
Big goal! If the Chang'e-6 sample proves that there is helium-3, then the country is indeed far-sighted

author:Popular science for small students


Yesterday afternoon, the mainland's Chang'e-5 lunar exploration mission ended successfully, and the returner successfully landed in Siziwangqi, Inner Mongolia, and now the lunar samples brought back have been airlifted to Beijing, and this morning, the China National Space Administration will popularize the relevant knowledge of the soil sample processing process, and then hold a lunar sample handover ceremony, China's second lunar sampling mission has been successfully completed.

If you stay on the moon for half a month like a nightmare, but you don't bring back the soil on the surface of the moon, then the cost can be great, so Chang'e-5 "fixed footsteps" is a great joy, I believe that in the minds of many people, the lunar soil is a lot of useless mud, but this is not the case, not only the colonists who explored the New World, want to find the New World and sail at sea, the soil on the moon also contains unprecedented rich information.

China will look for helium-3 on the moon through the soil on the moon's surface, and this move is the embodiment of our foresight today.

Helium-three in lunar soil.

The question is, why can't we humans collect helium-3 from the moon back to Earth for preservation?

This problem is not that no one has thought of it, but at present, for us human beings, it is a big project to challenge the moon, not to mention the helium tri manned spacecraft on the moon back to the earth, even if it is to launch a rocket to transport helium three to the earth's orbit, and then connect to the earth for helium three collection, it is also a very difficult thing.

So why would the seemingly "silly and bold" matter of collecting helium-3 on the moon make the dream of clean energy a reality if it can be realized?

As we all know, helium is an inert gas, and helium-3 is extremely inert, so before helium-3 has no chemical reaction, it will not react with other substances, but just stay there like a zombie, emitting energy called clean energy.

So who has such a large air burn, without producing any chemical reaction, directly knocking atomic particles together, thus producing energy?

Could it be that the atomic particles of helium in helium 3 do not have a normal person's sense of social responsibility?

When two nuclear particles of helium-3 collide together, they will merge into one in accordance with normal people's sense of social responsibility and values to form helium-4, but in this process, there will be some mass changes, and these extra masses will not disappear, but will be released in the form of energy.

Big goal! If the Chang'e-6 sample proves that there is helium-3, then the country is indeed far-sighted

In this process, not only energy is released, but also a large number of neutrinos are produced, neutrinos are extremely tiny, almost do not interact with other matter, but at the same time, neutrinos also produce energy, and the space occupied by energy is also very small, so neutrinos are almost not absorbed by matter, so they will pass through the earth's matter, until it travels to the depths of the universe before stopping.

Big goal! If the Chang'e-6 sample proves that there is helium-3, then the country is indeed far-sighted

However, this also means that the earth will hardly use the energy of helium-four alone, so if two helium-three nuclear particles can be directly collided together on the moon, then more neutrinos will be released from the two helium-three nuclear particles, that is, more energy will be released, but at the same time, the released energy will be easier to travel in space, so the earth will also be able to make better use of this energy.

So why can't helium-four be used by the earth?

There are two types of reactors on the earth, namely nuclear fission reactors and nuclear fusion reactors, the former uses uranium and plutonium, although uranium and plutonium reserves on the earth are also OK, but our earth's resources are limited, especially in the modern era when a large number of human beings began to squander and abuse the earth's resources, the earth's resources are decreasing, coupled with the research of the nuclear explosion at the beginning of the 20th century, it has also largely exhausted the earth's uranium and plutonium resources.

And with the popularization and use of nuclear fission reactors, fuel is used faster and faster, and more and more radioactive waste is produced at the same time, the development of nuclear fission has not only failed to alleviate the squandering and abuse of the earth's resources, but also made the earth face a new problem, that is, the problem of a large number of radioactive waste, which greatly increases the burden of supporting the earth's resources.

