
The first time I participated, it broke 100 million! This year's "6.18", small and medium-sized businesses also "celebrated".

author:China Business Daily

China Business Daily (Reporter Jiang Yongxia) "As of 23:59 on June 18,'s '6·18' turnover and order volume reached a new high, and's live broadcast order volume increased by more than 200% year-on-year." "As of 24 o'clock on June 18, 365 brands have exceeded 100 million yuan in Tmall's '6.18', and more than 36,000 brands have doubled." At the end of "6.18", the gratifying report of the e-commerce platform once again demonstrated the charm of "6.18".

"6.18", which has gone through more than ten years, is still full of vitality in today's consumer market - users have benefited, merchants have gained new business opportunities, and e-commerce platforms have achieved new growth. The highlights and hot spots presented in the promotion also reflect the current new consumption trend.

The first time I participated, it broke 100 million! This year's "6.18", small and medium-sized businesses also "celebrated".

In the live broadcast room of Sister Hong's mother and child in the e-commerce public service center, the network anchor is promoting products through live broadcasts, short videos, etc. (PHOTO COURTESY OF CNSPHOTO)

The number of users is still growing

In the current stock competition, with the help of "6.18", e-commerce platforms and merchants have once again achieved user growth.

Judging from the "6.18" battle report released by the e-commerce platform, in addition to the growth of overall transaction data, the most important thing is that users are also growing. Jingdong data shows that this year's "6.18", more than 500 million users placed orders on Jingdong. Specifically, JD Cloud Yanxi Digital Human was broadcast in more than 5,000 brand live broadcast rooms, with a cumulative number of viewers exceeding 100 million and an interactive frequency of more than 5 million times. 9.9 The number of online products in the whole cycle of the free shipping channel exceeded one million, and the number of users and orders increased by more than 100 times year-on-year.

During Tmall's "6.18" period, the number of new 88VIP members skyrocketed, and in May 2024, the number of new 88VIP members increased by more than 2 times month-on-month and more than 3 times year-on-year. Alibaba's latest financial report shows that the number of 88VIP members has exceeded 35 million, a double-digit year-on-year growth.

When it comes to merchants and stores, their users are also growing. Zheng Dafa, the person in charge of Taobao luggage merchant "Nanfeng", said that this year's "6.18" had a good start, and the number of user visits to the store was about twice that of last year. The growth of the traffic side is directly exchanged for the increase in the number of orders and sales, and the sales of "6.18" stores this year have increased by about 50% compared with the same period last year. Users' willingness to spend in stores is also increasing, with an average sales per order increasing by 20 yuan compared to last year.

In order to gain more user recognition, e-commerce platforms are making more efforts. continues to improve the infrastructure of the Greater Bay Area, and the delivery in Hong Kong and Macao has been significantly accelerated, and nearly seventy percent of's online shopping packages from Hong Kong and Macao consumers have been delivered the next day. In Habahe County, Altay, Xinjiang, the engineers of "Jingdong Service+" drove for more than 5 hours through the Gobi and the desert, and sent the charging pile to the installation site the day after the customer placed an order, and the installation and commissioning were completed simultaneously. In Pali Town, Yadong County, Tibet, the "first town on the plateau", engineers from JD Logistics delivered the newly purchased home appliances and lamps to the herdsmen, installed them free of charge, and recycled old items.

Since March this year, Taobao has officially launched the Xinjiang free shipping program, which makes it easier and simpler for Xinjiang consumers to participate in Tmall's "6.18". In the first three days of Tmall's "6.18" sale, sales in Xinjiang have increased by 140% year-on-year, and the consumption enthusiasm of Xinjiang consumers is unprecedentedly high.

Small and medium-sized businesses are deeply involved

For merchants, "6.18" is still a very important business increment field.

Taobao store "Chubby Pet Mall" is a pet supplies store, and this year is the sixth year that the store has participated in the "6.18" carnival. At the same time, this year's "6.18" is also a platform promotion with the highest participation in them. The person in charge of the store said that in the past, some single products were selected to participate in the "6.18", but this year, all the products in the store participated in the promotion. E-commerce platforms have taken the initiative to simplify the rules and reduce the conditions for the use of coupons, and the enthusiasm of consumers on "6.18" this year is very high. In addition, the process for merchants to participate in promotions is simplified, as long as the product is priced and registered.

