
The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

author:Said at the time

The genius girl became a god overnight, and the stolen traffic could only move.

In the Global Mathematics Olympiad Mathematics Competition, a girl from a technical secondary school stood out and attracted the attention of countless people, this is Jiang Ping.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

Some netizens think that Jiang Ping is simply the modern version of the heroine, while some netizens think that Jiang Ping's performance in the competition is doubtful.

But there are also some bloggers who are self-media, in order to gain traffic, they constantly go to Jiang Ping's house to harass, causing Jiang Ping's family to have no choice but to move.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

This kind of suspicion made netizens more curious about Jiang Ping, so many anchors who wanted to eat traffic began to behave as demons.

One of the male bloggers posted a video on social media, saying that he was going to drive from Zhengzhou to Lianshui and meet Jiang Ping by chance.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

This video was sent, and the blogger's video suddenly skyrocketed.

Perhaps seeing the traffic, the blogger was even more energetic and drove 500 kilometers to Lianshui Vocational School.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

From day to night, the male blogger kept saying:

"If I can meet Sister Jiang Ping by chance, it will be my luck. I'll say hi and won't bother you. also take you to see Jiang Ping's sister's demeanor. "
The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

said it was a chance encounter, but in fact it was squatting.

After squatting at the school gate for a day and getting nothing, the blogger thought of finding Jiang Ping's house.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

At this time, Jiang Ping's home may have been disturbed by countless people who want to go to Jiang Ping's house for the sake of traffic like this male blogger, and Jiang Ping's family has already moved out.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

So without the consent of Jiang Ping's family, the blogger filmed wantonly at Jiang Ping's home, and even shot nearly 20 videos.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

Isn't this harassment in disguise?

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

Many female netizens couldn't help but substitute for Jiang Ping and left messages:

"What's the difference between this kind of behavior and the behavior of the paparazzi?"

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

"The most terrible thing is human flesh, it is too easy for the Internet to create gods, pick up all your home address and student registration information, rub your traffic, and get the attention of netizens, just to realize profits."

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

"People are not public figures, and this kind of behavior should involve illegal crimes."

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

"Can you not disturb people, people never want to be famous."

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

This kind of behavior made in order to rub traffic is simply too terrifying, academic things can be questioned, but they must not rise to things that endanger others.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

We should focus on Jiang Ping's own ability, not to disturb Jiang Ping and Jiang Ping's family.

This incident can't help but remind me of Quan Hongchan, she was like this back then.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

is also from a poor family, it is also an overnight popularity, it is also questioned, and it is also rubbed by traffic.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

After Quan Hongchan, who was a teenager at the time, became an Olympic champion, her hometown became an Internet celebrity check-in place.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

Countless Internet celebrities carried spears and cannons, and squatted at the door of Quan Hongchan's house day and night.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

The camera was aimed at Quan Hongchan's family, and the 24-hour live broadcast was started, which simply annoyed Quan Hongchan's family.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

After becoming famous overnight, the past of the whole family was picked up and shown naked in front of the Internet.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

To be honest, I feel that Jiang Ping's matter was also deliberately hyped up, and Jiang Ping's grades were also faked by many mathematics majors.

Let's first take a look at the doubts that netizens have collected about Jiang Ping's achievements.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles


1. First of all, in the promotional video of the Damo Academy, there was a serious problem with Jiang Ping's board book on the blackboard.

2. When splitting the series, the lower bound is also written incorrectly.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

3. The title requires proof, but the final proof result is not displayed on the blackboard.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

And on Zhihu, the last respondent's evaluation of this was:

"This is not how the qualified question is proven, the key is that the whole process and logic are evil, it is just a copy of a layman's different formula."

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

But soon there was another respondent who supported Jiang Ping:

"Although it has not been written, it can be continued according to the logic of this proof."

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles


In addition, some netizens found other loopholes: Jiang Ping's previous math score was 150 points, and she could only score 83 points.

This can't help but make many netizens who were already skeptical even more questioning, what kind of strength can progress so quickly?

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

We all know that many top students are very powerful, but this is inseparable from their daily efforts.

And Jiang Ping's score in the high school entrance examination a year ago was 620 points, and the mathematics score was 83 points, how did she suddenly integrate the mathematics of graduate students in a year and a half?

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

In March, Jiang Ping's mathematics score was only 51, but she was able to enter the top international mathematics competition in a short period of time.

It's just incredible, it's unbelievable.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

Could it really be that Jiang Ping's mathematical talent is different from ordinary people? So why didn't Jiang Ping have a growth route before becoming a genius?


In order to seek this answer, many netizens began to understand Jiang Ping's teacher, first of all, we must see how Jiang Ping's teacher trained a "scumbag" into a "scholar" in just a few months.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

But Jiang Ping's teacher actually has a lot of doubts.

It is said that Jiang Ping's teacher and his classmate had obtained the same score in the Alibaba Mathematics Competition in the early stage, one 432 and the other 433, which is also a bit unbelievable.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

But this is only the speculation of netizens, and they cannot be presumptuous conclusions.


Zhao Bin, a master's student from Peking University, publicly questioned Jiang Ping, and even bluntly said that Jiang Ping had a team show.

This may not be a favorable proof, but there is a good chance that there will be a lot of evidence that the relevant people can get out of the way.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles


Netizens found that the handwriting in Jiang Ping's notes was actually the same as the handwriting of his teacher's notes.

And I think that the book in Jiang Ping's video is Green's formula, which has nothing to do with the text at all.

In fact, the gold content of this competition still needs to be verified, and it is an open-book exam two days in advance, without invigilation, or an online exam, and there is a lot of room for operation.
The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles
Global 5w+ participation, 3.7w adult bachelors, 7 into non-mathematics majors, I guess most of them are running for the prize money (gold award 25w), before this incident, I believe that most of them don't even know about Ali's competition, so I deduce: In addition to the prize money, the gold content of this competition is not high, and many bigwigs did not participate.
The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

But questioning is not necessarily a bad thing, if Jiang Ping really has the strength, then he will definitely show his true strength to shut up these questioners.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

Questioning is the way to go for a genius, and we just have to wait for her performance in the final.

I believe that it will not be long before this matter will be revealed.

The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

For the sake of traffic, it is really undesirable to constantly harass the other party, and while praising the other party as a god, it is really undesirable to want to pull the other party down.

Whether you believe Jiang Ping or not, please give her some space now, so that she can face the next finals well.


The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles
The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles
The blogger squatted at Jiang Ping's house for 3 days and posted 21 videos in a row, netizens: Even her chickens were photographed from all angles

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