
Provincial Party Committee Organization Department Squatting Research Report, Rural Party Branch Secretary "What to Do, What to Do"

author:Isis emotion
Provincial Party Committee Organization Department Squatting Research Report, Rural Party Branch Secretary "What to Do, What to Do"

Clearly understanding the basic question of "what to do" for the secretaries of rural party branches is of great significance for grasping the basic work at the grassroots level in rural areas, especially for strengthening the building of the contingent of leaders after the election of the village "two committees." Recently, we have adopted the method of "four noes and two straights" to go deep into Xiwu Village, Jiayingguan Township, Wuzhi County, Henan Province, Maozhuang Village, Qidaodian Town, and Dongzhangyi Village, Zhaojing Town, Huojia County, through on-site inspections and individual interviews, focusing on the performance of duties and roles of rural party branch secretaries from the four perspectives of "what they are doing, what they want to do, what they should do, and what they can do".

1. What are the secretaries of rural party branches doing?

Judging from the actual investigation and investigation of the three villages, the secretaries of the village branches were holding meetings to study the affairs of the villages, holding meetings in townships and towns, and being on duty in the village offices. On the whole, the mental outlook is better, the officers are energetic, and the work is in a state. Their recent main work is roughly as follows.

First, it is necessary to grasp the work of party building in rural areas. At present, there are 62 party members in the village, including more than 40 people in the village all the year round, 15 people over 60 years old, and more than 10 people under the age of 40. The village branch carries out theme party day activities on the 26th of each month. Maozhuang Village, at least once a month to convene a meeting of party members, the development of party activists, the current village party members 32 people, more than 10 people in the village all year round, usually once a month to study the regular meeting in the evening, the number of party members every year is the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival. Combined with the study and education of party history, the Dongzhangyi Village Branch organized party members in the village to visit the Jiao Yulu Memorial Hall in Lankao County to carry out red education.

The second is to do poverty alleviation work. In accordance with the requirements of the post-poverty alleviation assessment, the five villages in the west conducted a house-by-house survey of the six types of households in the village, calculated their income, and ensured that all the households that should be monitored were included. Maozhuang Village sorted out the basic work sheets of poverty alleviation and expansion achievements. Dongzhangyi Village carried out dynamic monitoring and assistance to prevent poverty return to "large-scale investigation, laying the foundation, making up for shortcomings, and promoting improvement".

The third is to make good use of village-level collective income. The collective economic source of Xiwu Village is mainly the income from the rental of collective land, with an annual income of 120,000 yuan, which is mainly used for sanitation fees and village tap water expenses. The collective economic source of Maozhuang Village is mainly the rental income of 100 acres of collective land, with an annual income of 53,000 yuan, which is mainly used for sanitation supplies, villager assistance, student education and moral model awards. The collective economy of Dongzhangyi Village is mainly based on the rental income of 230 acres of collective land and the sales income of collective seedlings, with an annual income of 500,000 yuan, which is mainly used for village sanitation fees, sewer pipe paving, and villagers' dividends.

Fourth, strengthen infrastructure construction. Xiwu Village took the opportunity of rectifying the party organization in the weak and sloppy village, built a two-story party building complex of about 800 square meters and a 3,000-square-meter mass cultural activity square, and supported charity nursing homes, clinics, small supermarkets, etc., relocated the new office site, repaired the main road in the west of the village, investigated the use of farmland machine wells, and built two new farmland production roads. Maozhuang Village installed the lighting of the road into the village, completed the dredging and excavation project of the section responsible for the common canal, built a sewage treatment plant, and carried out the hardening of the road in the center of the street. Dongzhangyi Village organized members of the "two committees" of the village to visit and learn the experience of building the village history museum in Qianyao Village, Huixian County.

Fifth, we should carry out the improvement of the rural living environment. The three village branch secretaries put a considerable part of their energy on the improvement of the living environment, organized the villagers to clean up the garbage on both sides of the road, in front of the house and behind the house, and did a good job of banning burning and burning straw during the Spring Festival, and mobilizing the masses to do a good job in improving toilets. Dongzhangyi Village has completed the acceptance of the provincial sanitary village, the garbage classification and treatment mechanism has been in operation for nearly half a year, the ecological sewage treatment system has been built, and the renovation rate of rural households' water toilets has reached 99%.

