
Tomorrow on the sixteenth summer solstice of the lunar calendar, if you are free or not, keep in mind: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat

author:Meng Jun Sannong talks about raising flowers

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Tomorrow on the sixteenth summer solstice of the lunar calendar, if you are free or not, keep in mind: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat

The summer solstice, the sixteenth day of the lunar calendar, that is, tomorrow is coming, like a silent watchman, standing quietly in the long river of years, witnessing the change of seasons and the growth of all things.

In the picture scroll of traditional Chinese culture, the summer solstice is not only a simple time node, it carries our profound cultural heritage and life wisdom.

Since ancient times, the summer solstice has been regarded as a critical period for the alternation of yin and yang and the growth of all things. "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" mentions: "The summer solstice is a yin birth, and the winter solstice is a yang birth", which indicates the summer solstice day, although the sun is the most blazing day, but the yin energy also begins to quietly germinate, indicating the balance and harmony of nature.

Tomorrow on the sixteenth summer solstice of the lunar calendar, if you are free or not, keep in mind: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat

On the day of the summer solstice, there are many folk customs and taboos, such as "ignore, do not sit, do not move, and want to eat", behind these seemingly simple behaviors, there is a reverence for the laws of nature and attention to the details of life of the ancients. Let's follow the guidance of these four sentences to enter the mystery of the summer solstice and explore the cultural meaning and life wisdom behind it

In the ancient village, there is a legend about the summer solstice. The village elders often tell the story of a hard-working farmer working in the fields on a hot summer solstice day, sweat soaking through his clothes. His wife, fearing that he was overworked, advised him to rest, but the farmer insisted on finishing his work. Suddenly, a cool breeze blew through the sky, and a cloud drifted in the sky, obscuring the scorching sun. The farmer felt relieved, followed his wife's advice and sat down in the shade of the tree. At this time, he realized that the "no sitting" of the summer solstice is not a prohibition of rest, but a reminder that people should know how to relax at the right time.

When the farmer rested, he did not rush back to the field to continue working, but quietly observed everything around him. He saw the birds singing happily in the branches, heard the murmuring of the stream, and felt the harmony and tranquility of nature. At this time, he realized that the "immobility" of the summer solstice is not a prohibition of action, but an advocacy for people to learn to slow down the pace and breathe in sync with nature in addition to being busy.

In the evening, the farmer returned home, and his wife had prepared a sumptuous dinner with fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits. The family sat around the table, enjoying the food and sharing what they saw and heard throughout the day.

This meal is not only to satisfy the appetite, but also to replenish the energy to meet the upcoming busy farming season. This is the "to eat" of the summer solstice, which reminds people to pay attention to the balance of nutrition and maintain health while enjoying the gifts of nature.

This story is not just a reminder that in the busy life, don't forget to find that peace and harmony. The summer solstice, it is not only a solar term, but also an attitude towards life, reminding us to know how to slow down and enjoy every moment of life in the fast-paced modern life.

What is the summer solstice, and how much do you know about the summer solstice?

On the summer solstice, the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Capricorn, and the days reach the longest of the year. In an astronomical sense, it marks the official arrival of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, on which the Sun's trajectory reaches its northernmost point. At this time, the sun is like a generous giver, spreading warmth and light on the earth, and all things thrive under its illumination.

Tomorrow on the sixteenth summer solstice of the lunar calendar, if you are free or not, keep in mind: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat

The climate of the summer solstice is characterized by high temperatures, humidity and frequent thunderstorms, which provide sufficient heat and moisture for the growth of crops, but also bring the risk of flooding.

Tomorrow on the sixteenth summer solstice of the lunar calendar, if you are free or not, keep in mind: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat

The summer solstice has had a profound impact on farming culture. In ancient times, farmers would arrange their agricultural activities reasonably according to the climatic characteristics of the summer solstice. "Spring ploughing, summer ploughing, autumn harvest, winter storage", the arrival of the summer solstice, means that field management has entered a critical period. At this time, farmers should pay close attention to weather changes, prepare for flood control and drainage, and at the same time, seize the opportunity to carry out management work such as weeding and fertilizing crops to ensure a bumper harvest in autumn.

Tomorrow on the sixteenth summer solstice of the lunar calendar, if you are free or not, keep in mind: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat

In addition, the summer solstice is also an important festival in the traditional solar terms. On this day, various celebrations are held, such as worshipping ancestors and praying for a good harvest, which reflect people's reverence for nature and love for life. The celebration of the Summer Solstice Festival is not only a respect for the laws of nature, but also the inheritance and development of farming culture.

Summer solstice, free or not, keep in mind: 1 ignore, 2 don't sit, 3 don't move, 4 to eat

1 Irrational: Irrational

One of the many interesting customs that circulate among the people is not to cut their hair. This custom is recorded in historical documents such as the Qing Jialu, and there is a deep cultural symbolism behind it.

The ancients believed that hair was a part of the body and was closely related to life force. Not getting a haircut on the day of the summer solstice is out of respect and protection for the vitality of the body, and to avoid cutting one's own essence and energy when the yang energy is at its most vigorous.

In traditional cultures, hair is often given a symbol of vitality. "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" mentions: "Hair is blood", which means that the growth of hair is related to the sufficiency of blood, which is the external manifestation of good health.

