
How do I know if my immunity is strong? Doctor: People with "strong immunity" generally have 5 characteristics

author:Doctor Tan said health

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Zhang Wei is a programmer working in an IT company, and he has been feeling a little unwell lately, prone to colds and fevers, and his work efficiency is not as good as before. Over the weekend, Zhang Wei decided to go to the hospital to check his physical condition.

When he came to the hospital, Zhang Wei first did some routine examinations, such as blood routine and urine routine.

How do I know if my immunity is strong? Doctor: People with "strong immunity" generally have 5 characteristics

The doctor carefully reviewed the results of the examination and asked Zhang Wei about his daily routine, and then the doctor recommended that Zhang Wei do some more in-depth immune function tests.

Zhang Wei was a little puzzled and asked the doctor: "Doctor, what is an immune function test?" Why do you need this test?"

The doctor patiently explained, "Immune function tests can help us know if your immune system is working properly.

How do I know if my immunity is strong? Doctor: People with "strong immunity" generally have 5 characteristics

The immune system is an important barrier against disease, and if our immunity is weakened, we are more likely to get sick, and if you have been sick frequently recently, it is likely to be related to the decline in immunity. "

Zhang Wei nodded and accepted the doctor's advice, and after a series of examinations, the doctor found that Zhang Wei's immunoglobulin level was low, and the cellular immune function was also reduced.

How do I know if my immunity is strong? Doctor: People with "strong immunity" generally have 5 characteristics

"Mr. Zhang, judging from the results of the examination, your immunity is indeed a little low." "But don't worry, by making lifestyle changes, we can improve our immunity." "

The doctor prescribed Zhang Wei some drugs to enhance immunity, and told him to pay more attention to rest, eat reasonably, and exercise moderately. Zhang Wei carefully noted down the doctor's advice.

How do I know if my immunity is strong? Doctor: People with "strong immunity" generally have 5 characteristics

After leaving the hospital, Zhang Wei began to reflect on his living habits, and he realized that staying up late for a long time, working overtime, eating irregularly, and lacking exercise may be the main reasons for the decline of immunity.

Zhang Wei decided to change, he began to go to bed early and wake up early, eat some fresh fruits and vegetables, and exercise every day. Gradually, he found that his mental state was much better, and the number of colds and fevers was significantly reduced.

How do I know if my immunity is strong? Doctor: People with "strong immunity" generally have 5 characteristics

Three months later, Zhang Wei came to the hospital again for a follow-up, and the doctor was pleasantly surprised to tell him that all indicators of immune function had improved significantly.

"Mr. Zhang, your immunity has been significantly enhanced. This shows that your recent efforts have not been in vain. "

The doctor smiled and said, "Did you know that people with strong immunity usually have five characteristics: good mental state, normal weight, rarely get sick, strong healing ability, and strong ability to work under pressure. It looks like you already have a few of them. "

How do I know if my immunity is strong? Doctor: People with "strong immunity" generally have 5 characteristics

Zhang Wei also smiled, he was grateful for the doctor's careful guidance, and even more grateful for his determination to change his lifestyle.

In fact, there is no special secret to improving immunity, the key is to develop healthy lifestyle habits.

A balanced and nutritious diet, moderate and regular exercise, adequate sleep, and maintaining an optimistic and positive attitude are all effective ways to strengthen immunity.

How do I know if my immunity is strong? Doctor: People with "strong immunity" generally have 5 characteristics

Of course, if you feel that you are not in good physical condition, it is also necessary to go to the hospital for a check-up. Through professional diagnosis and guidance, we can understand our health status more accurately and adjust our lifestyle in time.

Prevention is better than cure, and boosting immunity is the key to preventing disease. Let's take care of our health with practical actions from now on, improve our immunity, stay away from diseases, and embrace a better tomorrow.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】