The writer Franz Kafka once said:

"The heart is a house with two bedrooms, one inhabited by pain and the other by joy.

One must not laugh too loudly, or the laughter will wake up the pain in the next room. ”

It's normal to have emotions, but you can't let them vent at will.

Don't be careless when you're proud, and don't be sad when you're frustrated.

Don't be arrogant when you're happy, and don't be too indulgent when you're sad.

"Only when a person knows how to grasp the boundaries of emotions can he control his emotions and become the master of his emotions."

To control emotions is to control the barometer on the ocean of life, and only when you sail away can you be calm and smooth.

Write at the end:

Because of the number of words, I will write the first three parts, and interested friends can read them by themselves.

Reading is really the most effective and inexpensive way to improve yourself, and the joy of reading a good book is no less than winning the lottery.

Life is full of uncertainties, and the only thing we can always be sure of is to be ourselves.

To improve your cognition, learn to manage your emotions, and keep cultivating yourself.

It is not the road under one's feet or the wind and rain on the way that determines how far a person can go, but himself.