
Having trouble doing things and explaining halfway? 5 years of chronic prostatitis, with this recipe, the effect is remarkable!

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine

A while ago, Mr. Liu from Jiangxi, came from afar, came to me for consultation, and said that he had been chronically prostatitis for nearly 5 years, and there were problems in that area for many years.

Having trouble doing things and explaining halfway? 5 years of chronic prostatitis, with this recipe, the effect is remarkable!

Symptoms: 1. Frequent urination, urgency, and nocturia, and very frequent nights;

2. Weak urination, inexhaustible drips, unable to hold urine;

3. Fear of cold, cold hands and feet, and listlessness;

4. The scrotum is damp, the stool is not formed, etc.

The patient's tongue is pale and fat, and the tongue coating is white and greasy.

The comprehensive differentiation of the syndrome is: yang qi deficiency, cold and dampness are too heavy.

Although we know that patients have chronic prostatitis, we can't only know about antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, the most important thing is to pay attention to the problem of yang qi weakness, yang deficiency produces cold and dampness, which is very conducive to the breeding of inflammation, and will also reduce the body's immunity, qi and blood blockage, qi and blood can not go to all parts of the body, and they will be afraid of cold, lack of energy, and weakness.

Having trouble doing things and explaining halfway? 5 years of chronic prostatitis, with this recipe, the effect is remarkable!

In this case, it is a vicious circle, yang deficiency produces cold and dampness, and cold and dampness will deplete yang qi, which will make prostatitis more serious, so fundamentally, it is still a lack of yang qi, and it is necessary to replenish yang qi.

Formula: aconite, cinnamon branch, dried ginger, keel, oyster, golden cherry seed, peony, boiled licorice, jujube.

Solution: Use aconite cinnamon branches and dried ginger to replenish the fire of the life gate and warm the spleen and yang; cinnamon branches, so that the yang energy runs through the whole body, except for the cold and dampness of the whole body; keel, oysters, golden cherry seeds, solid essence and astringent essence, warm and solid, yin and yang are mutual; Peony, licorice, jujube, tonify the spleen and stomach, promote the biochemistry of qi and blood, enhance immunity and promote righteousness.

Having trouble doing things and explaining halfway? 5 years of chronic prostatitis, with this recipe, the effect is remarkable!

After a period of conditioning, the patient said that he was not so afraid of cold, his hands and feet were warm, the scrotum was not damp, the urine situation was well improved, and it did not affect his daily life.

This article is only for the use of medical science, not to make any drug recommendations, the specific medication varies from person to person, please follow the guidance of a professional doctor. #中医 ##中药##男性健康#