
She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

author:Flying Fish Reading Club
She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now
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She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

In 2008, the entertainment industry fell into an uproar. Taiwanese actress Meng Guangmei, who once swept the mainland, caused an uproar in the Taiwanese program "Cross-Strait Art Circles Are Different" about the environment in Chinese mainland and the Nanjing Massacre.

, an actress who has dominated the mainland entertainment industry with her perfect figure, made such a sharp comment on the land where she once achieved her career. She called the mainland "polluted and messy," and even downplayed that "the Nanjing Massacre is just a historical event, so you don't need to pay too much attention to it."

The remarks instantly ignited public anger and made one wonder: what caused the former star to lose his words so much? Is this the end of her acting career? Let's unveil Meng Guangmei's legendary and controversial life chapter and explore her ups and downs.

In 1967, Taipei ushered in a girl destined to be extraordinary - Meng Guangmei. Born into a middle-class family of five children, she showed extraordinary beauty from an early age and became the leader of the family.

She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

However, a twist of fate came quietly when she was 28 years old.

One day in 1995, Meng Guangmei was strolling on the bustling streets when she was suddenly stopped by two strange men in straight suits. The initial panic was quickly replaced by surprise - it turned out that these two were discerning modeling agents.

They were attracted by Meng Guangmei's outstanding figure and sincerely invited her to join their modeling agency. Meng Guangmei, who has been confident in her appearance for many years, accepted this invitation that changed the trajectory of her life without hesitation.

On the runway for the first time, Meng Guangmei showed amazing talent. She outperformed the rookie and quickly made a name for herself in the modeling world. Although she did not participate in any modeling competitions, she won many awards and won the hearts of industry insiders and fans.

She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

Her career is like a rising star, shining brightly.

In 1999, Meng Guangmei ushered in another highlight moment in her career. She was selected as one of the 20 most "Look of the Century" international models by a well-known American fashion publication, and became the focus of global attention.

This award undoubtedly boosted her career and pushed her to a broader stage.

At this stage, Meng Guangmei's achievements can be described as a thousand miles. She successfully appeared on the world's top stage, Milan Fashion Week, becoming the first dazzling star in Taiwan to leap onto that stage.

She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

However, the clever Meng Guangmei was not satisfied with this. Acutely aware of the ephemeral nature of the modeling industry, she began to extend her tentacles into the hosting world to prepare for future transformations.

Looking back on this time, Meng Guangmei is full of gratitude. She knew that she had seized the opportunity given by fate, but she would not have imagined that this was just a prologue to her legendary life.

A bigger stage, more challenges, and more complex life situations all await this beautiful and talented woman ahead.

In 2003, Meng Guangmei's acting career ushered in an important turning point. She received an invitation from the hit TV series "Thunder" to play one of the heroines, Su Limei.

She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

This work, which is known as a masterpiece of Chinese police and bandit-themed TV dramas, made Meng Guangmei famous in one fell swoop. Major TV stations are vying to buy broadcast rights, and the prime time is occupied by her.

The audience was deeply attracted by this rising star with outstanding temperament, and Meng Guangmei's name began to take root in the hearts of the public.

However, what really allowed Meng Guangmei to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry was "The Condor Heroes" in 2005. When she learned that this martial arts classic was going to be remade, she did not hesitate to devote herself to casting.

Director Yu Min was attracted by Meng Guangmei's unique temperament at a glance, and handed over the role of "Red Lian Fairy" Li Mochou to her.

She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

The role of Li Mochou is extremely challenging. The exterior is glamorous, but the heart is full of complex emotions. In order to perfectly interpret this role, Meng Guangmei has put in great efforts.

She studied the script day and night, deeply figured out the psychology of the characters, and even sought professional acting guidance. She hopes to vividly show Li Mochou's joys and sorrows, love and hatred, and hatred in front of the audience.

The effort paid off. After the broadcast of "The Condor Heroes", Li Mochou played by Meng Guangmei was praised as "as vivid and delicate as coming from the original novel".

The audience was impressed by her superb acting skills, and the success of this role pushed Meng Guangmei into the ranks of domestic first-line actresses.

She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

Taking advantage of this shareholder wind, Meng Guangmei's career has reached a higher level. In 2007, she received an invitation to participate in the international blockbuster "The Mummy 3". This is her first foray into the big screen work of a famous foreign director, and she has shared the stage with international superstars such as Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh, accumulating valuable international film and television experience for her.

In 2008, Meng Guangmei challenged herself again and played the cold and charming villain heroine in the Hollywood magical adventure movie "Legend of Gods and Ghosts 3". This is not only the first time she has touched the Hollywood screen, but also created a precedent for Taiwanese female artists.

Meng Guangmei's acting skills and charm have once again been internationally recognized, adding a strong touch to her acting career.

The success of this series has made Meng Guangmei a well-deserved "Taiwan's No. 1 beauty". Her beauty, talent, and hard work have earned her countless applause and accolades.

She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

In the same year, she was also awarded the first "China Environmental Protection Ambassador", and her career can be said to have reached its peak.

