
The U.S. military refused to participate in the war, the Ukrainian army suffered heavy casualties, and Zelensky hoped to "end" the Russian-Ukrainian war

author:Lulu likes to talk


"Peace, how far is it really from civilians?" In this uncertain world, international disputes are continuous, and the conflict between Ukraine and Russia has touched the hearts of countless people.

Zelensky's sudden change of tone makes us wonder, what made him change his attitude? Today, let's walk into this dispute together and explore the deep reasons behind it.

The U.S. military refused to participate in the war, the Ukrainian army suffered heavy casualties, and Zelensky hoped to "end" the Russian-Ukrainian war

Analysis of the deep reasons for Zelensky's change in attitude

Speaking of Zelensky, everyone may still remember his bold words and vowed to fight to the end. But now, his attitude has taken a 180-degree turn, what is hidden behind this?

Some people say that it is because the casualty figures on the Ukrainian side are shocking, and some people say that it is the attitude of the United States and the West that has begun to waver. Let's find out.

First of all, the casualty figures of the Ukrainian side have always been the focus of attention from the outside world, and the data released by Kyiv shows that the number of Ukrainian soldiers killed is 31,000, but the data released by the Russian side is as high as 440,000.

The gap between them makes people wonder if the Ukrainian figures are hidden. And the total size of the Ukrainian army is more than 700,000, and even according to Kyiv data, the proportion of casualties is enough to make people frightened.

What's more, as the war continues, the recruitment of new recruits on the Ukrainian side has also encountered difficulties, which undoubtedly makes Zelensky feel unprecedented pressure.

The U.S. military refused to participate in the war, the Ukrainian army suffered heavy casualties, and Zelensky hoped to "end" the Russian-Ukrainian war

Secondly, the change in the attitude of the United States and the West is also an important reason for Zelensky's change in attitude. The US side made it clear that it will not send US troops to support Ukraine now and in the future. This is undoubtedly pouring cold water on Zelensky.

And with the possible change of leadership in the United States, European countries have also begun to worry that they may be pushed to the fore in the future and face this mess alone. Against this background, Zelensky had to reconsider the possibility of a peaceful settlement of the dispute.

Realistic challenges to Ukraine's military power

Let's take a look at the military strength of the Ukrainian side. Although Zelensky proposed a peace plan, he also understood that it would be difficult to achieve a peace plan without sufficient military strength to back it up. Although the size of the Ukrainian army is huge, in the face of military pressure from the Russian side, the Ukrainian side does not seem to have sufficient confidence.

The U.S. military refused to participate in the war, the Ukrainian army suffered heavy casualties, and Zelensky hoped to "end" the Russian-Ukrainian war

The casualty figures of the Ukrainian side are undoubtedly a heavy burden. If according to the data of the Russian side, the Ukrainian side has lost 440,000 people in the past two years, which is a huge blow to any army.

Moreover, as the war continues, the Ukrainian side has also encountered difficulties in recruiting new soldiers, which has undoubtedly intensified the military pressure on the Ukrainian side.

Under such circumstances, the peace plan proposed by Zelensky seems to have become the only way out for the Ukrainian side. But the realization of a peace plan will not be easy.

Zelensky needs to find a balance between peace and war, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge. The military strength of the Ukrainian side will also become a key factor in whether the peace plan can be realized.

The U.S. military refused to participate in the war, the Ukrainian army suffered heavy casualties, and Zelensky hoped to "end" the Russian-Ukrainian war

In a world of uncertainties, the scales of peace and war seem to tip at any moment. Can Zelensky's peace plan be the key to ending the strife? Can Ukraine's military strength support the hope for peace?

The attitude of the United States and the West towards the Ukraine issue has changed

In the arena of international disputes, the attitude of the United States and the West has always attracted much attention. Recently, the US side has undoubtedly brought a lot of shock to the Ukrainian side.

The US side made it clear that it will not send US troops to support Ukraine, either now or in the future. This can't help but make people wonder, is the US going to "leave it alone"?

In fact, this statement by the US side reflects its cautious attitude on the Ukraine issue. With the possible change of leadership in the United States, European countries are also beginning to worry that they may be pushed to the fore in the future and face this mess alone.

Against this background, subtle changes have also begun in the attitudes of European countries, which generally support Zelensky's peaceful solution to the Ukrainian issue.

The U.S. military refused to participate in the war, the Ukrainian army suffered heavy casualties, and Zelensky hoped to "end" the Russian-Ukrainian war

But having said that, the change in the attitude of the United States and the West is undoubtedly a huge challenge for the Ukrainian side. For a long time, the Ukrainian side has relied on the support of the United States and the West, both militarily and economically.

Today, the attitude of the United States and the West is vacillating, so that the Ukrainian side has to reconsider its position and strategy.

A realistic path to a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian problem

Peace is the eternal pursuit of mankind. In the case of Ukraine, the dawn of peace seems to be getting closer. Although the peace plan proposed by Zelensky has met with strong opposition from the Russian side, it at least shows that the Ukrainian side has the will to resolve the dispute peacefully.

The U.S. military refused to participate in the war, the Ukrainian army suffered heavy casualties, and Zelensky hoped to "end" the Russian-Ukrainian war

But the road to peace is not all smooth sailing, and Zelensky needs to find a balance between peace and war, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge.

Ukraine's military strength will also be a key factor in whether or not the peace plan can be realized. At the same time, the attitude and actions of the international community will also have an important impact on the peace process.

In this process, we cannot ignore the role of the international community. Although the change in the attitude of the United States and the West has put pressure on the Ukrainian side, it may also provide a new opportunity for peace talks.


Peace is not achieved overnight, it takes time, patience, and wisdom. On the Ukraine issue, we have seen Zelensky's willingness for peace, as well as a change in the attitude of the United States and the West.

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