
Relatives have a family of 5, and they left 600 for 7 days at my house, and they came again half a month later

author:Casual grapefruit

My doorbell rang at six o'clock in the morning, and I sat up from my bed. It was my first day on vacation, and I wanted to get some sleep, but this sudden knock on the door interrupted my sweet dream. At first, I thought it was the courier who came too early, but when I opened the door, I saw that my second uncle's family was standing outside the door.

The second uncle was smiling, followed by his aunt and three children, the eldest Mingming, the second Liangliang, and the younger sister Xiaomei. As soon as the second uncle put down the luggage in his hand, he said: "Xiaoli, let's come to live with you for a few days, your house is big, and it just so happens that the children are also on summer vacation, come and play." ”

I was a little stunned, completely unaware of their sudden visit. Usually, we don't have much contact with my second uncle's family, and we only meet during the New Year's holidays. The second uncle's family lives in the next province, and they usually don't have much contact. A group of five of them stood in front of my house, looking tired and eager, and I couldn't bear to refuse, so I barely managed to squeeze out a smile and hurriedly invited them into the house.

My house is indeed not small, and it is a three-bedroom apartment that my husband Li Jun and I have worked hard for many years to buy. Usually just Li Jun and I live, but it is also spacious. As soon as the second uncle's family of five came in, they immediately felt that the family was a lot more lively. The children were running around the living room noisily, the aunt was busy helping the children pack their luggage, and the second uncle looked around our house and praised from time to time: "Your house is really well decorated, much better than ours." ”

When Li Jun came back from the night shift, he saw that there were suddenly so many more people in the house, and his face changed slightly, but after all, he was a good-natured person, so he still greeted everyone warmly: "Second uncle and aunt, since you are here, you can have fun for a few days, you are welcome." ”

The days are spent in a hurry. Every morning, I woke up early to make breakfast for the children, and my second uncle and aunt took the children out to play, sometimes to the park, sometimes to the museum. When they came home in the evening, the family looked very tired, but the children were still excitedly discussing what they had seen during the day. My aunt would help clean up the kitchen, but she spent most of her time taking care of the kids.

At first, I thought it was a little inconvenient for them to come, but when I saw the children having fun and the house became lively, I gradually accepted their arrival. The second uncle would occasionally talk to me about family life, and he said: "Xiaoli, the conditions in our family are not good, and the children have never seen such a big city, this time it is really thanks to you." ”

I smiled and said, "It's okay, second uncle, this is also your home, you can live as long as you want." ”

Gradually, however, things started to get complicated. The second uncle's family did not mention any plans to leave. Seven days later, they still live in my house, eating and living every day, and occasionally bringing some friends to the house as guests. My patience began to wear out, but I never spoke.

On the evening of the seventh day, the second uncle took me aside, stuffed me with 600 yuan, and said, "Xiaoli, I've bothered you these days, and you can take this money as our food expenses." ”

My heart sank, 600 yuan is really a drop in the bucket for five people to live for seven days, eat, drink and lazar. But I also knew that the conditions in the second uncle's family were not good, so I endured the unhappiness in my heart, and reluctantly smiled and said, "Second uncle, we are a family, and we don't talk about money." ”

The next morning, Li Jun and I quietly discussed. He frowned and said, "It's not a way to go on like this, our expenses are getting bigger and bigger, and besides, if they live for so long, our own lives will also be affected." ”

I nodded, but didn't know how to speak. Just when we were in a dilemma, the second uncle's family suddenly said that they were leaving. Li Jun and I looked at each other and smiled, finally breathing a sigh of relief.

However, half a month later, they came again. The arrival this time was also sudden, and the second uncle stood at the door, looking a little embarrassed: "Xiaoli, our house is renovated over there, and there is really nowhere to go, so I have to come to disturb you again." ”

This time, I couldn't hold back any longer, and my face turned cold all of a sudden: "Second uncle, it's not easy for us to arrange it if you always come like this." ”

The second uncle looked a little embarrassed, but he still stubbornly said: "Xiaoli, we can't help it, we really can't find a place to live." ”

Li Jun interjected next to him: "Since you're here, let's stay first, and then we'll think of a way." He said, signaling me to calm down with his eyes.

The second uncle's family moved into my house again, and the atmosphere at home became a little awkward. The children are still as noisy as ever, and my aunt is still busy taking care of the children, but Li Jun and I have already begun to think about how to deal with the next few days.