In the first wave of this year's big promotion, the business of "Chubby Pet Mall" exploded. Since May 20, the average daily sales of the store have exceeded 200,000 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.5-2 times compared with the pre-event period, and an increase of 2 times compared with last year's "6.18".

With the help of the supply chain capacity of the Jingdong platform, the veteran domestic Siyuan instant noodles under Henan Simeite Food Co., Ltd. sold 1 yuan of instant noodles to the whole country. Wang Zhengtian, deputy general manager of Henan Simeite Food Co., Ltd., said that this year's Jingdong "6.18", the turnover of Siyuan instant noodles in Jingdong supermarket increased by 126% year-on-year, and the number of transaction users increased by 178% year-on-year.

Jingdong data shows that in this year's "6.18", there are 83 brands with a cumulative turnover of more than 1 billion yuan, and the sales of more than 150,000 small and medium-sized businesses have increased by more than 50%.

Not only did big brands gain more growth, but new brands also ushered in an explosion on "6.18". In this year's Tmall "6.18", 576 new brands within 3 years of establishment won the first place in the trend category, realizing the leap from new brands to "star brands". 8 merchants participated in Tmall's "6.18" for the first time, and 189 new merchants exceeded 10 million transactions, achieving an outbreak at the beginning.

In Douyin Mall, small and medium-sized businesses have also achieved business growth. On June 18 this year, many small and medium-sized businesses in the clothing, sports and outdoor, home appliance and digital industries of Douyin Mall have achieved significant sales growth.

New trends bring new increments

"6·18" is not a simple promotional activity, but a "6·18" stage jointly built by users, merchants and platforms, which is a high-energy consumption field, and the new highlights and trends presented in this promotion will also bring new opportunities for business growth.

The rational consumption attitude of "careful budgeting, practicality first" is becoming the choice of more and more consumers. This year's "6.18", Jingdong followed the trend and started an article around "cost-effective" and "practical" in promotional activities. It is reported that Jingdong 9.9 free shipping channel for the first time brought 2 yuan free shipping day, to provide users with as low as 2 yuan free shipping cheap and good goods, the number of sales increased by hundreds of times year-on-year; Jingdong Health further improved the richness of goods, participating in the "6.18" number of goods increased by 231% year-on-year. "9 Mao 9 Venue" provides consumers with a cheap and good healthy consumption experience.

On the basis of rational consumption, the trend of self-pleasing and personalized consumption is also obvious.

Taobao data shows that many interesting products are selling well on June 18 this year. For example, an "all-round artifact" girlfriend machine that looks like a TV but can be moved has become a "favorite" of young people; High-speed hair dryers have become a "dark horse" in the category of personal care appliances; Tracing shoes also increased by 140% in Tmall's "6.18" transaction.

Li Mingtao, chief expert of e-commerce of China International Electronic Commerce Center, has been paying attention to the "6.18" promotion, and this year, the China International Electronic Commerce Center Research Institute also released the "6.18" Consumer Insight Report (2024) in conjunction with China-Singapore Jingwei Research Institute and Inspur Zhuoshu.

Li Mingtao said that this year's "6.18", the trend of upgrading the consumption concept is obvious. Guochao brands, big health products, intelligent upgrade products, green consumer products, etc. continue to become the hot spots of online consumption during the big promotion, such as children's Hanfu, horse face skirts, Guochao jewelry, energy-saving dishwashers, energy-saving water heaters and other products sales have achieved rapid growth, the continuous hot sales of these products fully show that in the era of rational consumption, consumers will pay more attention to finding products that suit them, rather than blindly following the trend of consumption.

Li Mingtao said that under such a consumption concept, niche brands and customized products are sought after, and quality and experience will be more important. The product upgrade experience brought by digitalization and intelligence will lead to product consumption upgrades, and emotional consumption and self-pleasing consumption will become more common.

New market changes and new consumer trends also bring new increments to brands and merchants.