Sixth, do a good job in basic public services. Xiwu Village organized the Harvest Festival Farmers' Games, did a good job in the collection and distribution of social security funds, carried out safety investigations, and mediated villagers' homestead disputes. Maozhuang Village issued certificates for villagers who went out, organized night security patrols, and carried out volunteer services. Dongzhangyi Village carried out the "30 Creation" of Ping An Village, organized the "99 Charity Day", the Chung Yeung Festival to respect and love the elderly activities and theatrical performances, and organized villagers to pay medical insurance and social security and conduct health check-ups.

Seventh, do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, flood prevention and relief, and post-disaster reconstruction. The three villages have carried out normalized epidemic prevention and control investigations, card point guards and joint household work of party members, and publicized and guided the masses to do a good job in new crown vaccination; Complete flood control and drainage, assist farmers in autumn harvest and autumn planting, and do a good job in post-disaster reconstruction and repair of damaged road sections. During the flood season, Dongzhangyi Village organized personnel and vehicles to go to the Weihe embankment to participate in flood fighting and rescue.

2. What do rural party branch secretaries want to do?

During the investigation, it was learned that the three village branch secretaries were more concerned about their own work, and had ideas and thoughts on accelerating the development of the village, improving the appearance of the village, and improving the production and living conditions of farmers. The most difficult thing for them is where the land comes from, where the people are going, and where the money is earned.

One is to build better infrastructure. Except for Dongzhangyi Village, the three villages are all villages with a lower level of development and poor infrastructure. Xiwu Village plans to build a drainage pipe network of 14,000 meters, all of which will be delivered to households. Maozhuang Village discussed the start of the road repair project, but due to the funding gap, it was planned to let the villagers raise funds, and then strive for some donations and subsidies from the superiors. Dongzhangyi Village plans to connect all tap water and natural gas to households; The collective took out 30 acres of land and 1.5 cents per villager as vegetable land, and the watering and rent costs were all waived, and efforts were made to improve the quality of life of the villagers year by year, and the cost of living gradually decreased.

Second, we want to develop the rich people industry stronger. An important aspect of rural revitalization is industrial revitalization, which makes the pockets of villagers bulge. There are 60 companies engaged in the transportation industry in Xiwu Village, more than 130 transport vehicles, more than 200 drivers, and a per capita monthly income of 7,000 to 8,000 yuan. The secretary of the Maozhuang Village branch mainly wants to develop the rehmannia planting industry with an average annual income of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per mu. Dongzhangyi Village is a typical suburban agricultural village, and the biggest dream of the branch secretary is to develop the modern enrichment industry.

The third is to make the living environment more beautiful. Xiwu Village plans to do a good job in greening, lighting, purifying and beautifying the whole village, and improve the living conditions of 11 poverty alleviation households and 2 monitoring households. Maozhuang Village is planning to build a flower belt on the main road in the village. Dongzhangyi Village has comprehensively promoted the construction of "six modernizations" of cleaning, greening, hardening, lighting, beautification and culture, basically forming the prototype of a beautiful village, and has been rated as a provincial and municipal ecological civilization village and forest village.

Fourth, we want to raise the collective income higher. Without collective economic support, there will be a lack of guarantee for the operation of the branch, and there will be a lack of economic foundation for serving the masses. Xiwu Village plans to build a standard factory building covering an area of 30 acres and 20,000 square meters, and the annual collective income is expected to be millions of yuan. In order to increase collective income, Dongzhangyi Village has completed the land acquisition of the third phase of the pastoral complex project of Jinchang Company with a total investment of 12 million yuan to develop organic vegetables and seedling planting.

3. What should the secretary of the rural party branch do?

The situation in rural areas is very different, but the responsibilities and roles of branch secretaries are basically the same, and there are five main things.

The first is to grasp the team and lead the team, which is stipulated in the basic duties. An important responsibility of the secretary of the rural party branch is to do a good job in the self-construction of the branch, grasp the party building to lead the rural development, and implement the party's line, principles and policies, the resolutions of the higher-level party organizations and the village party member congress by giving play to the role of the branch as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.

