
The first time I heard about it, I raised the limit of my bank savings card. I also need a utility bill!


Recently, a man in Changchun City, Jilin Province (hereinafter referred to as Mr. Li) encountered an unexpected situation when handling the bank card transfer and withdrawal business. Since Mr. Li's bank card was limited to 3,000 yuan per day, he went to a bank branch to increase the transfer limit. However, after submitting his ID card as proof of identity, the bank staff informed him that in addition to his ID card, he also needed to provide proof of residence such as proof of water and electricity payment to verify the authenticity of his residence information.

The first time I heard about it, I raised the limit of my bank savings card. I also need a utility bill!

Mr. Li was puzzled and dissatisfied with this, believing that he had already provided his ID card, which was sufficient to prove his identity and place of residence, and that he no longer needed to provide proof of water and electricity payment that had nothing to do with the bank. He is also concerned that such a requirement may leak personal privacy and pose a potential threat to the security of personal information. As a result, he got into an argument with the bank staff.

Public attention and heated discussions: This incident has aroused widespread attention from all walks of life and caused heated discussions on the Internet. Many netizens expressed their confusion and dissatisfaction with the bank's request, believing that it was an invasion of personal privacy, and also questioned the bank's service quality and customer experience.

The first time I heard about it, I raised the limit of my bank savings card. I also need a utility bill!

The bank's explanation and response: In response to the public's doubts and dissatisfaction, the bank explained that this was an operation in accordance with the bank's internal risk control regulations. Due to the frequent occurrence of financial crimes such as telecommunications network fraud in recent years, banks have strengthened the review of large-value transfers and other businesses in order to ensure the safety of customer funds. However, this explanation did not completely dispel the public's doubts.

Alternative materials: The bank's customer service responded that the bank is also to cooperate with relevant departments to combat telecom network fraud. If you want to increase the limit, in addition to the proof of water and electricity payment, you can also provide the city's household registration book, residence permit, social security card, social security certificate, work certificate or provident fund certificate and other supporting documents. It is not necessary to pay for water and electricity, but two or three of them. The specific kind of materials to be provided shall be subject to the reply of the outlets.

The first time I heard about it, I raised the limit of my bank savings card. I also need a utility bill!

Police station requirements: According to reports, this is a request from the police station, in order to cooperate with the public security organs to prevent online fraud. However, this claim has not been confirmed in official channels.

Regulatory intervention: The relevant departments of Changchun City have also paid attention. It is understood that the local financial regulatory authorities have communicated with banks on this matter, requiring banks to fully consider the actual needs and feelings of customers while ensuring the safety of funds, and further optimize business processes and service quality.

The first time I heard about it, I raised the limit of my bank savings card. I also need a utility bill!

Calls for Improving Service Quality: The incident has also sparked calls for improving the quality of banking services. Many netizens believe that banks should focus on improving service quality and customer experience while strengthening risk control. For customers, providing too many supporting materials not only increases the difficulty and time cost of handling business, but also may lead to risks such as personal privacy leakage.

Customer experience: This incident has sparked customer dissatisfaction and doubts about the banking service process. Customers believe that banks should focus on improving service quality and customer experience while strengthening risk control.

The first time I heard about it, I raised the limit of my bank savings card. I also need a utility bill!

To sum up, the incident of a man in Jilin who went to the bank to raise the amount and was asked to provide proof of water and electricity payment not only aroused widespread public concern and heated discussions, but also exposed some problems and deficiencies in the bank's business process. This incident reminds banks to focus on improving service quality and customer experience to better meet the needs and expectations of customers while strengthening risk control.

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