
Middle-aged and elderly people also want a clock? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Delay the prescription, nourish the yin and reduce the fire

author:Dr. Liu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

Introduction~ Middle-aged and elderly people also want a clock? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Delay the prescription, nourish the yin and reduce the fire

Recently, many friends have asked me, why people to the middle of the function problem will drop significantly, although the desire is very heavy, but every time you act will turn against you very quickly, there is no quality at all, how do you look at this problem, what is the best way to regulate?

Middle-aged and elderly people also want a clock? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Delay the prescription, nourish the yin and reduce the fire

Many people always feel that the corpora cavernosa is too sensitive in their actions, but in fact, this is the result of overheating. Physical weakness often begins with the deficiency of yin and jin, and the balance of yin and yang will be broken, and deficiency heat will be generated, and this heat will cause the essence to move out, so the time is short. In the same way, this heat will go up and straight to the brain, make you restless, make you always have heavy desires, always lose your breath, and always think about what is wrong.

Middle-aged and elderly people also want a clock? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Delay the prescription, nourish the yin and reduce the fire

Therefore, we need a great tonic kidney water to suppress this weakness and balance the yin and yang of the kidneys. Many people will say that I have also taken a lot of tonic for my kidneys, why is it still not getting better? There needs to be a principle for the tonic of the kidney, that is, to replenish the yin and yang of the kidney as much as possible. If the supplement is too dry, it will cause fire.

Middle-aged and elderly people also want a clock? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Delay the prescription, nourish the yin and reduce the fire

In the same way, it is also necessary to pay attention to some wet problems when taking supplements, and if the wet problems are not handled well, it is very easy to have a situation where the door is closed and left behind.

Middle-aged and elderly people also want a clock? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Delay the prescription, nourish the yin and reduce the fire

Mr. Sun, from Changsha, Hunan Province, has prominent functional problems, and it is very difficult to act, and he habitually gives up halfway. I've made up a lot in the past, but as soon as I make up for it, I will have diarrhea, and I obviously look very weak, but I just can't make it up. Symptoms:

1. The strength of the sect is weak, and it is easy to defect

2. Back soreness and leg pain, easy to get tired

3. Frequent urination and bifurcation, clear and long urine

4. Memory loss and forgetfulness

5. Insomnia and dreams, easy irritability

6. The scrotum is moist and the face is greasy

The tongue is light, white and greasy, and the pulse is weak

The tongue coating is as follows:

Middle-aged and elderly people also want a clock? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Delay the prescription, nourish the yin and reduce the fire

Dialectic: kidney deficiency and dampness

Treatment: tonify the kidney and dispel dampness

You can use yam, yam, sagewood, rehman, poria cocos, zexiao, danpi, hyssop, coix seed, cork, poria cocos, Sichuan root, cinnamon, fairy spleen, boiled licorice. Tell him to maintain a good attitude, not to be too anxious, and not to be intoxicated by illness. After a period of conditioning, the tendons are tenacious and powerful, can be invigorating, can be cautious, and can achieve the state that ordinary people should have.

Middle-aged and elderly people also want a clock? Traditional Chinese Medicine: Delay the prescription, nourish the yin and reduce the fire

Blind tonic is very easy to make up, the most likely to hurt the spleen and stomach, the body is deficient to a certain state not only kidney deficiency, but also the spleen and stomach are also very weak state, the ability to accept and transport is greatly reduced. At this time, you also need to try to be light in your diet, greasy, spicy, sweet, and eat less fish and meat. After all, our purpose is to make it up, not to make it up for the sake of making it up, and everything is in vain if we can't make it up.

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