
In the battle of East and West Guling, the 101st Division was 2 and a half miles in 30 days, and the "fierce general" was killed in battle, and the division commander was seriously injured

author:Open to the sky

Battle of Jinguanqiao: Xue Yue's resourcefulness and Matsuura Junrokuro's defeat

In August 1938, when the skies of China were shrouded in the smoke of war, Jinguanqiao, a once-quiet town, was now the focus of fierce fighting between Chinese and Japanese armies. Amid the roar of the war machine, the Japanese 106th Division, led by the division commander Junrokuro Matsuura, launched a fierce attack on the Jinguan Bridge. However, they did not expect that this seemingly simple battle would bring them such a heavy blow.

The Chinese army, under the command of General Xue Yue, had already laid a net in the vicinity of Jinguanqiao. General Xue Yue, a battle-hardened general, was well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the Japanese army. He skillfully used the terrain and laid out layers of defensive lines, which made the Japanese army repeatedly frustrated during the offensive. General Xue Yue is not only good at formulating strategies, but also good at motivating the morale of his soldiers. He often personally supervised the battle on the battlefield, and inspired his soldiers to fight bravely with his impassioned words.

The Japanese 106th Division, under the command of Junrokuro Matsuura, was well-equipped and well-trained, but under the skillful layout of General Xue Yue, their offensive was never able to achieve a breakthrough. The battle around Jinguanqiao was extremely fierce, and soldiers on both sides fought to the death on the battlefield. The artillery fire was incessant, the smoke was filled, and every inch of the land was soaked in blood.

As the battle deepened, the Japanese army gradually showed fatigue. Although Junrokuro Matsuura was unwilling to lose, he had to admit his defeat in the face of the stubborn resistance of the Chinese army and the resourcefulness of General Xue Yue. After many days of fierce fighting, the Japanese 106th Division suffered heavy losses, and the division commander Junrokuro Matsuura also realized that there was no point in continuing the attack.

In the battle of East and West Guling, the 101st Division was 2 and a half miles in 30 days, and the "fierce general" was killed in battle, and the division commander was seriously injured

On the orders of Commander Ninji Okamura, Junrokuro Matsuura led the remnants and began to retreat. During the retreat, they were fiercely pursued and attacked by the Chinese troops. Many Japanese soldiers were killed or captured during the retreat, and their equipment and supplies were captured in large numbers.

The victory in the Battle of Jinguanqiao was not only a major victory for the Chinese army, but also another demonstration of General Xue Yue's resourcefulness. The victory in this battle not only thwarted the offensive momentum of the Japanese army, but also won valuable time and space for the Chinese army in the following battles. The defeat of Junrokuro Matsuura marked another major setback for the Japanese army in the war of aggression against China.

After hearing the news of the setback of the Japanese army, General Xue Yue took the case, and his eyes flashed with determination. He knew very well that this was a major victory for the Chinese army since the war between China and Japan. This news not only boosted the morale of the Chinese army, but also demoralized the Japanese army, and bought valuable time and space for the Chinese army to fight in the next battle.

General Xue Yue quickly picked up the phone and enthusiastically dialed the numbers of Li Hansoul, Ou Zhen, Li Yutang and other generals. On the phone, he said excitedly: "Gentlemen, good news! Our troops successfully defeated the Japanese attack at Jinguan Bridge, and the 106th Division was already defeated. This is our victory, and it is also the result of the joint efforts of all the soldiers! ”

The generals on the other end of the phone congratulated one after another and praised General Xue Yue's wise command. General Xue Yue modestly said that this was the result of everyone's joint efforts, and he encouraged everyone to continue to maintain high morale and prepare for the next battle.

After putting down the phone, General Xue Yue decided to personally go to the military headquarters of the 70th Army to pay tribute to the soldiers who performed well in this battle. He knew that it was these brave soldiers who used their blood and lives to create this victory.

In the battle of East and West Guling, the 101st Division was 2 and a half miles in 30 days, and the "fierce general" was killed in battle, and the division commander was seriously injured

Soon, General Xue Yue's car arrived at the headquarters of the 70th Army. As soon as he got out of the car, he saw that the morale of the officers and men in the military headquarters was high, and their faces were filled with the joy of victory. He walked into the hall of the military headquarters, shook hands with General Li Jue and the officers and men of the 19th Division, and paid tribute and congratulated them.

