
Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

author:Let's talk
Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia
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Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

In China in the 90s, Geng Weihua's name was thunderous. This soprano singer from the art troupe, with his passionate and powerful voice and handsome appearance, has won the love of countless audiences and is known as the "national idol".

His singing resounded throughout the land of the motherland and shone brightly on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

However, 8 years later, when we look for Geng Weihua's traces again, the scene in front of us makes people can't believe it: this former superstar is now living leisurely on a mountain in Hebei Province, tending to an orchard with his own hands.

From the high-profile stage to the silent mountains and forests, what kind of experience made Geng Weihua make such a huge change? And what is the connection between this choice and his divorce from his wife Zheng Jia back then? Let's walk into Geng Weihua's story and uncover this thought-provoking riddle of life.

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

In 1970, Geng Weihua was born in an ordinary working family in Jiangsu Province. Unlike his older siblings, the young Geng Weihua had little interest in his studies, but he had an infinite passion for music.

Whenever he had the opportunity, he would run to the record store as soon as possible, immersed in the melodies and melodies. Even if he is shy, he will wait at the door of the store, listen to the music played by others, and satisfy his craving for music.

However, the path to pursuing your musical dreams has not been easy. In order to ensure that his youngest son could live in peace, Geng Weihua's father arranged for him to work in a factory.

But Geng Weihua's heart is never on work, he is always absent-minded, and whenever he has the opportunity, he will organize colleagues to hold a gala party to take the opportunity to show his singing voice.

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

In the warm applause again and again, Geng Weihua became more and more determined in his persistent pursuit of music.

Finally, Geng Weihua made up his mind to follow his heart. He resolutely quit his stable job at the factory and stepped into a professional singing training school. However, this decision also deprived him of his father's financial support.

Geng Weihua, who has lost his financial resources, can only rely on his meager savings to survive.

The tall and burly Geng Weihua had to hide in the kitchen and secretly taste the buns left by others to satisfy his hunger. However, even in the most difficult moments, he never gave up his love for music.

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

This dedication touched the teachers of the school, who often invited Geng Weihua to dinner at home, giving this stubborn teenager warmth and encouragement.

With the care of many teachers, Geng Weihua was able to spend several years of quiet time on campus. It was not until 1991 that the art troupe discovered his talent in the school, and he bid farewell to the campus and opened a new chapter in his life.

Geng Weihua's story tells us that the road to chasing dreams is never easy. But it was these hardships that shaped his tenacious character and laid the foundation for his future success.

He proved with practical actions that as long as you have a dream in your heart and make unremitting efforts for it, you will eventually usher in a bright future of your own.

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

In 1991, Geng Weihua ushered in a turning point in his life. The art troupe discovered this talented young man and opened the door to success.

For Geng Weihua, this is undoubtedly a great opportunity to turn his passion into a career. He was thrilled to finally be able to turn his beloved music career into a career.

After joining the art troupe, Geng Weihua was like a fish in water, and his talent was brought into full play. His passionate voice and handsome appearance soon attracted the attention of countless audiences.

Geng Weihua is good at singing red songs, and the works he created are deeply touching and spread to every corner of the motherland. His singing voice was majestic and full of affection, and soon, Geng Weihua became the undisputed "national idol".

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

The stage of the Spring Festival Gala has become a new peak for Geng Weihua's career. When he stood on that stage of national attention, his fame reached unprecedented heights.

Geng Weihua's voice permeated every corner of the motherland, and his singing became a symbol of that era. Applause, flowers, and praise poured in like a tide, and Geng Weihua was immersed in the joy of success.

However, while Geng Weihua was enjoying the aura of a superstar, he was also quietly lost in Vanity Fair. The high-intensity work, the prosperous life, and the popularity of fans have gradually made him forget his original intention of pursuing music.

As a military singer, he often sings in the army, and deeply understands the hardships of soldiers. But at the same time, he gradually got used to life in the spotlight and began to enjoy the convenience of fame.

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

During this period, Geng Weihua met his fan Zheng Jia. At that time, he was carried away by success and couldn't calmly think about the nature of this relationship. He mistakenly thinks that he has found true love, but he ignores the huge age difference and difference in living habits between the two.

This relationship eventually became an important turning point in his life.

Looking back on these glorious years, we can't help but ask: Did Geng Weihua really find the life he wanted? Did the illusory satisfaction brought by fame and fortune make him ignore the real needs of his heart? After continuous high-intensity performances, Geng Weihua finally lost his strength and fell ill in bed.

The illness seemed to serve as a warning to him to re-examine the direction of his life.

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

This experience has taught us that success is intoxicating, but it can also be easy to lose yourself. Geng Weihua has experienced a transformation from obscurity to attention during his years in the art troupe, but at the same time, he is also facing the challenge of how to maintain his original intention in fame and fortune.

The experience at this stage laid the groundwork for his future life choices.

