
J-20 chief engineer Yang Wei's latest statement, exposing that the American B-21 is not as good as the Chinese H-20!

author:Fun to talk about the world
J-20 chief engineer Yang Wei's latest statement, exposing that the American B-21 is not as good as the Chinese H-20!

Recently, the words of Yang Wei, the chief designer of the J-20, have sparked heated discussions among military enthusiasts. He bluntly said that the performance of the cutting-edge B-21 bomber in the United States is difficult to match the H-20 that will be unveiled on the mainland. What is the basis for this? Let's delve into the mysteries of these two future bombers.

J-20 chief engineer Yang Wei's latest statement, exposing that the American B-21 is not as good as the Chinese H-20!

B-21: Pioneer of digital twin technology

The B-21 bomber uses cutting-edge digital twin design methods. What is this sacred? Put simply, a digital twin simulates the entire life cycle of an aircraft in a supercomputer, from design to flight testing, all validated in the virtual world. This technology dramatically reduces the time and risk of physical test flights, but it also places extremely high demands on the input of basic engineering data, otherwise the gap between simulation and reality could lead to delays in the project, as evidenced by the delay in the first flight of the B-21.

The strategic considerations behind the B-21

The B-21 is not only the crystallization of technology, but also the embodiment of US strategic intentions. Faced with the aging of the existing bomber fleet, as well as the strategic needs in the Western Pacific, the B-21 came into being. It must not only be able to stealthily approach targets and launch cruise missiles to strike, but also have multiple tasks such as early warning and reconnaissance, which can be described as a model of "one aircraft with multiple uses." However, it remains to be seen whether this versatility will affect its core performance.

J-20 chief engineer Yang Wei's latest statement, exposing that the American B-21 is not as good as the Chinese H-20!

H-20: Late-strike wisdom

Compared with the B-21, the H-20 is more robust in its design thinking. From the very beginning of its design, the H-20 has made clear the need to carry air-launched hypersonic missiles, ensuring the ability to deliver firepower on the battlefield in the future. And Chief Yang Wei's confidence also comes from this. The H-20 is undoubtedly designed to focus more on the core mission of strategic bombing, rather than distracting too many functions.

Performance comparison: Who will dominate the air?

The B-21's range, stealth capabilities, and multi-mission capabilities are impressive, but its limitations in missile carrying capabilities are also obvious. In contrast, the H-20's focus and foresight in design may make it perform even better on the battlefield in the future.

J-20 chief engineer Yang Wei's latest statement, exposing that the American B-21 is not as good as the Chinese H-20!

Conclusion: Who will master the ups and downs of the sky in the future?

The competition between the B-21 and the H-20 is not only a contest of technology, but also a game of strategic wisdom. In this battle for air supremacy, who will come out on top? We'll see. Regardless of the outcome, however, this competition will promote the continuous progress of military technology and contribute to world peace and development.

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