"General Li Jue, the officers and men of the 19th Division, you performed very well in this battle and made great achievements for the victory of the entire battle. On behalf of the Chinese army and all the officers and men, I would like to express my highest respect and gratitude to you. General Xue Yue said excitedly.

General Li Jue and the officers and men of the 19th Division said one after another that this was what they should do, and that they would continue to work hard to defend the motherland and resist the Japanese invaders. General Xue Yue also encouraged them to continue to maintain high morale and make full preparations for the next battle.

Within the military headquarters, General Xue Yue also had in-depth exchanges with the officers and men to understand their experiences and lessons in battle. He stressed that it is necessary to sum up lessons and lessons, constantly improve combat effectiveness, and make greater contributions to defending the motherland and resisting the Japanese invaders.

Through this visit, General Xue Yue further stimulated the fighting spirit and confidence of the soldiers and made them more deeply aware of their responsibilities and missions. They have expressed that they will live up to the trust, move forward bravely, and work hard to defend the motherland and fight against the Japanese invaders.

Before the Battle of Wuhan, Junrokuro Matsuura, as the commander of the 106th Division of the Japanese Army, was once full of ambition and high ambition. He was convinced of the superiority of his army in equipment and training, and believed that he would be able to make great achievements on the battlefields of China and contribute to the expansion of the empire. At that time, he was full of desire for victory and a beautiful vision for the future.

In the battle of East and West Guling, the 101st Division was 2 and a half miles in 30 days, and the "fierce general" was killed in battle, and the division commander was seriously injured

However, the brutality of the actual battle soon shattered Junrokuro Matsuura's dream. In the Battle of Wuhan, his 106th Division suffered an unprecedented setback. In the face of the stubborn resistance and ingenious tactical layout of the Chinese army, they attacked again and again, only to suffer defeat after defeat. In those days, Junrokuro Matsuura and his soldiers fell into deep pain and disappointment. They couldn't believe that such a powerful team could be so vulnerable on the battlefield.

Junrokuro Matsuura himself was deeply depressed and helpless. He watched his men shed blood and die on the battlefield, but he was powerless to save the defeat. He had serious doubts about his command ability and was deeply disappointed with the performance of the 106th Division. In the depths of his heart, he even had the idea of removing himself, believing that he was no longer worthy of continuing to be the commander of this army.

Although Junrokuro Matsuura was disappointed with the performance of the 106th Division, he also knew that he was limited by seniority and rank, and could not easily make the decision to dismiss him. He could only silently bear the pain and pressure in his heart, and continued to command the troops to fight.

As time passed, the Battle of Wuhan gradually drew to a close. Although Junrokuro Matsuura and his 106th Division failed to achieve victory in the end, their tenacity and perseverance on the battlefield were also recognized and respected by many. After those difficult days, Junrokuro Matsuura began to re-examine his own experience and that of his troops. Although he was saddened by his previous defeats, he also expressed deep sympathy for the soldiers who died heroically in battle. He believes that they are all victims of the imperial war and deserve to be remembered and remembered by future generations.

At the critical moment of the Battle of Wuhan, the Japanese top brass suddenly received exciting news that the 101st Division had successfully landed and was preparing to launch a roundabout attack from the Xingzi area, directly into the rear of the Chinese army at De'an. This plan was intended to break the stubborn resistance of the Chinese army on the frontal battlefield and thus inflict a fatal blow on the Chinese army.

In the battle of East and West Guling, the 101st Division was 2 and a half miles in 30 days, and the "fierce general" was killed in battle, and the division commander was seriously injured

For the Japanese army, the addition of the 101st Division was undoubtedly a powerful reinforcement. They plan to take advantage of the complex terrain of the Star Region to launch a surprise and roundabout attack. Once successful, it can directly threaten Xue Yue's troops in the rear of De'an, making it fall into the dilemma of being attacked on the back.

