
Gift code|Both skills are "invincible", how to fight this fight!

author:Xiao Xiao emotional

Recently, Xiaoice has been a big event

Two days ago, Bing Jiang just opened a new issue of the Hero Awakening Quiz, and there is also a linkage with the famous IP, and next week there will be two new brothers!

Actually, Bing Jiang saw that there was already a captain who had analyzed their identities through clues~

Gift code|Both skills are "invincible", how to fight this fight!

I have to boast, captain, very strong!

Yes, that's right, the two heroes to be introduced in this issue of Bing Sauce are officially the front-row warrior of power Night Stalker and the front-row intelligence mage Lao Lu !

Captains, click on the VCR below to find out~

Of course, the graphic version is also ready for the captains~

*The following skill information is from the Pioneer Orange 0 data


Skill interpretation

The first thing to break the news to you is the power-type front-row warrior hero - Night Stalker, let's take a look at what unique skills he has~

Swipe left and right to see skills

Special Move - Night Hunt

Gift code|Both skills are "invincible", how to fight this fight!

Second skill - Void

Gift code|Both skills are "invincible", how to fight this fight!

Three skills - disability fear

Gift code|Both skills are "invincible", how to fight this fight!

Skill 4 - Lord of Darkness

Gift code|Both skills are "invincible", how to fight this fight!


Employment ideas

Night Stalker is positioned as a front-row warrior hero

When Hunting Stance is enabled, the form of the skill will also change

Not only does it have a hegemonic body damage reduction, but the damage is also very good

With the control effect, killing the opponent's main C is also a matter of minutes~

But the captains are in the team

It is necessary to pick a Front Row Big Meat Tan or a Support Hero

Just withstand the opponent's first wave of burst damage

After the Night Stalker makes his ultimate, the entire battle will be his hunting ground!

Gift code|Both skills are "invincible", how to fight this fight!

In terms of lineup collocation, Bing Sauce thinks

The Night Stalker is a great match for heroes such as necromancers, dancing girls, and elves

They can protect the Night Stalker from being killed instantly

Safely open the ultimate move into the night home

Use this to gain an advantage


Skill interpretation

Next up is the front row of intelligence mages - Lao Lu

Swipe left and right to see skills

Special move – Pulse Nova

Gift code|Both skills are "invincible", how to fight this fight!

Second skill - lightning storm

Gift code|Both skills are "invincible", how to fight this fight!

Three skills - Demon Forgiveness

Gift code|Both skills are "invincible", how to fight this fight!

Four skills - tear the earth

Gift code|Both skills are "invincible", how to fight this fight!


Employment ideas

The old deer serves as a front-row intelligence mage

After opening the ultimate, the recovery ability is excellent, and the damage is also very considerable

When escalated, the Demon Amnesty can directly deal explosive holy damage to enemies

In terms of lineup, Ice Sauce is recommended to be paired with Ice Girl and Tide to form a slow mage lineup

Control your opponents with four skills to ensure collective survival

When the energy is full, maybe one round of ultimates can turn things around!

Gift code|Both skills are "invincible", how to fight this fight!

Then the above is all the content of this hero's revelation~

If the captains have any ideas

You can discuss it with you in the comment area below

Now that the captains have seen this

The ice sauce naturally has to be a little expressed~

The captains replied in the background of the official account "The night is coming"

You can get a gift code~

Gift code|Both skills are "invincible", how to fight this fight!

Finally, remember to pay attention to the ice sauce

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Gift code|Both skills are "invincible", how to fight this fight!
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