When Geng Weihua's career was in full swing, a seemingly ordinary performance in Xi'an became a turning point in his life. Here, he met Zheng Jia, a young and beautiful fan.

This enthusiastic girl broke into Geng Weihua's life in a unique way.

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

At first, Zheng Jia was just one of many fans. She cleverly asked for Geng Weihua's contact information, and then sent an affectionate letter that was 11 pages long.

However, Geng Weihua at that time just regarded it as a star-chasing behavior of ordinary fans and did not take it to heart.

But Zheng Jia's persistence made Geng Weihua unexpected. Her frequent phone calls and constant concern slowly moved the popular singer. The clever Zheng Jia soon discovered the secret to communicating with Geng Weihua – talking about the music he loves the most.

In this way, the communication between the two gradually deepened, and the relationship was quietly heating up.

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

However, what really moved Geng Weihua was Zheng Jia's move. When he fell ill due to a high-intensity performance, Zheng Jia rushed to his side desperately and took care of him.

This sincere care deeply touched Geng Weihua's heart.

Just when Zheng Jia was about to give up this relationship, Geng Weihua suddenly woke up and realized that he had fallen deeply in love with this girl who was four years younger than him. He proposed to Zheng Jia without hesitation, and the two soon entered the palace of marriage.

However, married life is not fairytale-like. The difference between the two gradually emerged: Geng Weihua was accustomed to a hard and simple life, while Zheng Jia, who came from a wealthy family, liked to shop and enjoy.

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

These seemingly insignificant contradictions, accumulated over time, and finally became the last straw that crushed this marriage.

Looking back on this relationship, we can't help but ask: was this really a fateful encounter? Or is it just a bad choice on the spur of the moment? Was Geng Weihua blinded by love and ignored the huge difference between the two? This experience has taught us that love is beautiful, but when making big decisions, it also requires rational thinking and trade-offs.

The story of Geng Weihua and Zheng Jia is like a love song with ups and downs, from meeting, acquaintance to love, and then to the final separation. It shows us that even seemingly perfect love can come to an end because of various differences in real life.

This experience undoubtedly became an important turning point in Geng Weihua's life, and also laid the groundwork for his future life choices.

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

Geng Weihua and Zheng Jia's marriage is like a protracted marathon. After more than ten years of getting along, the originally sweet love has gradually been eroded by the contradictions in real life.

The age difference and living habits between the two have become a gap that is difficult to cross in this relationship.

Every day, Geng Weihua feels the pressure and pain brought about by marriage. Similarly, Zheng Jia also suffers from irreconcilable contradictions. In the end, the long-standing problem broke out, and Zheng Jia resolutely asked for a divorce.

Faced with his wife's decision, Geng Weihua tried to redeem it. However, when he realizes that the marriage can no longer continue, he chooses to fulfill it. This decision is undoubtedly a huge compromise and self-breakthrough for Geng Weihua, who has always been stubborn.

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

After the divorce, Geng Weihua once fell into a deep trough. He often closed himself in his room and wept alone. The once high-spirited singer seems to have lost all the motivation of life at this moment.

However, time is the cure for wounds. As the days passed, Geng Weihua gradually came out of the pain. He began to reflect on the marriage and began to re-examine his life.

This experience made Geng Weihua understand that love is not the whole of life, and it also allowed him to regain his original self.

Divorce, for Geng Weihua, is not only an end, but also a new beginning. It gave him the opportunity to redefine his life. Instead of clinging to the glories of the past, he turned his attention to his daughter and the things he was truly passionate about.

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

This painful experience became an important turning point in Geng Weihua's life. It made him rethink what true happiness is, and it also laid the foundation for his later life choices.

In the process, Geng Weihua achieved real growth and found the path to inner peace.

Today's Geng Weihua has chosen a completely different way of life from the past. Far from the hustle and bustle of the city and the stage in the spotlight, he settled on a quiet hill in Hebei Province.

Here, he created and managed an orchard with his own hands, and was busy planting and irrigating every day, enjoying a simple life in close contact with nature.

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

If you don't see it with your own eyes, I'm afraid few people can associate this simple fruit farmer with the once radiant "national icon". However, it was in such ordinary days that Geng Weihua found true peace and contentment in his heart.

He adheres to the concept of "filial piety first", takes care of his sick mother, and shows a deep filial piety. Whenever his beloved daughter returns home, he will always cook by himself, prepare delicious meals for his family, and enjoy family fun.

This kind of warm family life has become Geng Weihua's most cherished wealth.

Looking at Geng Weihua's choice 8 years later, we really understand how correct his decision to divorce Zheng Jia was. It allows him to get rid of the lifestyle that doesn't suit him and return to his truest self.

Looking at Geng Weihua 8 years later, I realized what a wise decision he made to divorce Zheng Jia

In this hill away from the hustle and bustle, Geng Weihua found true happiness and satisfaction.

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