
A good medicine: "The temper is not big, the credit is not small", in addition to dispelling dampness and reducing swelling, there are also 2 major effects

author:Kamiki Garden

When it comes to the medicine to dispel dampness and water, in fact, among the many Chinese herbal medicines, there are many medicinal materials that are very "top-notch", and in terms of this medicine, it has always been regarded as a "good helper" for dampness, and it is coix seed. In particular, the red bean barley water made by combining it with red beans not only has a good effect on reducing swelling and dampness, but also plays a certain role in nourishing blood and qi, whitening and nourishing the skin, so it is also "favored" by many female friends.

Coix is actually a kind of herbaceous plant of coix, probably in the autumn of each year, its fruit will ripen, in life, we also call it barley, rice kernel. Since ancient times, it is a very nourishing food, and the first medicinal record is in the "Shennong Materia Medica", it occupies the first place in the grasses, and it has the title of "friend of life and health".

A good medicine: "The temper is not big, the credit is not small", in addition to dispelling dampness and reducing swelling, there are also 2 major effects

The medicinal value of coix seed is quite high, whether it is in the "Shennong's Materia Medica", or in Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", it has been listed as a top-grade drug, "Shennong's Materia Medica" said that this medicine has the effect of relieving "tendon and cramps", can dispel rheumatism and paralysis, and improve the water under the qi; And Li Shizhen even listed it as a yang medicine, saying that it has a role that should not be underestimated in strengthening the spleen and stomach, "deficiency is to make up for its mother", so the treatment of pulmonary carbuncles, pulmonary fistula and other diseases have a certain effect, which can be aimed at the symptoms of yang mingjing, so as to win water and dehumidify, and slow down the urgency of qi.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that coix seed is sweet, light, cool, and belongs to the spleen meridian, lung meridian and stomach meridian to facilitate water infiltration into the stomach, and also has the effect of strengthening the spleen, removing paralysis, clearing heat and draining pus, etc., whether it is for edema, unfavorable urination, or dampness and paralysis, pulmonary diseases, it can play a good therapeutic effect, however, in addition to dispelling dampness and swelling, coix seed actually has these two major effects.

A good medicine: "The temper is not big, the credit is not small", in addition to dispelling dampness and reducing swelling, there are also 2 major effects

1. Spleen deficiency and diarrhea

The prevalence of dampness in the body is often very related to our spleen, most of which are caused by the abnormal infusion of fluid caused by the weakness of the spleen and stomach, the spleen and stomach are derelict in their functions, and the water and dampness in the body are endogenous, which is left in the viscera and muscle surface, which will induce edema, but when the fluid does not follow the conventional waterway, it will flow down into the intestines, which will lead to an increase in the fluid in the intestines and diarrhea.

The most common prescription is the Shenling Baizhu powder in the "Taiping Huimin and Pharmacy Formula", which is used together with Atractylodes and ginseng to treat or alleviate the disease.

A good medicine: "The temper is not big, the credit is not small", in addition to dispelling dampness and reducing swelling, there are also 2 major effects

2. Muscle and vein spasm

Dampness is heavy, which will lead to blockage of the meridians in the body, especially in our joints, it is easy to have unfavorable joints and even pain due to the prevalence of dampness. This use of coix seed is reflected in many prescriptions, such as coix seed porridge in the "Food and Medical Heart Mirror", which is to mix this medicine with white cardamom and almonds, and cook porridge to take it, which can relieve rheumatism and paralysis for a long time and treat diseases.

However, everyone should know that although coix seed has a good curative effect, it is often not suitable for long-term use for patients with severe spleen and stomach deficiency due to its slightly cold and cold properties.

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