
If these 4 changes occur on the face, it may be a "distress signal" from the liver

author:Healthy Gale 2Y1T

Stay up on the wildest nights and eat the spiciest skewers

Drink the strongest liquor


There is no "liver explosion" and no youthful rhythm of life

Let's be frantically tempted on the edge of danger

can make us so indulgent

Thanks to the liver has two brushes

The liver is the most metabolically active organ in our body

It is responsible for hundreds of chemical reactions

24 hours a day, all year round

It is known as the "human body chemical factory".

Once the liver is bad

And the man will fall

If these 4 changes occur on the face, it may be a "distress signal" from the liver

But the liver is a silent organ that doesn't have the nerve to sense pain, so that liver disease comes with no warning, it's not noticeable, and it's often not detected until it's an advanced stage of liver cancer

Although the "liver" does not cry out "pain"

But it will also "save itself" As the saying goes, "If you don't have a good face, you will have a hidden disease"

Once these 4 changes appear on the face

That could be the liver's distress signal to us


People who are targeted by the liver have 4 more changes in their faces!

Yellowing of the skin on the face

As a yellow person, the skin is slightly yellow, but if you find that the skin is suddenly very yellow, it may be a liver problem.

This phenomenon of the face suddenly becoming very yellow is called jaundice.

The liver is the main site for processing bilirubin, a yellow compound that is produced by the breakdown of red blood cells and is mainly found in the blood.

Bilirubin is a waste product of the body and needs to be metabolized by the liver to be converted into an excretable form and excreted from the body.

If these 4 changes occur on the face, it may be a "distress signal" from the liver

Once the liver function is impaired, it will lead to the ability of liver cells to absorb and metabolize bilirubin is getting worse and worse, and a large amount of bilirubin cannot be metabolized, and can only accumulate and swim in the blood, and people will become "yellow", which is "jaundice".

Whether it's acute or chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis or liver cancer, jaundice can occur at different stages of the disease.

As a result, the skin on the face may become particularly yellow, and beware of liver damage, the most serious of which is liver cancer.

The whites of the eyes are yellowish

When the whites of the eyes begin to appear distinctly yellow, it is likely to be a feature of liver disease.

If these 4 changes occur on the face, it may be a "distress signal" from the liver

The affinity of the whites of the eyes for bilirubin is relatively high, so yellowing of the whites of the eyes (sclera) is very common and the first to appear.

The complexion is gray and dull

After liver lesions, the abnormalities of the face are collectively referred to as liver disease facies, including dull complexion, dark eye circles, black and purple lips, poor skin elasticity, dryness, roughness, etc., and even a "bronzed" face.

Liver lesions, slow response and inability to work normally, will affect the metabolism of pigment in the liver, and the content of melanin in the body will increase, resulting in more melanin precipitation on the skin.

If these 4 changes occur on the face, it may be a "distress signal" from the liver

Long spider nevi

Spider angiomas usually have a small red dot in the middle and are surrounded by small radial blood vessel branches, similar to spiders.

In addition to the face, spider angiomas can also grow on the chest, neck, shoulders, upper limbs (arms, fingers, and backs of hands).

If these 4 changes occur on the face, it may be a "distress signal" from the liver

Source: Internet

Due to liver damage, the inactivation of estrogen is reduced, and the hormone is not metabolized normally, causing estrogen levels to rise, stimulating blood vessel congestion and dilation, thus causing spider angiomata.


These behaviors are very hurtful, don't step on thunder again!

Frequent alcohol consumption can hurt the liver

90% of the alcohol entering the body is metabolized in the liver, which can affect all aspects of fat metabolism and make the metabolism in the body abnormal, resulting in excessive fat accumulation in the liver, forming alcoholic fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis.

Wine is a thing that you can't drink if you can't drink it; If you have to drink it, you can't drink it too much; Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach, do not drink quickly, do not drink a lot of alcohol, and do not drink alcohol for hepatitis B and C patients.

Fatty liver is caused by overnutrition

Many liver diseases are eaten, and regular intake of high sugar, high calories, and high fat will be deposited in the liver, causing fatty liver. It is necessary to eat a balanced diet, eat more fruits and vegetables and high-protein foods, keep exercising, reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver, enhance physical fitness, and avoid sitting for a long time and lack of exercise.

Moldy food is the "invisible killer"

Aflatoxins are found in moldy chopsticks or moldy and spoiled food, and studies have shown that 1mg of aflatoxins can cause cancer, and a one-time ingestion of 20mg of aflatoxins can directly cause death in adults.

If food becomes moldy, be sure to stop eating. Even if the rest of the body doesn't seem to have changed, it's likely that it already contains a lot of harmful substances.

Drug abuse can harm the liver

Long-term or abuse of certain drugs can cause damage to the liver. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for advice before using the medication and avoid self-dosing on the medication.

Healthy people are not recommended to take additional liver protection drugs or liver protection supplements.

If these 4 changes occur on the face, it may be a "distress signal" from the liver


Regular physical examinations to detect abnormalities in time

Regular check-ups can help identify potential health problems. Early detection of diseases can make it easier to treat and improve cure rates.

What are the liver screening items?

Liver function tests

Liver function tests are generally carried out through various biochemical test methods to detect various indicators related to liver function and metabolism, reflecting the basic status of liver function, and the examinations mainly include alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and γ-glutamyl transferase.

Liver ultrasound can usually detect whether there is a tumor in the liver, and can also determine whether the tumor is a mass lesion, and can see whether the liver echo is uniform when the liver is performed on the color ultrasound to determine whether the liver disease is serious, in addition, the liver color ultrasound examination can also help the patient determine whether the liver has obvious space-occupying lesions.

If these 4 changes occur on the face, it may be a "distress signal" from the liver

Five tests for hepatitis B

The hepatitis B five-test generally refers to the detection of hepatitis B through blood samples, including hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis B surface antibody, hepatitis B e antigen, hepatitis B e antibody, and hepatitis B core antibody, and whether hepatitis B is present or has hepatitis B based on negative or positive manifestations.

Important Notes Before the liver examination, patients need to maintain adequate sleep, avoid strenuous exercise, and also maintain a light diet, do not consume greasy, spicy foods, such as fatty meat, chili peppers, otherwise it will cause some indicators in the body to be abnormal, which will cause abnormal results.