In order to implement this plan, the Japanese army made careful deployments. They first sent scouts to conduct a detailed reconnaissance of the Xingzi area, learning about the terrain, roads, and the deployment of the Chinese army. Then, based on the results of reconnaissance, they developed a detailed operational plan and conducted several drills.

However, General Xue Yue was not an idle man. He had already gained insight into the intentions of the Japanese army, and had ambushed two elite troops on both sides of Dexing Road in advance. These two units were personally selected and trained by Xue Yue, and their combat effectiveness was extremely strong. They hid among the dense woods and hills, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Japanese army.

When the Japanese 101st Division set out from the Xingzi area as planned and launched a roundabout attack on De'an, they did not find Xue Yue's ambush. They galloped along Dexing Road, their hearts filled with the desire for victory. However, just as they were about to approach De'an, Xue Yue's ambush force suddenly launched a fierce attack.

The Japanese 101st Division was caught off guard and immediately fell into chaos. They tried to organize a counterattack, but Xue Yue's troops had already occupied the favorable terrain, and their fire was fierce and accurate. In the fierce fighting, the Japanese 101st Division suffered heavy losses, many soldiers were killed or captured.

The battle was a heavy blow to the Japanese army. They originally hoped to break the Chinese army's defense line through a roundabout attack, but they were unexpectedly ambushed by Xue Yue. The resourcefulness and courage of General Xue Yue were also fully displayed, and he successfully thwarted the Japanese army's offensive plan and bought valuable time and space for the Chinese army.

In the battle of East and West Guling, the 101st Division was 2 and a half miles in 30 days, and the "fierce general" was killed in battle, and the division commander was seriously injured

In the smoke of the Battle of Wuhan, the Japanese 101st Division launched a fierce attack on Dongguling with a thunderous momentum. However, they did not anticipate that what awaited them would be the well-planned tactics of "movement warfare in positional warfare" by the Chinese army. The commander of this tactic, Liang Huasheng, with his unique strategic vision and excellent command ability, caused the Japanese army to suffer repeated setbacks in the process of attacking.

Liang Huasheng knew very well that it was difficult to resist the fierce offensive of the Japanese army by relying solely on positional defense. Therefore, he proposed the tactic of "movement warfare in positional warfare". The core idea of this tactic is to disrupt the rhythm of the Japanese army's offensive and consume its vital forces through flexible maneuvers and counterattacks while holding the position.

When the 101st Division launched an attack on Dongguling, Liang Huasheng immediately ordered the troops to enter the preset position and take advantage of the terrain to carry out defense. At the same time, he sent small forces to harass and counterattack the Japanese flanks, so that the Japanese could not concentrate on breaking through the position.

However, the Japanese army did not give up easily. They used the tactical weapon of "special smoke" in an attempt to cover the attack of the troops through smoke. Under the cover of smoke, the Japanese soldiers charged frantically, which for a time threw the forward positions of the Chinese army into chaos.

Faced with this sudden situation, Liang Huasheng decisively ordered to abandon the forward position and let the troops retreat to the second line of defense. This decision, although the Japanese briefly occupied the forward positions, consumed a large number of their troops. At the same time, the Chinese army regrouped on the second line of defense, preparing for the next round of Japanese attacks.

At this time, the commander of the Japanese army, Okamura Ninji, was dissatisfied with the progress of the 101st Division. He reprimanded the division commander, Masaki Idon, and asked him to change his tactics. Okamura believed that continuing the offensive at Dongguling would only give the Chinese army more time to prepare, so he decided to shift the focus of the attack to Xiguling.

However, at this time, the main force of the 190th Division of the Chinese army was already deployed in Dongguling, and the strength of Xiguling was relatively small. In the face of the sudden change of the Japanese army, Liang Huasheng quickly adjusted his tactical deployment and strengthened the defense of Xiguling. He sent elite troops to Xiguling for reinforcements and strengthened the ability to coordinate operations with friendly forces.

Under the command of Liang Huasheng, the Chinese army also successfully resisted the Japanese attack at Xiguling. Although the Japanese continued to launch several fierce attacks in the subsequent battles, they were never able to break through the Chinese army's defensive line. This battle fully demonstrated Liang Huasheng's tactical wisdom and command ability, and also won valuable time and space for the Chinese army.