
The strategy of strengthening the talent zone has added new momentum! Laoshan "Green Goose Homecoming, Le Aolao" brand was officially released

author:Qingdao News Network
The strategy of strengthening the talent zone has added new momentum! Laoshan "Green Goose Homecoming, Le Aolao" brand was officially released

Qingdao News Network, June 20 (Reporter Sun Zhiwen) Today, a reporter from Qingdao News Network learned from a press conference held by the Information Office of the People's Government of Laoshan District that the Laoshan District "Green Goose Homecoming, Le Aolao" youth talent work brand was officially released, marking a new momentum to Laoshan's "Talent Strong Zone" strategy!

In recent years, Laoshan District has firmly established the concept of "talent is the first resource", deepened the implementation of the "three integrations" of the integration of production and talent, the integration of schools and localities, and the integration of people and cities, vigorously implemented the "Huizhi Laoshan" youth talent gathering project, and carried out special actions for the introduction and cultivation of young talents. We will continue to provide better services for young people to come to Laos for development.

It is understood that the talent work brand of "Green Goose Homecoming, Le Aolao" has three meanings. The first meaning lies in the shape, the brand is shaped by the golden phoenix, which means that Laoshan nests and attracts phoenixes, and through the improvement of various services, it will make every effort to attract young talents to come to Qingdao and Laoshan for innovation and entrepreneurship. The second meaning lies in the sound, "Le Ao" is the pinyin of the word "Lao" in Laoshan, hoping that young talents can not only start a family in Laoshan, but also be able to warm their hearts and be happy, and soar happily on the fertile soil of Laoshan. The third meaning lies in the meaning, the brand focuses on showing Laoshan's sincerity to young talents, empathizing with young people's thinking, sincerely communicating with young people's voice, supporting young talents in an all-round way, and embracing young talents.

It is reported that the main content of "Green Goose Homecoming, Le Aolao" includes "four modes":

The first is the "policy" + "platform" attraction model to help young talents "settle down". The talent policy with high gold content is an important factor to support the development of young talents, Laoshan District has always attached great importance to and cherished young talents, innovated and implemented 40 policies of "Huizhi Laoshan" talents, and took out "real money" to express the strong will of "thirst for talents". Vigorously implement the "Huizhi Laoshan" young talent gathering project, for the master's and doctoral graduates working in Laoshan, on the basis of enjoying the monthly housing subsidy of 800 yuan and 1,200 yuan in Qingdao for three consecutive years, they can enjoy the living allowance of 3,000 yuan and 5,000 yuan in Laoshan District every year. We actively build a multi-dimensional talent introduction platform with universities, talent markets and enterprises as the carrier, implement multi-scenario and diversified talent introduction activities of "city + university + market + enterprise", continuously promote the accurate matching of young talents with the needs of enterprises, and improve the overall effectiveness of attracting and gathering young talents.

The second is the integration model of "production and talent" + "school and locality" to help young talents "settle down". In terms of the integration of industry and talent, the attraction and support of high-quality industries and emerging industries for young talents is huge. In recent years, Laoshan District has adhered to high-end leading, innovation-driven, and cluster development, expanded and strengthened the four high-end manufacturing industry chains and three modern service industry chains with strategic determination, and made every effort to promote the construction of four "thousand acres" specialized parks such as Qingdao Virtual Reality Industrial Park and Qingdao Artificial Intelligence Industrial Park. The revitalization of the land is pregnant with infinite possibilities, and the release of space represents a huge opportunity, we focus on the talent needs of key industrial chains and professional parks, carry out the "big alliance" of industrial talent introduction, tap a large number of jobs, and provide a broader stage for young talents. In terms of school-local integration, Laoshan District has 3 universities such as Ocean University of China and 14 scientific research institutes, with more than 30,000 fresh graduates every year, and scientific and educational resources are gathered. In particular, in May this year, Laoshan District issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Deep Integration and Development of Schools and Localities" to give full play to the advantages of young talent resources in colleges and universities, increase coordination in the deep integration of industry, education, science and education, and implement more active measures for the gathering of young talents. Increase support for young talents, improve the incentive policies and service systems for college students' entrepreneurship and employment, and rely on leading enterprises in the industry to establish internships, training and practice bases; Encourage and support the cooperation between postdoctoral mobile stations of universities and institutes and regional postdoctoral sites to cultivate and introduce young reserve forces.

The third is the "four-in-one" comfortable living model to help young talents "live in peace". Young people are the necessities of urban development, and housing is the rigid need of young talents. Laoshan District introduces more than 10,000 young talents with bachelor's degree or above every year, and there is a large demand for talent housing. Focusing on the long-term residential needs of young talents, we have innovatively implemented the "four-in-one" talent housing allocation mechanism with property rights, leasing, quota system and targeted attraction as the core. In particular, for enterprises or units in key industries in our district, a certain number of housing resources will be demarcated according to the "quota", and the enterprises will make overall planning and reasonable distribution, so as to continuously improve the sense of gain and happiness of young talents. Focusing on the short-term living needs of young talents, we have built 12 youth talent stations and 1 Youlai youth community in the district to provide concentrated housing rental for young talents with preferential prices, complete supporting facilities and intimate services for young talents who come to Laos for employment. In 2023, a total of 2,044 sets of talent housing will be allocated in Laoshan District, including 1,091 rental units, 467 property rights units, 260 "quota system" units, and 226 targeted attraction units.

The fourth is the collaborative model of "service" + "activity" to help young talents "feel at ease". Young talents are the most energetic and creative group in the whole society, and only by providing high-quality, efficient, intimate and enthusiastic services for young talents can all kinds of young talents feel the warmth of "home". Laoshan has superior natural endowments, we have the Laoshan Scenic Area with unlimited scenery, the beautiful Fushan Forest Park, the lively stone old man city meeting room, and the unique and beautiful Wheat Island Park in the sea. Laoshan not only has superior natural endowment and urban environment, but also has a superior talent service ecology, we have issued the "Laoshan District Talent Service Position Construction Three-year Action Plan", to accelerate the construction of "full-time team + professional center + characteristic position" of the "1320" talent service position, the year to focus on building "noon youth" and other 10 talent homes. Facing the education and medical needs of young talents, 17 new campuses, 80% of the resources coverage of famous schools, and 341 education elites are leading the way for the education of young talents' children; Led by tertiary general hospitals, 543 medical institutions, and a community health service network are fully covered to escort the family health of young talents. In order to better meet the needs of young talents to learn knowledge and skills and enrich their spare time, Laoshan District has integrated the resources of colleges and universities, social organizations and regimental organizations in the district to open a Chinese New Year's Eve School based on the needs of young people. In the first half of this year, the Chinese New Year's Eve School has opened 16 sessions, attracting more than 400 young talents to participate.

2024 is the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Laoshan District, and the high-quality development of Laoshan has ushered in a golden opportunity period of gathering momentum and great promise. Today's Laoshan is a city of innovation, vitality, prosperity and hope, and today's Laoshan is more thirsty for talents than ever before, and more than ever to achieve talents. The release of the "Green Goose Homecoming, Le Aolao" young talent work brand is a vivid practice of Laoshan District to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and explore a new model of youth talent work. In the next step, Laoshan District will continue to carry out special actions for the gathering of young talents, continuously enrich the brand carrier, extend the brand connotation, and strive to build a full life cycle service system for young talents, so that the majority of young talents can enjoy the "Laoshan courtesy" in life, culture, career and other aspects.

Attached: A letter from Laoshan District to young talent friends

The strategy of strengthening the talent zone has added new momentum! Laoshan "Green Goose Homecoming, Le Aolao" brand was officially released