Therefore, on the day of the summer solstice, people choose not to cut their hair in order to maintain the integrity and harmony of the body, and at the same time to comply with the laws of nature.

Tomorrow on the sixteenth summer solstice of the lunar calendar, if you are free or not, keep in mind: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat

In addition, the custom of not getting a haircut on the summer solstice is also related to the ancient doctrine of the five elements of yin and yang. The wood in the five elements corresponds to growth, and the growth of hair is the symbol of wood. On the day of the summer solstice, the yang energy is at its peak, and the growth of the wood is also the most vigorous. The purpose of not cutting hair is to allow the growth power of the wood to be fully displayed, thereby promoting physical health and mental well-being.

The custom of not getting a haircut on the summer solstice is not only a simple code of conduct, but also a manifestation of a philosophy of life. It tells us that at a specific time, we should follow the laws of nature and respect the natural growth of the body in order to achieve harmony and unity of body and mind.

2. Do not sit: Do not sit on the threshold

The threshold, in traditional Chinese architecture, is not only a passage connecting indoor and outdoor, but also a symbol of culture. In ancient times, thresholds were believed to have the function of separating yin and yang and blocking evil spirits. It symbolizes the boundaries and privacy of the family and is an important barrier to protect the peace of the family.

On the day of the summer solstice, there is a taboo for the people to sit on the threshold, which is closely related to the cultural significance of the threshold.

During the summer solstice, it is believed that the threshold has a stronger separation of yin and yang. Sitting on the threshold on this day is considered to be likely to disturb family harmony and even invite bad luck.

Tomorrow on the sixteenth summer solstice of the lunar calendar, if you are free or not, keep in mind: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat

Therefore, people avoid sitting on the threshold on the day of the summer solstice to maintain the stability and tranquility of the family. This taboo reflects the importance that people attach to family harmony and health, and also reflects the pursuit of yin and yang balance in traditional culture.

In addition, the threshold also symbolizes the beginning and turning point of life in folklore. The taboo of sitting on the threshold on the summer solstice can also be understood as respect for important stages of life. People avoid sitting on the threshold on this day in order to avoid being adversely affected during the critical period of life, so that the new stage can be smoothly opened to a better future.

Although the taboo of sitting on the threshold of the summer solstice has been gradually forgotten in modern society, the cultural significance and life wisdom contained in it are still worth thinking about.

3. Immobility: Excessive exercise

The blazing heat of the sun is like a flame beating between heaven and earth, reminding us to pay special attention to the recuperation of the body in this solar term. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the summer solstice is the time when yang energy is at its peak, and it is also the period when the body's qi and blood are most active.

Therefore, moderate exercise has become an important part of summer solstice health. However, strenuous exercise can damage the body, which is contrary to the concept of summer solstice health.

During this season, we can choose some gentle exercises, such as walking, tai chi, etc., which can not only help us regulate qi and blood, but also bring a touch of coolness in the hot summer day.

Tomorrow on the sixteenth summer solstice of the lunar calendar, if you are free or not, keep in mind: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat

Take a walk on the tree-lined path, let the body and mind be relaxed in the embrace of nature; The slow movements of Tai Chi, as gentle as flowing water, can guide our qi and blood to flow smoothly and achieve harmony between inside and outside.

Exercise during the summer solstice is a kind of spiritual cultivation. In gentle tai chi, we learn how to synchronize with the rhythm of nature, how to find stillness in movement, and how to find coolness in the heat.

This kind of exercise not only exercises the body, but also cultivates our mind, so that we can still maintain peace and tranquility in the high temperature of the summer solstice.

Tomorrow on the sixteenth summer solstice of the lunar calendar, if you are free or not, keep in mind: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat


There is always a bowl of slender and silky noodles on the dining table of every household. It's not just a food habit, it's a cultural heritage with far-reaching implications. The noodles, with their slender shape, symbolize the long days of the summer solstice and people's wishes for longevity and health.

On the day of the summer solstice, eating noodles becomes a ritual, a celebration of the continuation of life. Like the summer sun, the noodles are slender and warm, illuminating people's desire for health and longevity. They sway gently in the bowl, as if telling the longevity of time and the endless life. Every bite of noodles carries people's yearning for a better life and infinite longing for the future.

Tomorrow on the sixteenth summer solstice of the lunar calendar, if you are free or not, keep in mind: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat

Eating noodles on the summer solstice is a kind of gratitude to nature. The production of noodles is inseparable from the sunshine and rain, which are the gifts given to us by nature. On the day of the summer solstice, we express our awe and gratitude for nature by eating noodles. The slenderness of the noodles is like a summer river, flowing with the vitality of life; The softness of the noodles, like a summer breeze, soothes people's hearts.

Noodles on the summer solstice are not only a food, but also a cultural symbol.

Summer solstice, this word seems to have its own coolness, making people feel a touch of coolness in the hot summer. It is not only a simple mark on the calendar, but also a node full of wisdom in our traditional culture.

Imagine when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky and all things grow in its generous radiance, how can we not be moved?

Are you ready? Let's welcome the summer solstice of 2024 together, walk into the world of the summer solstice, and feel the wisdom and warmth from ancient times

Tomorrow on the sixteenth summer solstice of the lunar calendar, if you are free or not, keep in mind: 1 ignore, 2 do not sit, 3 do not move, 4 to eat

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