The second is to implement the central task, which is required by the higher-level deployment. The secretaries of the rural party branches should implement to the letter the policies of supporting agriculture, benefiting farmers, and strengthening agriculture, and organize and mobilize the masses to complete the central tasks arranged by the superiors. For example, in the near future, Henan Province has made a unified deployment to carry out a centralized rectification action of the rural living environment with the control of the "six chaos" and the "six clearances" as the main content, and the specific work of this task still depends on the rural party branch secretary to do a good job in implementation.

The third is to develop industries and build a better home, which is urgently needed for rural revitalization. In the context of rural revitalization, whether they can make a difference in industrial development, strengthen the collective economy, and lead farmers to common prosperity is a major test for the secretary of the rural party branch. An important task of the branch secretary is to give full play to the leading role of the collective economy, stimulate the advantages and potential of industrial development, and make the village party branch stiff and appealing.

Fourth, it is necessary to do a good job in doing practical things for the masses, which is what the villagers are looking forward to. The secretary of the village branch is the closest to the masses, and the most direct work is to do a good job in doing things that the masses are concerned about and the people look forward to. It is necessary to proceed from the reality of the hollowing out of villages, the aging of villagers, and the problems of "three left-behinds" brought about by urbanization, keep pace with the times, do a good job in serving the masses, and be a good caring person for the masses.

Fifth, it is necessary to do a good job in rural governance, which is entrusted by the function of public management. The village branch secretariat is at the "nerve endings" of grassroots governance, and is responsible for the "three-zero creation", public services, resource allocation, social security and medical insurance, and normalized epidemic prevention and control. The key to improving the efficiency of governance is to be legal, reasonable, and tolerant, so as to ensure that conflicts are not handed over as much as possible, and village affairs are in the village. At the same time, it is necessary to do a good job in building spiritual civilization and carry forward new trends and healthy trends.

Fourth, the secretary of the rural party branch "what can do"

The investigation found that the three village party secretaries all had the desire to work as officers and made a lot of efforts. However, in addition to personal willingness and ability, what the village branch secretary can do is also inseparable from other factors, such as the resource endowment of the village, the development opportunities it faces, the support of the superiors, the main role of the villagers, and the prestige of the village party secretary.

The first is to revitalize existing resources. Xiwu Village and Maozhuang Village are dominated by traditional planting industry, with small scale, low efficiency and single industrial structure. Dongzhangyi Village is close to the county seat, with superior location conditions, which is conducive to attracting investment, and the collective economic income is significantly higher than that of ordinary villages, and new projects are still being built. The economic conditions are different, the village branch secretary can do different things, Dongzhangyi Village, which has a high collective economic income, has completed the construction of "six modernizations"; In Maozhuang Village, where the collective economy is weak, even the construction of roads and greening depends on the villagers to raise funds.

The second is to win the support of superiors. Some projects are basically impossible to do without the planning and financial support of the higher authorities, with the village's own financial resources. The new party and mass service center in Xiwu Village has a total investment of 2 million yuan, and the source of funds is the provincial special bond applied by the county. The infrastructure of Maozhuang Village is poor, and the town's finance itself has limited disposable funds, so it can only promise to give incentives and subsidies. The pilot project of "six modernizations" in Dongzhangyi Village was planned by the county and township governments, and a considerable part of the investment was borne by the county and township finances.

The third is to make good use of development opportunities. In 2017, with the help of the second batch of pilot projects for the reform of the rural collective property rights system in the country, Dongzhangyi Village better solved the remaining problems of collective contracted land and cleaned up and standardized unreasonable contracts. With the help of the urban logistics industry, the transportation industry has been developed. Maozhuang Village, like most villages, mainly relies on the export of labor services and the economy of part-time work.

The fourth is to activate the main body of villagers. Whether it is rural development, rural construction, or rural governance, it is inseparable from the main role of villagers. Only by effectively organizing the villagers can we stimulate internal strength, cohesion, and build a better homeland together. Practice has proved that it is an effective way to strengthen infrastructure construction by taking nostalgia and nostalgia as a link to attract donations and social assistance from rural sages.

Fifth, establish their own prestige. Many secretaries of rural party branches have been re-elected for more than ten years, and have been recognized by the people and have a good reputation, which is prestige and appeal. After taking office, the secretary of the Dongzhangyi Village branch withstood the pressure and solved the "old and difficult" problems such as the encroachment of collective assets and the subcontracting at low prices in the village for more than 10 years, and turned a backward village into an advanced village.