One night, Li Jun and I secretly discussed it in the bedroom. He lowered his voice and said, "We can't do this, we have to have an explanation." ”

I sighed: "But they are a family of five, so they can't be driven out, right?" ”

Relatives have a family of 5, and they left 600 for 7 days at my house, and they came again half a month later

Li Jun shook his head: "I know, but our own life can't be affected like this all the time." I think let's find a chance to talk to the second uncle. ”

The next day, Li Jun took a leave of absence and found an opportunity with me to call the second uncle to the balcony to talk. I got straight to the point: "Second uncle, we really have to discuss it this time." You live back and forth like this, our life is really inconvenient. ”

The second uncle looked a little embarrassed: "Xiaoli, we are also forced to do it, the decoration company has been delaying for a long time, and we don't know when it will be completed." ”

I was silent for a while and said, "Do you have any other relatives who can stay for a few days?" ”

The second uncle shook his head: "Not really." Besides, we are closest to you, and we are embarrassed to go anywhere else. ”

Li Jun interjected: "Second uncle, we can understand your difficulties, but you also have to understand us. We also have our own lives, and in the long run, everyone will not be comfortable. ”

The second uncle nodded, looking a little helpless: "Okay, I'll think of a way." ”

In the next few days, the second uncle began to actively call the renovation company and try to contact other relatives as well. But the renovation progress is still slow, and other relatives are also reluctant to receive their family of five. Seeing the second uncle's family busy every day, I don't feel good in my heart, but there is really no better way.

The days passed like this, and Li Jun and I could only grit our teeth and persevere. My second uncle's family stayed at my house for a month, during which friends kept coming to visit the house, and the noise of the children never stopped. Our patience has long since run out, but there is nothing we can do. Just when we were almost desperate, the second uncle finally came with good news: the renovation of their house was completed.

That day, the second uncle's family was busy packing their luggage and preparing to leave. Li Jun and I finally breathed a sigh of relief, but there was an indescribable complex emotion in our hearts. After sending them off, Li Jun and I looked at each other and smiled, and finally ushered in the long-lost tranquility.

But we also know in our hearts that this may happen again. The relationship between relatives is complex and delicate, and we need to deal with it with wisdom and patience. Life is like this, constantly facing challenges and tests, what we can do is to find our own balance in these challenges and maintain the harmony and warmth of the family.

Since the second uncle's family left, Li Jun and I have finally returned to our normal rhythm of life. In addition to our busy work, we also enjoy a rare tranquility. Occasionally, I think of those lively and troublesome days, and my heart is mixed. But I told myself that relatives always have to help each other, and this experience is also a kind of life grind.

However, it didn't end there. Just three months after my second uncle's family left, I received a call from my aunt. On the other end of the phone, my aunt's voice was a little choked: "Xiaoli, we are in big trouble, can we borrow it for a few more days?" ”

I was taken aback and hurriedly asked, "Auntie, what happened?" ”

My aunt sobbed on the other end of the phone: "Our house suddenly had a power outage and water outage, saying that the power supply company and the water supply company were going to be repaired, and it would be stopped for a few days, and we really had nowhere to go." ”

I frowned, something like this was really unexpected, but I also knew how difficult it was. I sighed and said, "Okay, Auntie, you guys come over first." ”

After hanging up the phone, I told Li Jun about the situation. He shook his head with a wry smile: "It seems that this time we have to prepare for a long time again." ”

The second uncle's family appeared at the door of my house again, with a little embarrassment and apology on their faces. I beat my spirits and warmly beckoned them into the house: "Second uncle, auntie, since you are here, you can stay in peace." ”

When they entered the house, the children started to make noise again, and the aunt was busy packing her luggage, and the second uncle looked a little helpless: "Xiaoli, it's really troublesome for you, and we don't want to bother us all the time." ”

Relatives have a family of 5, and they left 600 for 7 days at my house, and they came again half a month later

I smiled: "It's okay, second uncle, there is a place at home." ”

The days were spent again in a hustle and bustle. The children are still full of energy, and the second uncle and aunt are busy contacting the electricity and water supply company every day, hoping to solve the problem as soon as possible. Every night, Li Jun and I whispered in our bedrooms about how to deal with the sudden situation.

One night, Li Jun made a suggestion: "Why don't we help the second uncle's family find a temporary rental house?" This way it is convenient for them to live and we can have our own space. ”

I nodded in agreement: "This is a good idea, we can pay part of the rent, and the conditions of the second uncle's family are not bad, and we can always afford it." ”

The next day, Li Jun and I told the second uncle about this suggestion. The second uncle seemed a little hesitant after hearing this, but the aunt agreed: "That's fine, we don't want to bother you all the time." ”

We searched the Internet for rental housing in the neighborhood and finally found a suitable house with a reasonable rent. After the second uncle's family moved in, the family returned to calm again.

