
Follow-up to the sudden death of an iFLYTEK employee: the mother cried on the fourth floor, the wife cried on the first floor, and the appearance was exposed!

author:Lone Star

Hey, today we're going to talk about the sudden death of an iFLYTEK employee.

Beginning: Tragedy comes

Let's take a look at that photo first. His mother was crying on the fourth floor and his wife was crying on the first floor. Crying is really panicking! A good home suddenly became like this? All this is because the 38-year-old engineer of iFLYTEK suddenly died, saying that it was a sudden death from overtime!

Follow-up to the sudden death of an iFLYTEK employee: the mother cried on the fourth floor, the wife cried on the first floor, and the appearance was exposed!

First, what is the cause of the incident?

Let's take a closer look. I've heard it's because engineers are too tired from work. If he works overtime for a long time, his body will collapse. I said, it's too painful. Can the family not be sad? The family must ask the company for an explanation. As a result, the company reported to the police! It's really infuriating. People's families want justice. Is this wrong?

Follow-up to the sudden death of an iFLYTEK employee: the mother cried on the fourth floor, the wife cried on the first floor, and the appearance was exposed!

2. What do netizens say?

From the comments of netizens, we can see a variety of attitudes and opinions. Some people were particularly angry, saying that iFLYTEK had two employees die suddenly in less than a year, which must have been the company's negligence in employee health management. Some people also said that this company is too ruthless, and the family just wants to say a word, how to report to the police, is this like a word? There are also people who sigh there, saying that this job is too stressful now, and everyone should pay attention to their bodies.

Follow-up to the sudden death of an iFLYTEK employee: the mother cried on the fourth floor, the wife cried on the first floor, and the appearance was exposed!

3. What else do we don't know about this?

Is there anything else we don't know? Is it the employee's own physical problem, or is the work task given by the company too heavy? All of this must be carefully considered. If the company really has a problem with employee health management, then it can't be counted. The company had to explain it to his family and everyone. If the employees themselves are also responsible, we must pay attention to it in the future. Don't work too hard. The body is the capital of life.

Follow-up to the sudden death of an iFLYTEK employee: the mother cried on the fourth floor, the wife cried on the first floor, and the appearance was exposed!

Fourth, the impact of this incident is not small

As soon as this incident came out, the impact was great. Many people are starting to pay attention to their work environment and health issues. Everyone wonders if they are too tired and if they must also take a break. This also reminds the rest of the company, but not only to let the employees work, but also to care for the health of the employees.

Follow-up to the sudden death of an iFLYTEK employee: the mother cried on the fourth floor, the wife cried on the first floor, and the appearance was exposed!

Ending: Reflections after the tragedy

Let's think about the beginning of the mother's crying on the fourth floor and the scene of the wife crying on the first floor, which really makes a person's heart feel uncomfortable. We hope that such tragedies will happen less, that the company will take responsibility, and that we can all care more about our bodies. Don't care about anything for the sake of making money. We must remember that the body is important, and without a good body, everything is in vain. In the future, we must think carefully about what happens, and do not let such a tragedy happen again. Okay, that's all for today, and we'll continue to nag about anything in the future.

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