
At this mobilization meeting of Sanye, it was not Chen Shuai who came to power, but Mr. Zhu, and the generals: What's going on?

author:Daily Encyclopedia Health

During that critical period in 1950, China's military situation underwent a major transformation. The 9th Corps of the 3rd Field Army, which was originally stationed in the Jiangnan area, suddenly received an order to quickly move to Shandong and prepare to carry out the task of attacking Taiwan. This change not only involves the long-distance movement of the Corps, but also means an important adjustment of the strategic focus.

At that time, the three corps of the Ninth Corps - the 20th, 26th and 27th armies, as well as the corps headquarters, were facing great challenges. They need to complete long-distance marching training in a short period of time, and at the same time, they also have to carry out reorganization work to ensure the combat effectiveness and cooperative combat capability of the troops. This kind of high-intensity training and mobilization is a huge test for any army, let alone in such a tense and ever-changing war environment.

In Shandong, the Ninth Corps carried out intense preparations for war. Not only do they have to adapt to a new environment, but they also have to face a variety of unknown challenges and risks. However, the morale of the fighters was unusually high. They know that their tasks are important and have a bearing on the destiny of the country and the dignity of the nation. Therefore, no matter how difficult it may be, they are determined to complete the task with determination.

At this mobilization meeting of Sanye, it was not Chen Shuai who came to power, but Mr. Zhu, and the generals: What's going on?

Logistics also plays a crucial role in this process. Despite all the difficulties, the logistics department of the Ninth Corps did its best to ensure the supply of the troops. Against all odds, they delivered the necessary supplies to the front line, providing the necessary support to the fighters.

However, due to the haste of entering the DPRK, all winter supplies could not be replenished. This to a certain extent affected the combat effectiveness of the troops. But in that environment, the fighting spirit of the fighters was not weakened. On the contrary, with tenacious perseverance and firm faith, they overcame all kinds of difficulties and finally achieved victory.

In general, the rapid mobilization and reorganization of the Ninth Corps not only demonstrated the flexibility and combat effectiveness of the Chinese army, but also demonstrated the courage and determination of the Chinese people in the face of difficulties and challenges. This history should not only be remembered, but it should also be a source of strength that inspires us to move forward.

In the torrent of history, some moments are destined to be engraved in the memory of time. Qufu, an ancient and dignified city, has witnessed countless important historical moments. One of them was particularly eye-catching, when Commander-in-Chief Zhu De announced here that the mission of the Ninth Corps of the Third Field Army had changed from the original liberation of Taiwan to the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

At this mobilization meeting of Sanye, it was not Chen Shuai who came to power, but Mr. Zhu, and the generals: What's going on?

It was a turbulent era, and New China had just been founded, and everything was waiting to be rebuilt. However, the changing world has forced the young republic to face various challenges. At that time, the Ninth Corps was resting and preparing for war in Qufu, and its original mission was to attack Taiwan, but with the rapid changes in the international situation, this task had to be adjusted.

On a late autumn day in 1950, the sky in Qufu was blue and high, and the sun shone on every corner of this ancient city, as if adding a bit of sacred air to the upcoming important moment. It was on such a day that Commander-in-Chief Zhu De set foot on this land. His arrival is like a spring breeze that brings warmth and firmness to people's hearts, and also brings important news related to the fate of the country.

In front of the hall of Confucius Tomb of Confucius, cadres above the regimental level of the Ninth Corps and cadres above the section level of the organs directly under the Corps gathered together. The venue was solemnly and solemnly arranged, and everyone held their breath and waited for the important moment to come. When Commander-in-Chief Zhu De slowly walked into the venue, the audience was silent. His tall figure looked so majestic and intimate in the eyes of everyone.

At this mobilization meeting of Sanye, it was not Chen Shuai who came to power, but Mr. Zhu, and the generals: What's going on?

Mr. Zhu was wearing a yellow tweed coat and was chubby, giving people a very powerful feeling. He walked briskly, and every step seemed to step on people's hearts. As he stood on the podium and scanned the audience with a torch-like gaze, everyone's hearts were filled with reverence for this great leader.

At that moment, the sky of Qufu seemed to be vibrating. It has witnessed the turning point of history and the determination and courage of the Chinese people to defend their homeland and the country.

Analysis of the Underlying Causes of the Change of Mission: The Intertwined Influence of the Korean War and the International Situation

At this mobilization meeting of Sanye, it was not Chen Shuai who came to power, but Mr. Zhu, and the generals: What's going on?

In the torrent of history, changes in military tasks are often accompanied by changes in the pulse of the times and the changes in the international situation. At that critical moment in 1950, the mission of the Ninth Corps of the Third Field Army changed from the original liberation of Taiwan to the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the reasons behind this were undoubtedly complex and far-reaching.

First of all, we must pay attention to the tensions on the Korean battlefield. At that time, the two sides of the Korean Peninsula were at a stalemate, and the nascent republic urgently needed to demonstrate its determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity on the international stage. Therefore, as a solid backing for Sino-DPRK friendship, the Chinese armed forces naturally need to undertake more important combat missions. This decision not only reflects China's internationalist spirit, but is also a strategic choice based on a deep insight into the international situation at that time.