However, this lull did not last long. A month later, the second uncle called, and his voice seemed a little urgent: "Xiaoli, there was an accident over there again, and the landlord suddenly said that he wanted to take back the house, and we had to move out again." ”

Li Jun and I looked at each other, feeling helpless. Things happen again and again, and our patience is gradually being smoothed out. I said to my second uncle, "Second uncle, it's not a way to go on like this, let's help you find another place." ”

But this time, Li Jun put forward a new suggestion: "Xiaoli, the situation of the second uncle's family is always like this, why don't we help them buy a small house and let them have a stable place to live." ”

I was a little surprised: "But we don't have any extra money ourselves, how can this work?" ”

Li Jun shook his head: "We can scrape together some money, plus their own savings, they should be able to buy a small house, so that everyone can feel at ease." ”

I told my second uncle about this suggestion. The second uncle was silent for a long time after hearing this, and finally said: "Xiaoli, Li Jun, it's really embarrassing for you this time, but our family really can't take out too much money." ”

I nodded: "Second uncle, let's help you make some together, and you can figure out the rest by yourself." ”

After some hard work, we finally scraped together enough money to help my second uncle's family buy a small house. The house is not big, but it is enough for their family to stay comfortably. On the day I moved in, the second uncle took my hand with tears in his eyes: "Xiaoli, Li Jun, this time is really thanks to you, our family will always remember your kindness." ”

I smiled and said, "Second uncle, we are a family, so there is no need to talk about this." You guys stay well in the future, don't toss anymore. ”

Since then, the second uncle's family finally has a stable place to live, and Li Jun and I no longer have to worry about their housing. Our lives are back on track, and the days are dull but full of warmth.

However, life is always full of surprises. One day a few years later, I received a call from another relative. On the other end of the phone, the third aunt's voice was urgent: "Xiaoli, our family is in big trouble, can we borrow it for a few days?" ”

I was stunned for a moment, feeling helpless, but I still agreed. The third aunt's family soon moved into my house, which was the same as the situation of the second uncle's family back then. The children were noisy, the third aunt and her husband were busy solving various problems, and Li Jun and I were once again faced with the difficult problem of how to deal with the visit of relatives.

One night, Li Jun and I were whispering in our bedroom. I sighed: "It seems that my relatives are always in trouble." ”

Relatives have a family of 5, and they left 600 for 7 days at my house, and they came again half a month later

Li Jun smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, we can only try our best to help, but we also have our own lives." ”

This time, we decided to approach it differently. Li Jun and I found a weekend, invited the third aunt's family to the living room, and talked openly about our ideas.

I said, "Third aunt, we are a family, and we will definitely do our best to help wherever we can." But you also have to understand us, if you are always disturbed like this, our lives will be greatly affected. ”

The third aunt looked a little embarrassed, but she still nodded in understanding: "Xiaoli, we know that this time is really troublesome for you." ”

Li Jun continued: "Third aunt, can we think of a long-term solution together, so that everyone can live with peace of mind?" ”

After some discussion, we decided to help my third aunt's family rent a long-term house. We contributed part of the money, and the third aunt's family also paid a part, so that they had a stable place to live, and we were able to return to normal life.

In this way, we gradually found a balance in the help and understanding between relatives. Although there are many accidents and challenges in life, we have learned how to deal with them with wisdom and patience to maintain harmony and warmth in the family.

As the days passed, relatives would occasionally visit, but everyone had learned to respect and understand each other. We are busy at work, but we also enjoy the warmth of family. Life is not easy, but it is because of these experiences that we become stronger and more mature. Family affection is the most precious wealth in our lives, which is worthy of our protection and cherishment.

After the third aunt's family moved out, peace returned to the family, and Li Jun's and I got back on track. We learned how to deal with visits from relatives, helping as much as we could while maintaining stability in our own lives.

However, there are always new challenges in life. One night, I was cooking dinner in the kitchen when I suddenly received a call from my mother. Mom's voice was a little hurried: "Xiaoli, your cousin Xiaohui has had something happen recently, can you help?" ”

I put down the kitchen knife in my hand, and my heart tightened: "Mom, what's wrong with Xiaohui?" ”

Mom sighed: "He recently failed to invest with friends outside, owed some debts, and lost his job. Now that he has nowhere to go, can he come and stay at your house for a few days? ”

My heart suddenly became heavy. Xiaohui is my uncle's son, and we have had a good relationship since childhood, but we haven't had much contact in recent years. I turned my head to look at Li Jun, who was reading the newspaper in the living room, and seemed to hear my conversation and frowned.