Compared with nuclear fission, the advantages of nuclear fusion are obvious, firstly, the fuel used for nuclear fusion is hydrogen, and hydrogen is not only abundant in the earth's resources, but also renewable, so it will hardly pose a threat of depletion of the earth's resources, and secondly, the radioactive waste produced is only a small number of neutrinos, plus the safety factor of the nuclear fusion reactor itself is very high, so even if there is an accident, neutrinos will not pose a threat to the earth's ecosystem.

Therefore, it is the supreme right choice for people to transport helium-3 back to the earth for energy production in the earth's nuclear fusion reactors to solve the problem of energy depletion of all mankind, and the use of helium-3 on the moon at the same time, the earth can also be used to improve the global economic development and further improve the quality of life around the world through the economic value generated.

Norms for international cooperation in the development of outer space resources.

Nowadays, the mainland is very confident in cultivating scientific research and development talents in deep space aerospace, and finally realized the aerospace dream of the Chinese dream, and the emergence of a very experienced astronaut on the mainland can ensure that the mainland's aerospace can make great progress, and the mainland's aerospace industry can also develop from generation to generation, so only this question remains, does the mainland have the ability to transport helium-3 on the moon back to the earth?

Since the development of the mainland's aerospace industry is still very young, and the Chinese dream is gradually moving from a dream to a reality, we do not yet have the ability to transport helium-3 on the moon back to the earth, but with the continuous development and maturity of technology, we can ensure that our aerospace capabilities can be passed on from generation to generation, and at the same time, we can also embark on this journey.

So even though we are still a long way from being able to return helium-3 from the moon to Earth, it is time for us to start working on this issue so that our children and grandchildren can build on the legacy we have left behind to plan and dream longer.

The helium-3 resources on the moon are not only available for exploration and utilization on the earth, but are used by all mankind, and all mankind will benefit from it, not to mention that not every place on the earth is suitable for building nuclear fusion reactors.

If there are only a small number of areas to build nuclear fusion reactors, because the world's population depends on these reactors for living energy, then it will definitely make the land in these areas very expensive, and then one person will not be able to buy an inch of land, and everyone will work for these landlord reactors like slaves, which is obviously not in peacetime.

Therefore, if all mankind can work together to explore the moon and find helium-3 on the moon, regardless of countries and nations, this is something that can definitely improve the quality of life of the entire human race, and it can be improved by human beings as a community, rather than something that one country can monopolize.

I believe that this idea is absolutely beautiful, and it can be a good guarantee that this thing can be realized, but all this is based on the light and kindness of human nature, after all, human nature is complex and unpredictable, so China's exploitation of lunar resources today is not only a great commercial action, but also to prevent the potential darkness of human nature, leaving a second way for all mankind, which is worthy of unity.

Problems that can arise from mining Helium III on the Moon.

A celestial body like the Moon would not have lost helium-3 if it had not been affected by a chicken-and-dog event, but nowadays, due to various force majeure, the Moon may be slowly losing helium-3, and one of the biggest factors affecting the storage of helium-3 on the Moon is the gravitational pull of the Earth.

Although helium-3 exists relatively little on Earth, the reserves on the Moon are still very high, so the closer an asteroid like the Moon is to the Earth's gravitational field, the faster it loses helium-3, so this means that the more abundant helium-3 reserves on the Moon will gradually decrease until it is eventually lost.

Therefore, if all mankind can work together to gradually tap and consume helium-3 resources on the moon, this is the best way, because this can also effectively curb the consumption of helium-3 resource reserves by the earth's gravitational field, and at the same time, it can also allow all mankind to gradually enter a new stage of development and prosperity because of the development of lunar resources.

However, as far as a country is concerned, it is obvious that it will not consider the long-term interests of all mankind so selflessly, so this means that as the development of the moon's resources deepens, there will be competition between countries to obtain the most benefits, and even wars that threaten the survival of mankind.

Big goal! If the Chang'e-6 sample proves that there is helium-3, then the country is indeed far-sighted

Therefore, it is necessary for countries to formulate friendly competition norms for the development of lunar resources, and all mankind should manage the development of lunar resources in a unified manner, and regard the development of lunar resources as a continuation of the earth's resources, so as to jointly enter a better future for all mankind.


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