Second, the changing international situation also provides a background for this mission change. The shadow of the Cold War is gradually looming over the world, and the Asian region has become the focus of the struggle between various parties. Against this backdrop, China must consider how to protect its national interests in a complex international environment. By adjusting the deployment and tasks of the domestic armed forces, we can better respond to external challenges and maintain regional peace and stability.

At this mobilization meeting of Sanye, it was not Chen Shuai who came to power, but Mr. Zhu, and the generals: What's going on?

For the Ninth Corps, such a change in mission undoubtedly increased the difficulty and urgency of the operation. The original operational plan for Taiwan may need to be readjusted and optimized to adapt to the new battlefield environment and operational needs. This has undoubtedly brought additional pressure and tests to the officers and men, but it has also aroused their enthusiasm and fighting spirit to defend their homes and the country.

In this process, it is particularly important to unify thinking and boost morale. In the face of sudden changes in tasks, the troops must quickly build consensus and clarify new goals and directions. Through various forms of mobilization and education activities, the officers and men can deeply understand the importance and necessity of this mission change, and thus stimulate their fighting spirit and spirit of sacrifice.

In general, this mission change is not only a strategic choice in the context of the times, but also a commitment to China-DPRK friendship and international responsibility. It embodies the firm conviction and fearless courage of the Chinese People's Volunteers in the face of difficulties and challenges, and also provides us with valuable teaching materials for reviewing history and remembering the martyrs today.

In the torrent of history, the Chinese People's Volunteers, with their heroic and fearless spirit and firm conviction, have made tremendous sacrifices and efforts for the dignity of the motherland and the happiness of the people. Among them, the Ninth Corps, as an elite unit of the Volunteer Army, under the wise leadership of Song Shilun, showed amazing combat effectiveness and tenacious will.

At this mobilization meeting of Sanye, it was not Chen Shuai who came to power, but Mr. Zhu, and the generals: What's going on?

Song Shilun, the founding general, made indelible contributions to the cause of China's liberation and the construction of New China with his outstanding military talents and profound revolutionary feelings. In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he led the Ninth Corps into the DPRK to participate in the war, and in the face of difficulties such as severe cold and insufficient logistical supplies, he not only did not flinch, but encouraged the officers and men to carry forward the spirit of defying difficulties and daring to win.

In the famous battle of Xinxingli, the Ninth Corps successfully annihilated the US Polar Bear Regiment, which was the first and only glorious example in the history of our army to annihilate a reinforced regiment of the US Army in a structured manner. The victory in this battle not only greatly boosted the morale of the people of the whole country, but also showed the world the image of the Chinese army as a mighty and civilized army.

However, it is worth mentioning that due to various reasons, the Ninth Corps did miss some important battles for a period of time after entering the DPRK. However, this did not weaken their fighting spirit and determination, on the contrary, they cherished every combat opportunity even more and defended the dignity of the motherland and the interests of the nation with their blood and lives.

At this mobilization meeting of Sanye, it was not Chen Shuai who came to power, but Mr. Zhu, and the generals: What's going on?

Under the leadership of Song Shilun, the officers and men of the Ninth Corps displayed extremely high political consciousness and selfless dedication. They are well aware of their responsibilities and missions, and have always maintained a high degree of discipline and rigorous work style, both on the battlefield and in life. This spiritual outlook has not only won the praise of the motherland and the people, but also won the respect and awe of the enemy.

In general, under the leadership of Song Shilun, the Ninth Corps, with tenacious perseverance and firm faith, overcame many difficulties and won major victories such as the battle of Xinxingli. Their heroic deeds will forever be recorded in the annals of history and inspire generation after generation to strive for the prosperity and strength of the motherland.

The Ninth Corps' arduous fighting on the Korean battlefield and severe logistical supply challenges

In the fiery years of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the officers and men of the Ninth Corps rushed to the Korean battlefield with fearless courage and high morale, however, they faced not only the enemy's powerful firepower, but also the long and arduous logistics supply line. The complexity and brutality of this war were ruthlessly revealed from the moment they rushed directly to Korea in the southeast.

At that time, the Ninth Corps needed to complete a long-distance march in a very short time, which was not only a test of the soldiers' physical strength and will, but also a great challenge to the logistical support capability. Due to the urgency of the war situation, the logistics supply team could not keep up with the pace of the troops in time, resulting in a serious shortage of materials in the process of marching. This dilemma is extremely disadvantageous for any army, as it not only affects the combat effectiveness of the troops, but also leads to a significant increase in non-combat attrition.

During the bitter cold Korean winter, the lack of adequate clothing, food, and medical supplies made the soldiers of the Ninth Corps not only face enemy artillery fire on the battlefield, but also endure the pain of hunger and cold. Surviving in this environment is extremely challenging in itself, let alone engaging in intense combat. However, in the midst of such adversity, the officers and men of the Ninth Corps showed amazing perseverance and tenacious fighting spirit. They carried supplies on their shoulders and overcame all difficulties with firm faith.

Although the Ninth Corps was greatly troubled by the severe shortage of logistical supplies, they were not defeated by these difficulties. On the contrary, it is by overcoming these difficulties that they have earned more respect and praise. Their heroic deeds and sacrifice have become a powerful motivation for future generations.

It can be said that the operational difficulties and logistical supply problems faced by the Ninth Corps on the Korean battlefield are unprecedented. But it is these difficulties and challenges that forge their indomitable and courageous iron will. This history will forever be remembered in the hearts of the Chinese people and become one of the sources of our national pride and cohesion.

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