After hanging up the phone, I told Li Jun about the situation. He put down the newspaper, pondered for a while, and said, "Xiaoli, we can't ignore the affairs of our relatives, but this time we have to talk about it well, and we can't be as unplanned as before." ”

I nodded: "Yes, this time we have to talk about it in advance, so that things don't get out of control again." ”

The next day, Xiaohui came to our house with a simple luggage. Seeing his haggard appearance, I felt a little unbearable, but I decided to go ahead with the plan. Li Jun and I invited Xiaohui to the living room and started an open and honest conversation.

I spoke, "Xiaohui, my uncle has already told us about the situation. It's okay for you to stay first, but we have to make an agreement that you have to find a job as soon as possible, and you can't always go on like this. ”

Xiaohui lowered his head, looking a little ashamed: "Sister Xiaoli, brother-in-law, I know that I am wrong this time and cause you trouble." I'll get a job as soon as I can, and I won't make it difficult for you. ”

Li Jun nodded: "Xiaohui, we are all a family, and those who can help will definitely help, but you have to work hard yourself." We can help you find some job opportunities, you have to seize them. ”

Relatives have a family of 5, and they left 600 for 7 days at my house, and they came again half a month later

In the following days, Xiaohui lived in our house while actively looking for a job. Li Jun and I also used our connections to help him find some suitable opportunities. After several interviews, Xiaohui finally found a good job, and his life gradually stabilized.

One night, Xiaohui suddenly said to us after dinner: "Sister, brother-in-law, I have found a job, and the salary is not bad." I'm going to move out and I can't bother you anymore. ”

Li Jun and I glanced at each other, and we both smiled with satisfaction. I said, "Xiaohui, we're glad to see you on the right track. Remember, if you have difficulties in the future, you must say it in time, and we will solve it together as a family. ”

Xiaohui nodded gratefully: "Sister, brother-in-law, thank you for your help during this time, I will remember your kindness." ”

After sending Xiaohui away, Li Jun and I finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although the process was tortuous, we felt relieved that we helped our loved ones and maintained family harmony.

However, just when we thought life would return to peace, another unexpected thing happened. One day, I received a strange phone call. On the other end of the phone, a young voice was a little excited: "Hello, is it Li Jun's home?" ”

I was stunned for a moment and replied, "Yes, who are you?" ”

The man said: "I am Xiao Zhang, a colleague of Li Jun, he suddenly fainted in the company today, and now he is in the hospital, please come quickly." ”

When I heard the news, my heart suddenly hung and I hurried to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital, I saw Li Jun lying on the hospital bed, his face pale, and the doctor busy. I rushed forward and held Li Jun's hand tightly, tears streaming down my cheeks.

The doctor glanced at me and comforted, "Don't worry, he's just working under too much pressure and his body can't hold on, and he will get better after a period of rest." ”

Hearing the doctor's words, my heart relaxed a little, but I was still worried. I know that Li Jun has paid too much for this family, and his body has always been his weakness. When I got home, I decided to have a good talk with Li Jun and not let him work like this anymore.

After Li Jun was discharged from the hospital, he and I sat down in the living room. I said to him seriously: "Li Jun, our life can't go on like this anymore, your body is very important, you can't work so hard anymore." ”

Li Jun smiled bitterly and nodded: "Xiaoli, I know, I was negligent this time." I will pay attention in the future, let's face the difficulties of life together. ”

I shook his hand and said firmly, "Yes, we're together." No matter how big the difficulty, we can overcome it. ”

And just like that, life got back on track again. We learned how to better divide our time and energy, take care of each other, and how to maintain our own lives while helping our relatives. Although there are still twists and turns, we are stronger and more mature, and we know how to face and solve problems.

One day a few years later, the second uncle's family came to our house as guests. This time, it's not to borrow, but to share their joy. The second uncle smiled and said to us: "Xiaoli, Li Jun, thanks to your help, our family is doing well now, and the children have also found good jobs." ”

Li Jun and I looked at their happy appearance, and our hearts were full of relief. The challenges in life make us more appreciative and grateful, and also make us understand the meaning of family. Family affection is our strongest support, allowing us to still have the courage and strength to move forward in difficult situations.

In this busy and challenging world, we have learned to face every problem in life with love and wisdom to maintain family harmony and warmth. Family affection is the most precious wealth in our lives, which is worthy of our protection and cherishment. It is because of these experiences that our families have become closer together and our lives have been filled with hope and strength.

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