
Yu Zheng revealed his identity as a "melon god": I am sure to eat this melon!

author:Ashin said entertainment


Yu Zheng broke the news: Eating melons has become a daily routine, and netizens laughed and called "Ru in the melon field"

Behind the prosperity of the entertainment industry, there is always a group of people who not only pay attention to the glamour on the stage, but also are keen to explore the bits and pieces behind the scenes. Among them, the famous screenwriter Yu Zheng is such a "melon lover". He admitted that he usually likes to "eat melons" very much, that is, he is keen to browse entertainment news and gossip on various social software.

Yu Zheng revealed his identity as a "melon god": I am sure to eat this melon!

Yu Zheng said that his habit of "eating melons" has long become a part of daily life. Whenever he has free time, he opens various social apps on his phone and browses all kinds of entertainment news. From the exposure of celebrities' romances, to the filming progress of film and television dramas, to all kinds of behind-the-scenes footage, he can find fun in it. Moreover, he often leaves messages in the comment area, asking the parties whether these news are true, and this straightforward approach has also aroused the attention and discussion of many netizens.

Yu Zheng revealed his identity as a "melon god": I am sure to eat this melon!

"Ru in the melon field" sparked heated discussions, and netizens ridiculed one after another

Yu Zheng's habit of "eating melons" quickly caused heated discussions on the Internet. Some netizens jokingly called him "Ru in the melon field", which means that he is busy looking for delicious melons in the melon field. Some netizens ridiculed: "Teacher Yu, you eat this melon more often than us!" These humorous comments not only made people laugh, but also further stimulated netizens to discuss the "melon-eating" culture.

Yu Zheng revealed his identity as a "melon god": I am sure to eat this melon!

Yu Zheng responded to the ridicule of netizens and said frankly that "eating melons" is a form of entertainment

In the face of ridicule and discussion among netizens, Yu Zheng was not angry or disgusted. Instead, he also took the initiative to respond to these comments on social platforms. He said: "In fact, 'eating melons' is a form of entertainment for me, just like everyone likes to watch movies and listen to music. It's just that my focus is on the entertainment industry. He also joked that he was a "qualified melon-eating crowd" because he was always able to accurately capture all kinds of gossip news.

Yu Zheng revealed his identity as a "melon god": I am sure to eat this melon!

Netizens shared the experience of "eating melons", which resonated

Yu Zheng's response soon sparked a wave of resonance among netizens. Many netizens have shared their experience of "eating melons" in the comment area. Some people say that they are also a "melon eater" who is keen to browse entertainment news, and every time they see interesting gossip, they can't help but share it with their friends. Some netizens said that although they know that a lot of gossip news is chasing after the wind and shadows, and it is difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood, it is this uncertainty that makes them more fascinated by the process of "eating melons".

Yu Zheng revealed his identity as a "melon god": I am sure to eat this melon!

Yu Zheng called for rationality to "eat melons", and netizens praised it

While netizens were discussing enthusiastically, Yu Zheng did not forget to remind everyone to "eat melons" rationally. He said: "Although 'eating melons' can bring a lot of fun and topics, we also need to maintain the ability to think rationally. Don't blindly believe some unconfirmed news and rumors, let alone make unwarranted speculations and attacks on the parties. These words have been praised and supported by many netizens. They expressed their agreement with Yu Zheng's views and called on everyone to look at entertainment news and gossip news rationally.

Yu Zheng revealed his identity as a "melon god": I am sure to eat this melon!

The culture of "eating melons" is thought-provoking, and netizens are constantly hotly discussed

With the deepening of the discussion, the culture of "eating melons" has gradually become a hot topic. Some netizens said that "eating melons" is not only a way of entertainment, but also a way to socialize. By sharing and discussing various gossip news and entertainment news, people can increase their understanding and communication with each other. Some netizens believe that the "eating melon" culture also reflects the attention and love of contemporary young people for the entertainment industry and their keen insight into social phenomena.

Yu Zheng revealed his identity as a "melon god": I am sure to eat this melon!

However, some netizens are critical of the "melon-eating" culture. They believe that this culture is too superficial and impetuous, and it is easy to indulge in superficial phenomena and ignore the real value. Still others worry that the "melon-eating" culture will have a negative impact on young people's values and worldview. These views have also sparked widespread discussion and controversy among netizens.