
Premature ovarian failure, AMH has been low, why does taking medicine not work? I'll tell you about it today

author:Zhang Jijin, director of the Department of Gynecology of Hastelloy

God likes to joke, those who want a baby can't get pregnant, and those who don't want a baby will get pregnant at once.

A patient once said, "I really can't sleep late at night thinking about this question, why?" I have only one partner, I have never messed around, I have never been pregnant before marriage, I have never had a baby, I am pregnant a year after marriage, I am full of joy and ready to meet my baby, but the fetus has stopped, and I have not been pregnant again until now, and I have to be anxious and crazy every day! ”

Premature ovarian failure, AMH has been low, why does taking medicine not work? I'll tell you about it today

After 60 years of clinical work, I have seen many patients end up in deep anxiety because of their symptoms. Patients with long-term hormones will not only develop drug resistance, but also cause endocrine disorders, menstrual abnormalities and other problems. In order to truly solve the problem of premature ovarian failure, in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the key is to follow the four steps of adjusting the liver and kidney, nourishing blood, promoting drainage, and implanting in four steps to achieve successful conception.

Recently, some patients have appealed, Mr. Zhang, is there a prescription that can help prepare for pregnancy and promote ovulation, so today I will share with you a prescription for the third step of ovulation induction:

Cuscuta seed, raspberry, zeeland, sumac, red peony, chicken blood vine, wolfberry, liu jinu, hyssop, bupleurum, puhuang, ligustrum, motherwort.

Here's how I think about this recipe:

1. Nourishing the kidney and nourishing essence - dodder seeds, wolfberry seeds, raspberries

Cuscuta and wolfberry are the "old partners" in Chinese herbal medicine, dodder seeds fill the kidney yang, raspberry nourishes essence and blood, the two are strong together, jointly nourish the liver and kidney, improve liver and kidney function, improve ovarian function and follicle quality;

As an assistant to the two of them, raspberries can not only enhance the effect of tonifying the kidney, but also provide nutritional support, which is equivalent to the support force of the small group of kidneys.

Premature ovarian failure, AMH has been low, why does taking medicine not work? I'll tell you about it today

2. Invigorate blood and regulate menstruation - red peony, chicken blood vine, motherwort

Red peony opens up the meridians, chicken blood vine nourishes blood and activates blood, and motherwort regulates menstruation and nourishes blood, the combination of the three can speed up blood circulation, let the blood nourish the ovaries, promote the growth and development of follicles, and also create better conditions for the discharge of follicles.

3. Relieve liver and depression - Bupleurum and Zelan

If the patient fails to prepare for pregnancy, or cannot get pregnant for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be the problem of liver qi stagnation. Bupleurum can soothe the liver and relieve depression, Zelan regulates the qi, and the two herbs dredge the liver, clearing the obstacles for the operation of qi and blood, making the body more comfortable, and adjusting the internal environment of ovulation.

4. Dispelling stasis and channeling - Su Mu, Liu Jinu

Su Mu evacuates and regulates qi, Liu Jinu removes blood congestion, and the two flavors of medicinal materials open up the blocked meridians in the body, so that qi and blood run more smoothly, nourish the ovaries, and activate ovarian function.

5. Descending the meridian - ox knee

Oxknee can dissipate stagnation and direct the medicinal power downward, like a guide, leading the herbs down to better act on the ovaries and uterus.

This recipe progresses step by step in all aspects, starting from regulating the liver and kidneys, so that the qi and blood are sufficient, fully nourishing the ovaries, promoting the development of follicles, and excreting high-quality follicles, making it easier to get pregnant.

However, for everyone, ovulation is not the ultimate goal, especially for patients with premature ovarian failure, it is also important to raise and maintain the fetus. For patients with premature ovarian failure, the congenital environment for the baby's growth is not so good, so it is more likely to have accidents, but any accident is a huge blow to the mother.

I usually add another recipe for the fetus:

Premature ovarian failure, AMH has been low, why does taking medicine not work? I'll tell you about it today

Ginseng, Angelica, Skullcap, Chuanxiong, Rehman, Glutinous Rice, Astragalus, Interrupted, Atractylodes, White Peony, Sand Kernel, Boiled Licorice,

The main effect is to regulate qi and blood, protect the fetus, nourish the kidney qi, strengthen the innate foundation, improve the physical fitness of the mother, and provide a stronger environment for the growth of the baby.

Clinically, I will also use it for pregnant women with habitual miscarriage and too obvious fetal movement, and have achieved good results.

Treating premature ovarian failure for many years, the purpose of my treatment is not to make the patient successfully pregnant, but to condition the body, so that the fetus can be born safely and healthily, and what I value more is to enhance the vitality of the ovaries and let the woman regain her life.

After all, if you want the mother and child to be safe, the health and vitality of the mother is the most important part, are you right?