Judging from the investigation and investigation, what the secretaries of rural party branches are doing, what they want to do, what they should do, and what they can do are generally the same, but due to different basic conditions, different abilities, and different work results, what they want to do, what they can do, and what they are doing are different. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the investigation of the three villages, combined with the situation in the province that is usually grasped and understood, the secretaries of rural party branches can be roughly divided into four categories.

The first is the leading type. This kind of group has high comprehensive quality, strong governance ability, good development trend of the village, social harmony and stability, the superior party organization is assured, and the people's satisfaction and recognition are high, and they are the leaders among the branch secretaries, accounting for about 1/4 of the total number of village branch secretaries in the province.

The second is the potential type. This kind of group has a high personal quality, self-motivated, enterprising, want to do things, and are willing to do things, but due to historical and objective reasons, the foundation of the village is poor and there are many difficulties, which restricts the role of the village branch secretary, accounting for about 1/2.

The third is the stall type. This kind of village branch secretary lacks a sense of innovation and enterprising spirit, is conservative in thinking, and is not strong in ability, and can do the general work arranged by the superiors, but the standard is not high, and the difficult work cannot be done, and complex problems cannot be solved, accounting for about 1/4.

Fourth, problematic. This kind of group has low cultural quality, backward ideological concepts, weak ability to lead the masses to develop, and lags behind in all work, and it is difficult for the village to find suitable candidates for a while.

Standing at the height of building a strong grassroots organization system and consolidating the party's ruling foundation in rural areas, building a more competent team of rural party branch secretaries, and forging a hard-core force to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and accelerate agricultural and rural modernization, we feel that it is very important to build a full-chain mechanism and work system of selection, cultivation, management, and use.

The first is to select the right person at the entrance. Combined with the actual conditions of each locality, refine the qualifications for the post, clarify the selection criteria and methods, and comprehensively consider political quality, age and education, experience ability, and public reputation to find suitable candidates. In the 2021 election of the village "two committees", Henan firmly grasped the "four belts" standard of having political quality and leadership ability, being able to lead a good team, having ideals, beliefs and dedication, being able to lead the right way, having economic acumen and the ability to get rich, being able to drive development, having good conduct and a fair heart, and being able to bring a positive atmosphere, and refined the negative list of "nine can't and six shouldn't", and a large number of outstanding party members were elected as secretaries of rural party branches, with 99.7% of them "shoulder-to-shoulder". At the same time, we should actively broaden the horizons and channels for selecting personnel, and reserve sufficient reserve forces that can be used at any time.

The second is to accurately train and educate strong people. Implement the theme training plan for grassroots cadres in the new era, actively promote the pilot of the "mentor help system", and increase the theoretical arming and professional training of rural party branch secretaries. In view of the different needs of different types of village branch secretaries to improve their political leadership ability, collective economic development ability, grassroots governance ability, emergency response ability, and ability to serve the masses, focus on improving the level of training, optimize training methods, implement "compulsory + elective", and change "flood irrigation" to "precise drip irrigation".

The third is to improve the standard management of people. Persist in promoting cadres through management, strengthen the management and supervision of the entire process of rural party branch secretaries, study specific measures to standardize the operation of power "on one shoulder", and promote better performance of duties and roles. Improve the performance assessment and evaluation system, improve the research and judgment mechanism for suitable posts, regularly analyze the status of the team, increase guidance and support for potential types with poor foundation and temporary backwardness, timely talk and remind those who are not in good ability and poor state, strengthen education and training, and order resignation, adjustment and replacement of problematic types who are still incompetent and unfulfilled after education and rectification within a time limit.

Fourth, build a platform to motivate people. Through the creation of "five-star branches" and practical performance competitions, competition in the ring, evaluation of excellence, etc., the leaders of rural revitalization are selected and responsible as good secretaries to encourage them to be the first. We should further straighten out the relationship between rural organizations, rationally divide powers, and provide necessary human and financial support for villages with weak collective economies. Unblock the channels for the promotion and recruitment of outstanding rural party branch secretaries, give priority to recommending candidates for "two representatives and one member", and promote the institutionalization of township (street) civil servants and career establishment personnel in examinations (hiring), so as to stimulate motivation and vitality.