
"Taste the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, talk about the summer solstice health", Minglian Street, Mingnan Community, quality pension and health

author:Starlight Media World


"Taste the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, talk about the summer solstice health", Minglian Street, Mingnan Community, quality pension and health

"Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, don't work for doctors to prescribe medicine" and "If you are about to be ambushed, you can be ambushed" into summer, are these common senses suitable for everyone? In order to let everyone know more about health knowledge, on the morning of June 20, Mingnan Community of Minglian Street and Minglian Community Health Service Center carried out a lecture on Chinese medicine health knowledge with the theme of "Tasting Chinese Medicine Culture and Talking about Summer Solstice Health" at the New Era Civilization Practice Station, attracting more than 40 residents to participate.

"Taste the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, talk about the summer solstice health", Minglian Street, Mingnan Community, quality pension and health

Promote the concept of summer solstice health preservation, and provide health guidance and services for residents. In the lecture, Dr. Wang introduced in detail the relevant knowledge of summer solstice health, including suggestions on diet conditioning, daily life care, sports health care, etc. Dr. Wang emphasised the importance of summer wellness and reminded residents to pay special attention to protecting their bodies during the summer solstice and to arrange their lives and diets reasonably to cope with the impact of hot weather on their health.

"Taste the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, talk about the summer solstice health", Minglian Street, Mingnan Community, quality pension and health

In addition, the doctors also gave in-depth explanations on TCM health preservation methods, so that residents can better understand TCM culture and learn to use TCM health preservation methods to maintain health care. Residents have said that they have benefited a lot, have a deeper understanding of TCM culture and health methods, and are also grateful for the professional services of the doctors. This event not only provided an opportunity for residents to learn about TCM culture and health knowledge, but also provided them with practical health services. Through such activities, Mingnan Community has built a platform for residents to learn and communicate, so that they can pay more attention to their own health, enhance health awareness, improve health literacy, and make positive contributions to building a harmonious community health co-construction and sharing. It is hoped that there will be more similar activities in the future, so that more residents can benefit and jointly promote the healthy development of the community.

Contributed from Minnan Community

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