
took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

author:Museum Shadow Garden
took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

Inventory is suitable to bring goods live broadcast storytelling, and there is a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and his cognition must grow rapidly! Many netizens suggested that Xiangyi should go back to his hometown to cultivate himself, start the rural library project, create a good image of a cultural anchor, and start bringing knowledge in a timely manner. This article talks about this issue, more exciting content, welcome to pay attention, like and collect comments!

took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

Shaanxi Xiangyi, as a female doctor of engineering, has become popular all over the Internet because of her intellectual and sweet super high appearance, erudite and talented knowledge reserves, eloquent and eloquent narration, and stubborn persistence in doing things seriously, and has become a tens of millions of Internet celebrities in Shaanxi comparable to Dong Yuhui!

took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

Xiang Yi changed her fate from a peasant girl by studying, counterattacked to become a female doctor of engineering, and became a respected university teacher, but she was forced to resign because of a slip of the tongue, and tens of millions of fans fell.

She returned to her home in the countryside to recuperate, lay down and taste the courage, photographed the historical and cultural landscape of her hometown, worked in the field, cooked vegetables, was very down-to-earth, and her reputation became popular again, and her fans exceeded 10 million again, reaching 10.52 million!

took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

In the Douyin industry, there are very few Internet celebrities who have such ups and downs, and there are very few Internet celebrities who have gone up and down, and she has created a miracle! It has been recognized by the mainstream media Xinhuanet, and co-created a video about blessing students in the college entrance examination with Xiangyi!

took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

As a Douyin celebrity blogger, in addition to making money with the help of the Chinese video plan, Xiang Yi also started to bring goods in the window, and I haven't seen her endorsement advertisement yet, it is rumored that a celebrity like her has an endorsement of tens of millions of people, with a starting price of at least 200,000 yuan! Of course, the most profitable is definitely live streaming!

took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

So Xiangyi relied on her super popularity, she took the whole family to successfully hold three live broadcasts with goods, and each time before starting to bring goods, she carefully operated and arranged to pave the way in advance, giving people a feeling of reading the script, but Xiangyi's data with goods is amazing, once more than walking with Hui!!

In fact, there is no shame in bringing goods to celebrities, after all, everyone has to live! As long as the product quality is guaranteed, the price is cheap and good, and the cost performance is high. In fact, it is precisely because of the strong support of fans that the data of these three live broadcasts are among the best on the Douyin popularity list, top 100 list, and delivery list!

took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

The theme of this time is to celebrate the 35th birthday and raise children on a blind date! Xiangyi boasts of being an older single female doctor, and the whole family is anxious about her life's events, Xiangyi said that she likes children very much, and with the support of her mother, even she has thought of the method of scientific and technological IVF!

took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

On his birthday this month, Xiangyi accepted the invitation of Sister Xi, the owner of Hangzhou supermarket, to participate in a blind date in Hangzhou to avoid the hardships of test tubes.

took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

As soon as Xiangyi arrived in Hangzhou, Sister Xi dressed up Xiangyi, and Xiangyi also harvested 999 roses from the mysterious male guest, and Sister Xi also announced that the male guest would also attend the live broadcast of Xiangyi's birthday. As a result, the grand Xiangyi birthday theme special session kicked off, which hung the fans' appetite quite high.

took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

However, Xiang Yi's live broadcast in the morning did not feel happy, she was led by Boss Xi throughout the whole process!

The highlight of the audience was the appropriate storytelling. When she was talking about Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Su Dongpo and other poems, she felt that it was appropriate to return to her original state, and she spoke eloquently, sonorously and powerfully, and was full of appeal! It's a bit of Dong Yuhui's storytelling!


But the assistant next to him responded loudly, and the noisy atmosphere of the surrounding shopping mall seemed a little out of harmony with "storytelling". And the most unbearable thing is that Boss Xi is constantly urging Xiangyi to link. Perhaps, this boss Xi wants to end selling books as soon as possible and let Xiangyi sell high-profit goods!

took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

In the whole process of the lecture, the boss of Jin Zhuxi hoped that Xiangyi would speed up the pace of the lecture, giving people the feeling that every minute and every second could hope that Xiangyi would bring her sales performance returns. It can be seen that Xiang Yi looks a little tired, and his emotions are out of control, so he goes off the air on the grounds of changing clothes.

took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

Moreover, many Xiangyi fans were expecting the mysterious blind date male guest mentioned by Boss Hee and did not appear. Everyone shouted that they were fooled, and the number of people in the live broadcast room plummeted! Xiangyi had a disagreement with Boss Xi because of the rhythm of the lecture, the scene was embarrassing for a while, Xiangyi lost control of his emotions, and shed tears in the live broadcast room again.

After that, Xiang Yi deleted two short videos about Boss Xi at night. Many people feel that the boat of friendship between Xiang Yi and Sister Xi has fallen out!

Xiangyi started the live broadcast at night, her true feelings were revealed, and she cried in the live broadcast room many times, she reflected on herself deeply, she was still immature, she wanted to improve herself, grow up quickly, and adapt to business cooperation.

took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

I hope that Dr. Xiangyi can return to his hometown as soon as possible, continue to cultivate himself in the thick land of Guanzhong, and gradually open the rural library project, so that more people can see your reading, storytelling, and public welfare. What's right is the best!

took stock of the live broadcast of the goods, and had a disagreement with Sister Jin Zhuxi, and thought that she wanted to grow rapidly

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