
Absolutely! Huang Yimei makes people understand the reasons why women are afraid of marriage, but Fang Xiewen stripped away the real marriage

author:The forest is not small


Recently, "The Story of Rose" has become a mess, because golden sentences frequently burst out in it, and every sentence is poking at people in real life.

Especially the marriage of Fang Xiewen played by Lin Gengxin and Huang Yimei played by Liu Yifei.

A sentence that I raised you became the one I raised, and it was even more naked about the real marriage.

The same mouth, before and after marriage, is actually two faces.

What is the true meaning of marriage and before and after marriage?

Fang Xiewen's pre-marital and post-marital work

Let's take a look at the difference between Fang Xiewen's attitude towards Huang Yimei before and after marriage on the same matter.

Absolutely! Huang Yimei makes people understand the reasons why women are afraid of marriage, but Fang Xiewen stripped away the real marriage

Fang Xiewen's two faces

When Fang Xiewen pursued Huang Yimei before marriage, he said: "You don't have to learn this, why do you want to learn from him?" I'll do the translation for you. ”

Fang Xiewen said to Huang Yimei after marriage: "Then won't you learn a few words of Korean and finish?" You can learn French, but there is nothing you can't learn Korean. ”

Absolutely! Huang Yimei makes people understand the reasons why women are afraid of marriage, but Fang Xiewen stripped away the real marriage

Fang Xiewen's words to Huang Yimei after marriage

Fang Xiewen said to Huang Yimei before marriage: "You look so good in this dress." ”

Fang Xiewen said to Huang Yimei after marriage: "It's not convenient for you to walk in this dress!" Why don't you change your pants? ”

Absolutely! Huang Yimei makes people understand the reasons why women are afraid of marriage, but Fang Xiewen stripped away the real marriage

What Fang Xiewen said to Huang Yimei before marriage

Fang Xiewen said to Huang Yimei before marriage: "This is the company's business license, which has an official seal, a financial seal and a contract seal, and this is all my belongings."

My net worth and life are all handed over to you, and every penny I earn in the future will also be handed over to you, and your name will be written on the house and car. ”

Fang Xiewen said to Huang Yimei after marriage: "Shouldn't this be the male protagonist outside the female protagonist?" Raise you, raise children, when have I ever complained. ”

Absolutely! Huang Yimei makes people understand the reasons why women are afraid of marriage, but Fang Xiewen stripped away the real marriage

Fang Xiewen's words after marriage

Fang Xiewen said to Huang Yimei's parents before marriage: "If Rose decides to go back to Beijing, I will definitely support her, and I will accompany her back." ”

Fang Xiewen said to Huang Yimei after marriage: "Your home is in Shanghai, you have a husband and a daughter, you are a mother, why don't you keep thinking about running out or going back to Beijing!" ”

Absolutely! Huang Yimei makes people understand the reasons why women are afraid of marriage, but Fang Xiewen stripped away the real marriage

Fang Xiewen's words after marriage

Fang Xiewen was tolerant of Huang Yimei in every way before marriage and responded to her needs, but after marriage, she had to satisfy Fang Xiewen's machismo, even control and possessiveness, and completely regarded Huang Yimei as an accessory that she bought with money.

I raised you and became the you I raised

Huang Yimei found that Fang Xiewen had pushed away the work he had worked so hard for without concealing it, and coupled with Fang Xiewen's previous actions, Huang Yimei was completely disappointed in Fang Xiewen.

So Huang Yimei asked Fang Xiewen for divorce.

At this time, Xiewen broke out with his true thoughts in his heart, Fang Xiewen said: "I eat and drink to raise you, I don't follow you as much as before, coax you, you don't love it?" Ridiculous! ”

Absolutely! Huang Yimei makes people understand the reasons why women are afraid of marriage, but Fang Xiewen stripped away the real marriage

Fang Xiewen's words to Huang Yimei

Okay, I eat and drink to raise you, this is not just a kind of irony but also a kind of whipping, whipping the phenomenon that exists in real marriage.

Before marriage, if you are well, it will be a sunny day, but after marriage, it is a place of chicken feathers and troubles everywhere.

This may be the real reason why young people are afraid of marriage today!

It's not that I didn't love before, it's just that the love I once had has been exhausted by life.

Fang Xiewen's marriage is acted, but real life is not acted, and Fang Xiewen's marriage is also an unspeakable hidden in real life.

This time, the breakdown of Fang Xiewen's marriage completely stripped the bottoms of the real marriage.

The three views are different, don't brace hard

Huang Yimei has a clear view of her marriage with Fang Xiewen.

Huang Yimei gave the reason why she wanted to divorce, Huang Yimei said: "I can't give you a life for both your children, and you can't give me trust and respect." We are simply people from two worlds, so why should we be reluctant to be together? ”

Absolutely! Huang Yimei makes people understand the reasons why women are afraid of marriage, but Fang Xiewen stripped away the real marriage

Huang Yimei gave reasons for divorce

Wu Xin also said his views on marriage in a recent program.

Wu Xin said: "Marriage should be cautious, at the age of 40, everything must first please yourself, unlike when you are 20 years old, you first think about how to please others, because pleasing others when you are young can gain a sense of identity and achievement." Now I'm just thinking about myself now. ”

If the two sides do not have the same three views, it will be difficult to live a life, and even if it continues, it will be a noisy day and there will never be peace.

In the face of marriage, the three views are different, don't hold on.

Absolutely! Huang Yimei makes people understand the reasons why women are afraid of marriage, but Fang Xiewen stripped away the real marriage

Wu Xin's views on marriage urging in the show

What is the true meaning of marriage?

So what is the essence of marriage? What is the best marriage.

1. Marriage needs love, and a marriage without feelings is only a matter of time before it is broken. Love is not only a verbal expression, it is embodied in daily life, it is proved by practical actions, and it is also a two-way street.

2. Marriage needs to be understood and respected, husband and wife are equal individuals, everyone has their own personality, it is impossible to be 100% the same, so respect and understanding are particularly important.

There is a saying that people must first be themselves, and then they must be whose own.

3. Marriage requires trust and loyalty, suspicion is a big taboo in marriage, often because of some non-existent things, so that there is a gap between husband and wife, and in the long run, the contradiction will become bigger and bigger, and one day a crisis will break out.

Once the seeds of doubt are there, they will take root sooner or later.

Of course, fidelity is the prerequisite for the longevity of a marriage.

4. Responsibility and growth, marriage is not just a simple combination of men and women. Hold the hand of the son, and grow old with the son. What is needed is joint management, and only by operating with heart can it last for a long time.

This process is to support each other and grow together.

5. Marriage needs to have the same three views, common values can have common goals, and life can be meaningful.

For doing something meaningful, people are naturally in a good mood.

What is the best marriage? There is no such thing as the perfect marriage in this society.

Even if you achieve the true meaning of marriage, it cannot be called the best marriage, because there is no standard for the best, and everyone's standards are different.

Even if Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang's marriage has stumbles, but with enough maturity and true love, all these problems will be solved.

What do you think about marriage?

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Text: The forest is not small