
Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see her skills: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun, and Zhu Dan crushes the host

author:Pei Pei talks about sports and entertainment
Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see her skills: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun, and Zhu Dan crushes the host

This year's "Riding the Wind 2024" annual seat preemptive live broadcast night is in full swing, attracting the attention of many audiences. This live event is not only a competitive performance, but also an opportunity to showcase the talents of the sisters. Let's take a look at how these sisters performed on stage, as well as some of the special situations and embarrassing moments at the event.

"Riding the Wind 2024" is a grand event focusing on the talents and charm of the sisters. The event designed the return sister voting and audience interviews, which increased the interaction and tension, and made the whole event more interesting.

Liu Yan and Zhu Dan's performance on the live broadcast night of "Riding the Wind 2024" has become the focus of heated discussions among the audience. Liu Yan is impressive with his keen language skills and in-depth review style. She is not just a simple evaluation of the performance of the participating sisters, but is able to deeply understand and express the emotions behind the songs.

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see her skills: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun, and Zhu Dan crushes the host

Netizens commented: Liu Yan's evaluation is very sincere, very calm, and atmospheric. On social media, the discussion about her evaluation never stops.

Some netizens praised her for speaking to the point, like a serious and weighty mentor, "Every time I look at her evaluation, I feel very reasonable, not dragging my feet." Some even think that her words seem to have a calming power, "not like other people who are pretentious, and I always feel at ease listening to her." ”

In a live broadcast, some netizens discussed her evaluation style: "Liu Yan speaks neatly and neatly, without any nonsense, a bit like a teacher in class." They think she is very serious, unlike some of the other guests who just deal with the scene, "She doesn't speak for pleasure, she really conveys her thoughts." ”

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see her skills: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun, and Zhu Dan crushes the host

However, some netizens feel that her evaluation is sometimes too harsh. "Sometimes I feel like she speaks a little cold, not mellow enough." A netizen commented, "Maybe in order to express her own opinions, she sometimes ignores the consideration of other people's emotions." This perception has sparked some in-depth discussion about her evaluative style, and some believe that this is where her authenticity lies, "It's rare that she's not hypocritical." ”

In addition, some netizens paid attention to the atmosphere she showed in her evaluation. "No matter how tricky the topic, she can stay calm and not be swayed by emotions." A fan posted praising her steadiness, "This kind of atmosphere is the accumulation of her years of experience, not a temporary performance." ”

In general, netizens have mixed reviews of Liu Yan's evaluation style, but it is undeniable that she has influence and unique expression in the field of public opinion. Her words were direct, powerful, and impressive, and became the focus of many discussions.

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see her skills: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun, and Zhu Dan crushes the host

For example, in her evaluation of Han Xue and Chen Lijun, Liu Yan not only paid attention to their singing skills, but was also able to accurately capture the emotions they conveyed in their performances. She uses approachable language to get to the emotional core behind the song, so that the audience can feel the efforts and emotional expression of the sisters more deeply.

On social media, netizens expressed great recognition and appreciation for Liu Yan's review style. Some netizens commented: "Liu Yan is really good at talking, she not only looks at the surface, but also digs out the deep meaning behind the song." Such an evaluation reflects the audience's high recognition of Liu Yan's ability to comment, believing that she can not only work superficially in hosting, but also resonate and communicate with the participating sisters psychologically and emotionally.

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see her skills: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun, and Zhu Dan crushes the host

In addition, Zhu Dan, as another host of the event, also showed an excellent performance. Her humor and affinity added a lot of vitality and interest to the whole show. Some netizens ridiculed: "Zhu Dan is really the 'fire captain' in the hosting industry, and he can bring the atmosphere up every time!" Her performance at the event not only won the love of the audience, but also sparked heated discussions and likes on the Internet.

The sisters showed off their talents and skills on stage. Jin Mengjia, Zhu Dan, Wanida and other sisters also gave detailed comments, from the selection of songs to the presentation of performances, each sister tried their best to show their best side, and gave each other encouragement and praise.

However, there was no shortage of lighthearted and awkward moments at the event. Qi Wei and He Jie's comments often have a humorous tone, although the content is sometimes light, but it also adds a lot of jokes. Liu Ye's performance as the host has been controversial, and he has repeatedly fallen into the embarrassing situation of cold field and poor language organization, which has aroused heated discussions and criticism from netizens.

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see her skills: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun, and Zhu Dan crushes the host

"Riding the Wind 2024" is the first live broadcast night of the annual seats, and on the whole, the biggest highlight is the true feelings and wonderful performances shown by the sisters. The talent and emotional depth they displayed on stage deeply touched the audience and aroused strong resonance and attention.

The performance of the participating sisters can be said to be the soul of the whole event. They are not only showing their singing skills, but also conveying their inner emotions and stories through each song. For example, some sisters choose songs that are full of power and emotion, and through tactful singing and soulful interpretation, the audience feels as if they are in the deep sea of emotions.

On social media, the audience paid a high level of attention and discussion to the performance of the sisters. Many netizens shared their feelings and ratings on Weibo and Moments. Some netizens commented: "These sisters are really great, not only sing well, but also tell us the story behind the song." This kind of sincere expression and professional performance allowed the audience to not only listen to the songs, but also experience the emotional ups and downs and climaxes with the sisters.

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see her skills: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun, and Zhu Dan crushes the host

However, the event also exposed the shortcomings of the hosting session. As the host, although Liu Ye has rich acting experience, he is a little unable to comment and guide the show. His language is not fluent enough when hosting, and sometimes his evaluation of the performance of his sisters seems too direct or not close enough to the psychology of the audience. For example, sometimes his comments, although more technical, fail to fully integrate the emotional expressions of his sisters and the stories behind the songs, making the audience feel the stiffness and unnaturalness of hosting the show in some moments.

Through this activity, we saw the efforts and charm of the sisters, and also reflected the gap between the host in terms of field control and language expression. It is hoped that future programs can further enhance the overall presentation and audience experience, and bring more excitement and emotion to the audience.

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see her skills: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun, and Zhu Dan crushes the host

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