However, just when everyone thought that Meng Guangmei would continue to soar in the entertainment industry, an unexpected turning point quietly came. Perhaps carried away by success, or perhaps some long-pent-up ideas have finally found an outlet for catharsis, Meng Guangmei is about to make a life-changing decision.

This decision not only made her fall from the peak of her career, but also made her lose the opportunity to develop in Chinese mainland. However, before discussing this twist, we might as well review Meng Guangmei's complicated emotional experience, which may allow us to better understand her later words and deeds.

Behind Meng Guangmei's glamorous acting career, her love life is like a roller coaster. In her early years, she had a spark of love with the famous actor Wu Dawei.

She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

The two met and got to know each other when they co-hosted an outdoor travel show, and gradually fell in love with each other day and night. However, this relationship frequently had conflicts due to personality differences, and finally ended without a problem, leaving Meng Guangmei with deep emotional trauma.

Just when Meng Guangmei is disheartened by love, a man named Klado intrudes into her life. Clado professes to be of noble origin, personable, elegant in manners, and with a strong sense of exoticism.

He launched a romantic offensive against Meng Guangmei, touching her heart in all kinds of surprising ways.

Crado's pursuit can be described as meticulous. Every time Meng Guangmei is on her birthday, he will go to great lengths to fly to her city, holding champagne in his hand, and surprise her outside the hotel.

She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

At Easter, he makes his own giant chocolate eggs, stuffed with sweet sweets. What's even more touching is that he also carefully produced a 250-page photo book of Meng Guangmei, collecting beautiful photos of her from various periods, accompanied by affectionate texts, as a birthday gift for her.

Such good intentions made Meng Guangmei deeply intoxicated. However, this seemingly perfect relationship turned out to be an elaborate hoax. In the name of investment, Klado defrauded Meng Guangmei of a large amount of money and suddenly disappeared.

When Meng Guangmei came back to her senses, she not only lost a lot of money, but also took on a huge debt. This blow put Meng Guangmei at a low point for a while, but she was not crushed.

She worked hard and got through a tough time.

She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

Fate always seems to like to joke with Meng Guangmei. Just when her career fell into a trough, love gave her a surprise. She met Ji Zenghe, a wealthy businessman in Beijing, and the two quickly fell in love and entered the palace of marriage.

This marriage allowed Meng Guangmei to regain her reliance in life and brought a new turn in her life.

However, we can't help but ask: Can a woman who once made a name for herself in the entertainment industry rely on her own efforts to reshape her life by relying on marriage? The answer to this question may start with Meng Guangmei's later astonishing remarks.

This remark not only changed the trajectory of her career, but also made us think more deeply about her life choices.

She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

In 2008, just when Meng Guangmei's career and love life seemed to be on the right track, a sudden turmoil pushed her to the center of the whirlpool of public opinion.

Meng Guangmei, who was invited to participate in Taiwan's program "The Great Difference Between the Art Circles on Both Sides of the Strait," should have taken this opportunity to deepen cross-strait cultural exchanges. However, she had no scruples in the show to comment on the poor environment and low quality of the people in the mainland.

She bluntly said: "The interior is polluted, dirty and messy, and the quality needs to be improved. What is even more shocking is that she also lightly stated that "the Nanjing Massacre is just a historical event, and there is no need to pay too much attention to it."

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet. Countless netizens expressed strong dissatisfaction with Meng Guangmei's remarks and demanded a public apology. In the face of surging public pressure, Meng Guangmei's agency quickly issued a statement in an attempt to salvage the situation.

She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

They insisted that Ms. Meng's remarks were misunderstood, stressing that she still loved her homeland deeply. However, the crisis cannot be easily resolved.

Since then, no one in Chinese mainland has dared to invite Meng Guangmei to star in any work. She used to be beautiful, but she was ruthlessly banned by the mainland entertainment circle.

This incident not only made Meng Guangmei lose the opportunity to develop in the mainland, but also cast a lingering shadow on her acting career.

Some attentive netizens found that during the period when Meng Guangmei faded out of the public eye, she quietly married Ji Zenghe, a wealthy businessman in Beijing. Although she lost a good opportunity to develop in the mainland because of controversial remarks, Meng Guangmei still seems to be living a prosperous life.

She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

However, does this choice of relying on marriage to change your life really lead to long-term happiness and fulfillment? This question may require us to think further.

Meng Guangmei's legendary experience left us with deep thoughts. Her story teaches us that a person's success requires not only talent and hard work, but also careful words and deeds.

No matter what position we are in, we should respect history and cherish the hard-won opportunities. Meng Guangmei's speech turmoil reminds us that freedom of speech should be based on respect for others and history.

At the same time, we need to recognize that true happiness and success should not depend entirely on others or external circumstances. Although Meng Guangmei gained material security through marriage, she lost her hard-working career.

She relied on her figure to make crazy money in the mainland, but after she became famous, she turned her face and complained about the dirty and messy mainland, how is it now

This tells us that our own continuous growth and progress is the most reliable support in life.

Meng Guangmei's ups and downs have undoubtedly taught us a vivid life lesson. It reminds us to always remain humble and vigilant while pursuing success, cherish every opportunity, and be cautious about every word and action.

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