
Big melon! "Academic Daji Li Yifei" follow-up! In a speech, the pants that were picked up by netizens are gone

author:Small cakes
Big melon! "Academic Daji Li Yifei" follow-up! In a speech, the pants that were picked up by netizens are gone

Everyone, melon eaters, there are big melons again! No, Li Yifei, who just delivered an "inspiring" speech at the graduation ceremony of Xi'an Jiaotong University, changed from a "goddess of academic tyrants" to an "academic daji" in a blink of an eye? This plot reversal is too fast! Let's take a look at the true face of this "Daji".

Big melon! "Academic Daji Li Yifei" follow-up! In a speech, the pants that were picked up by netizens are gone

Oh my god, this classmate Li Yifei really gave us a vivid lesson of "character collapse"! The front foot was still standing on the stage of the graduation ceremony, impassionedly shouting to "join the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense", and the back foot was picked up by netizens A bunch of fierce materials. This reversal came too quickly, and my old arms and legs couldn't keep up with the rhythm!

To be honest, seeing Li Yifei's beautiful face, and listening to her bold words, I was also enthusiastic at that time! I thought that this girl is good, good-looking, talented, and idealistic, and she is simply a model for contemporary college students! But who would have thought that there are so many unknown little secrets hidden behind this?

Big melon! "Academic Daji Li Yifei" follow-up! In a speech, the pants that were picked up by netizens are gone

The netizens' skin-peeling skills are really amazing, and they have turned over Li Yifei's old bottom by dividing five by two. What "outstanding student representative" title is obtained by relationship, what is behind the praise, and some people even say that she is "held up to the altar by some forces". Tut-tut, this water is so deep! It seems that our "Princess Li" is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Tell me, why are young people in this age so eager to become famous? In order to stand on that stage, he did not hesitate to use all kinds of connections to engage in some crooked ways. Isn't that putting the cart before the horse? We were studying at that time, but we were really fighting for strength, where is it like now, just playing some tricks?

Big melon! "Academic Daji Li Yifei" follow-up! In a speech, the pants that were picked up by netizens are gone

But then again, Li Yifei can't be blamed for this alone. What do you think, how can a recent graduate have such great ability to directly say that he wants to work in the Bureau of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense? There must be someone behind this! Besides, don't those who praise her have no responsibility?

So, this tells us that we can't just look at the surface. Beneath the glamorous exterior, there are often hidden secrets. As our older generation often said, "the gold is outside, and the corruption is in it"!

Big melon! "Academic Daji Li Yifei" follow-up! In a speech, the pants that were picked up by netizens are gone

Of course, we can't kill us with a stick. After all, Li Yifei is still young, young people, it is inevitable to make mistakes. The key is to be able to learn from your mistakes and correct your own shortcomings. I hope that after this turmoil, she can reflect on it and start again.

After all, this is a wake-up call for all of us. Whether it is a student or a parent, we should focus on improving our real talents, rather than engaging in those bells and whistles. True ability is the foundation of life!

Big melon! "Academic Daji Li Yifei" follow-up! In a speech, the pants that were picked up by netizens are gone

Eh, tell me, did this Li Yifei teach us a vivid life lesson? Success is never achieved overnight, we need to be down-to-earth, one step at a time. Those halos obtained by relationships and means will be punctured sooner or later. Therefore, it is necessary to be sincere and down-to-earth, this is the long-term solution!

Interactive topic: Guys who eat melons, what do you think about this? If you were Li Yifei, would you also come to such a play? Feel free to share your views in the comment section!

Big melon! "Academic Daji Li Yifei" follow-up! In a speech, the pants that were picked up by netizens are gone

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