
3% pension insurance, what kind of rules do you want to increase?

author:Read fun facts together

This year, the national pension insurance adjustment plan has been released, and it has generally increased by 3%, but how to adjust it, each province has its own room for operation.

This is not only about the money bag of every elderly person, but also may affect everyone's willingness to choose how to pay for insurance in the future. What kind of benefits and social impacts are hidden in this?

3% pension insurance, what kind of rules do you want to increase?

A 3% adjustment this year doesn't sound like much, but you know what? The adjustment rules behind this are related to the lives of tens of millions of retired seniors.

The pension adjustment in various places is basically carried out in accordance with the three parts of fixed adjustment, linked adjustment and inclined adjustment. These three seemingly ordinary adjustment methods are actually very interesting.

3% pension insurance, what kind of rules do you want to increase?

First, let's talk about quota adjustments. This part is usually an increase in a fixed amount, such as 40 yuan in most provinces last year. This method is simple and crude, everyone increases the same amount, which seems fair.

But in fact, for those who have a very low pension, this increase is particularly important; And for those whose pensions are already high, this increase is not so felt.

3% pension insurance, what kind of rules do you want to increase?

In this way, while the quota adjustment is good, it can also weaken the motivation of those with higher incomes, after all, who doesn't want to pay more?

Next is the peg adjustment. The peg adjustment is based on the number of years and the amount of contributions made by the individual. To put it simply, it is "more work and more reward". This sounds ideal, but it has its problems.

3% pension insurance, what kind of rules do you want to increase?

If the proportion of the linkage is too high, then it will lead to a widening gap in pensions. Think about it, if the pension of high-income earners increases more because of the peg adjustment, then the people who have fewer pensions will be relatively fewer.

As a result, the distribution of pensions will become more and more uneven, and social discontent may rise.

3% pension insurance, what kind of rules do you want to increase?

Finally, there is the tilt adjustment, which is mainly for the age of the elderly. For example, older people will get more tilt increases because of the health risks they face and the cost of living is likely to be higher.

This adjustment method is more detailed and takes into account the actual needs of the elderly. However, this should not weaken the treatment of the newly retired elderly too much, otherwise it is easy to appear dissatisfied with the young and elderly groups.

3% pension insurance, what kind of rules do you want to increase?

So, how exactly are all these adjustments implemented? Taking this year as an example, the quota adjustment may be between 30 yuan and 35 yuan, how did this figure come about? It is based on the comprehensive consideration of factors such as the extent of last year's adjustment and economic growth.

The linkage adjustment may maintain the same ratio as last year, i.e. an increase of $1.5 for each year of payment. As for the tilt adjustment, it may be subdivided into more age groups, so that the elderly of each age group can feel the care of the state.

3% pension insurance, what kind of rules do you want to increase?

These adjustments sound reasonable, but they can be challenging to implement. For example, how to ensure that each province can make its own adjustment plan fairly and reasonably? And how to avoid social dissatisfaction caused by pension adjustments?

More importantly, how can these policies bring both short-term stability and long-term sustainability?

3% pension insurance, what kind of rules do you want to increase?

Behind this is a complex set of economic and social issues. For example, will the adjustment of pensions affect people's motivation to work?

Will it encourage more young people to choose to pay more social security in the hope of getting more returns in the future? These are all issues that must be taken into account when formulating policies.

3% pension insurance, what kind of rules do you want to increase?

So in the end, I would like to ask: can such a pension adjustment plan really meet the needs of everyone, and what do you think about it?