
Hell alive it! Zhong S claimed that the idol was Zhang Lan, Ma Liuji opened, and Zhong S's actions were incredible

author:The forest is not small


Everyone has heard of the big S Xu Xiyuan, the little S Xu Xidi!

So has anyone ever heard of S?

What? There is actually a medium S! Where is this sacred, does the Xu family still have a daughter who lives among the people?

This answer will be introduced to you later.

So for the relationship between Big S and South Beauty Zhang Lan, I'm afraid everyone knows about it!

used to be a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who were as close as a mother and daughter, but later evolved into incompatible enemies.

Now there is another Zhong S, and he claims that the idol is Zhang Lan.

Let's take a look at what's going on.

Who is S?

Zhong S actually has nothing to do with the three sisters Xu, but Zhong S looks like Big S, so he called himself Zhong S in the media.

Zhong S is a native of Heilongjiang, 25 years old, a native of the Northeast living in Shenzhen, and is one of the few small Internet celebrities with fans.

From daily dress to behavior, Zhong S imitates Big S in his speech.

If you take a look at it suddenly, Wang Xiaofei may not be able to tell who is the big S and who is the middle S.

Because there are not a few people who are born like stars, it is understandable to imitate stars to win traffic.

After all, who makes the family have unique congenital conditions.

Hell alive it! Zhong S claimed that the idol was Zhang Lan, Ma Liuji opened, and Zhong S's actions were incredible

Medium S

Zhong S claims that his idol is Zhang Lan

Zhong S has repeatedly stated in live broadcasts and short videos that his idol is Zhang Lan, that is, Wang Xiaofei's mother.

Zhong S said that Zhang Lan is an independent woman, and she will become a strong woman like Zhang Lan in the future.

So I said on the Internet all day long that I must go to meet Zhang Lan, and then take a photo with Zhang Lan or something.

Hell alive it! Zhong S claimed that the idol was Zhang Lan, Ma Liuji opened, and Zhong S's actions were incredible

Zhong S and Zhang Lan

As for whether Zhang Lan is the idol of Zhong S, only the ghost knows.

Zhong S not only looks like a big S, but it just so happens that the idol is Zhang Lan again, will there be such a coincidence in the world?

Ma Liuji opened, and China S live checked-in

On June 18th, China S posted a video saying: "Shenzhen's Ma Liuji (Wang Xiaofei's industry) is about to open, and I have long coveted Ma Liuji, and I heard that Zhang Lan will come."

Oh, my God! I also wanted to take a photo with Zhang Lan. ”

A long-planned live check-in is ready.

Zhong S also deliberately posted a video before the live broadcast, Zhong S said: "Zhang Lan is very angry and won't kick herself out, but she is still a little scared in her heart." ”

Hell alive it! Zhong S claimed that the idol was Zhang Lan, Ma Liuji opened, and Zhong S's actions were incredible

Medium S

On June 19, Zhong S went to Maliuji live broadcast to check in, claiming: "Shenzhen is congested, I'm afraid I won't be able to see Sister Lan." ”

Later, Zhong S got his wish and went to the door of Ma Liuji, but he didn't expect to be kicked out by the staff of Ma Liuji.

The staff of Ma Liuji said: "Today we are all finished (meaning that the opening event is over), don't make Sister Lan unhappy, okay?" Please. ”

Hell alive it! Zhong S claimed that the idol was Zhang Lan, Ma Liuji opened, and Zhong S's actions were incredible

Zhong S was kicked out by the staff

Zhong S looked pitiful and reluctantly agreed.

As a result, Zhong S went to a hot pot restaurant next to him, and when he arrived at the hot pot restaurant, Zhong S couldn't help it, and the pear blossom who cried was in tears.

has explained many times that he has always been a fan of Zhang Lan.

I comforted myself to adjust my mentality, and said: "If everyone thinks it's not suitable, I'll avoid suspicion and never go again."

After all, it looks so similar, everyone's thoughts are different, I just came with a blessed attitude and a supportive attitude. ”

Some people say that Zhong S has low EQ, and Zhong S said: "My EQ is indeed not high, but I am not stupid, and I am not a brainless fan, I am just an ordinary person." ”

Zhong S explained that he didn't have a team or a company, but he just came with his boyfriend to witness Sister Lan's demeanor.

Usually there are a lot of people in my live broadcast room, but there is no trailer in today's live broadcast.

Hell alive it! Zhong S claimed that the idol was Zhang Lan, Ma Liuji opened, and Zhong S's actions were incredible

Medium S remarks

Medium S never gives up

Zhong S knew that he was on the hot search, and he was still scolded on the hot search, so he hurriedly came out to explain that it was really not appropriate to go to Zhang Lan by himself, it was a hot brain and ill-considered.

Zhong S said: "I cried in the afternoon because I felt helpless and weak. ”

Zhong S said: "Zhang Lan is still a role model for our independent women, I will cheer up." ”

Hell alive it! Zhong S claimed that the idol was Zhang Lan, Ma Liuji opened, and Zhong S's actions were incredible

Medium S

Zhong S's worship of Zhang Lan is really not true

We mentioned the whole thing above, and let's analyze whether Zhong S's worship of Zhang Lan is true.

1, there are too many coincidences, for example, because he looks like a big S, it just so happens that his idol is Zhang Lan.

Hell alive it! Zhong S claimed that the idol was Zhang Lan, Ma Liuji opened, and Zhong S's actions were incredible

Zhang Lan

Even if the idol of Zhong S is Zhang Lan, then why imitate Big S everywhere, after all, Zhang Lan is the most annoying Big S.

Could it be that the middle S also happens to worship the big S?

2, I said that seeing Zhang Lan is a hot head, but from the video before the live broadcast, it seems that this is a long-planned activity, and you should know what kind of result you will expect before you go, if you really treat Zhang Lan as an idol, you won't add to the blockage.

3. Even if it is true that Zhong S worships Zhang Lan, what is the purpose of doing all this, isn't it for money?

There's nothing wrong with it for money, but you can't rub any hot spot for money.

The traffic can not be online, but there must be no lower limit for being a person.

What do you think about this?

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Text: The forest is not small

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