
What is the "common knowledge" in the past, where is it now?

author:Fun to talk about the world
What is the "common knowledge" in the past, where is it now?

Time goes by, times change. The once glorious "public knowers" now seem to have faded away from the public eye. They once led the way with their knowledge and insights, but why are they so hard to find today? What kind of stories and revelations are behind this?

I have to say that the identity of "public knowledge" was indeed glorious in the past. With their wealth of knowledge and unique insights, they have become leaders in public opinion. However, as time went on, some self-proclaimed "well-known" people sparked widespread public skepticism due to inappropriate remarks or misconduct. As a result, the label of "public knowledge" is gradually stigmatized and even associated with certain negative images.

What is the "common knowledge" in the past, where is it now?

But then again, is such a change just a problem of the "public knowledge" itself? I'm afraid not. The booming development of social media has given everyone a voice and the channels for disseminating information have become more diverse. In such an environment, the public's ability to screen and judge information is particularly important. Some of the former "public knowledge" may have been gradually eliminated by the times because they failed to adapt to this new environment.

Of course, we cannot ignore those "public knowledge" who choose to self-adjust and transform in the face of public opinion pressure. They may have realized that in this era of high transparency of information, only sincerity and professionalism can earn the trust of the public. This change is undoubtedly the inevitable result of the development of the times.

However, we should not completely deny their value and contribution because of some "public knowledge" issues. After all, under their guidance, we have also seen social progress and change. In the case of Gao Xiaosong, although some of his remarks have indeed sparked controversy and criticism, we cannot deny his contributions in the field of music and culture. Similarly, although Chai Jing's "Under the Dome" has been questioned, her attention and promotion of environmental issues are also worthy of our recognition.

What is the "common knowledge" in the past, where is it now?

In the final analysis, the disappearance of "public knowledge" is not an overnight thing, but the result of a combination of factors. In this era of rapid change, we need to look at this phenomenon more rationally. The rise and fall of each group is a microcosm of the development of the times. We cannot completely dismiss a group because of individual phenomena, and we cannot forget their contributions because of the changes of the times.

Will there be a resurgence of the "public knowledge" group? We don't know. But what is certain is that no matter how times change, sincerity, professionalism and responsibility will always be the cornerstone of our pursuit of truth and progress. And those "public knowledge" who once led the coquettish will also become a unique scenery in our memories.

Finally, let us wonder: in this era of information explosion, how can we sift through and judge information? How do you maintain your ability to think and judge independently? These questions may be what we should reflect on and learn from the disappearance of "public knowledge".

Solemnly declare: The material of the article comes from the official media, as a creator of self-media, he has always commented on current affairs in an objective and rational manner, and there is no bad public opinion guidance. In addition, it is difficult for self-media creators to control the authenticity of the event, so please read it rationally. In addition, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete, thank you!