
The Absence of Love: How to Tell If a Man Really Loves You?

author:Hurt many times and still believe in love

In our journey of life, love is a force that can warm the heart, like a down jacket in the cold winter and cold watermelon juice in the summer. However, when a man frequently blames you, it is often a sign of a lack of love in his heart. Criticism is not only a denial of your behavior, but also an emotional indifference and alienation. A man who truly loves you will see the good in your mistakes and shortcomings, tolerate your faults, and share the responsibilities in life with you, instead of blindly blaming you for your problems.

The Absence of Love: How to Tell If a Man Really Loves You?

In daily life, love is not only expressed in sweet words and gifts, but also in the little things that get along with each other day after day. The man who loves you will take the initiative to take on the housework and share the troubles and joys of life with you. He will focus on communicating with you, listening to your heart, and respecting your feelings. However, when a man begins to shirk responsibility, ignore you, or even show slackness and indifference in emotional management, these are all signs that he may no longer love you.

The Absence of Love: How to Tell If a Man Really Loves You?

Responsibility is one of the important criteria to measure whether a person truly loves you. A man who shirks his responsibilities often lacks responsibility in the face of problems and is unwilling to make efforts for the harmony and happiness of the family. He may find all sorts of excuses to avoid family responsibilities and be unwilling to be patient with household chores. What's more, he will treat your needs and problems with a "what's my business" attitude, and this indifferent attitude is undoubtedly very hurtful to your feelings.

The Absence of Love: How to Tell If a Man Really Loves You?

Managing feelings is like planting a tree, which needs to be cared for and managed. A man who doesn't love you won't care about your efforts and dedication, and it will even hit your self-confidence and make you feel lonely and helpless in your marriage. On the contrary, a man who truly loves you will appreciate your efforts, and at the same time, he will face life's challenges with you, share the joy of success, and share the pain of failure.

The Absence of Love: How to Tell If a Man Really Loves You?

In marriage, mutual understanding and support is an important factor in overcoming boredom. If a man frequently accuses you and turns a blind eye to your efforts, it is not only a denial of your feelings, but also a blow to your personality. People who truly love you will respect you, understand you, and face the ups and downs of life with you, instead of blindly blaming and shirking responsibility when encountering problems.

The Absence of Love: How to Tell If a Man Really Loves You?

In general, whether a man loves you or not can be seen from his attitude towards you. A man who truly loves you will show care and care for you in the details of life, instead of hurting you with sharp words and indifferent attitudes. If you find that he is always making unwarranted accusations against you, shirking responsibility, and unwilling to share a relationship with you, then it is likely that he no longer loves you. Such a man will not provide you with a warm harbor, but will make you feel lonely and lost in your marriage.

Faced with such a situation, women need to be brave enough to look at their marriage