
A number of village and township banks will be absorbed and merged; Watermelon fell below 5 cents per catty......

author:China Business Daily

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1. The LPR remained unchanged in June

On June 20, the People's Bank of China authorized the National Interbank Lending Center to announce that the loan market quotation rate (LPR) on June 20, 2024 is: 1-year LPR is 3.45%, and LPR over 5 years is 3.95%, both unchanged from the previous month. (CCTV Finance)

2. More than 10 giant pandas will return to China this year

On June 20, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration held a press conference on wildlife conservation and international cooperation. Si Ping, deputy secretary-general of the China Wildlife Conservation Association, the international agency for international cooperation on giant pandas, said that this year the mainland will start a new round of international cooperation on giant pandas with Spain, the United States, Australia and Austria. At the same time, this year, the mainland has completed the return of seven giant pandas, including "Fubao". According to the provisions of the Sino-foreign giant panda cooperation agreement, more than 10 giant pandas will be returned in an orderly manner this year when the agreement expires and the cubs have reached the age of age. (The Paper)

3. Watermelon fell below 5 cents per catty

Is the fruit market starting to drop in price? During this time, durian, blueberries, and cherries have been rumored to be price cuts. In some areas of Henan, watermelons have even dropped below 5 cents per catty. According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the average wholesale price of watermelons has fallen for 8 consecutive weeks. Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that this stems from the cyclical fluctuations in fruit prices. In the past few years, the price of fruits has been higher, which has increased the enthusiasm of fruit farmers, and the expansion of planting and the good climatic conditions during the growing period of some fruits have increased the yield. (China News Network)

4. The blind box with a price of 129 yuan is sold for 6,500 yuan

"The people in line have crowded the doors" and "If you grab it, you can earn a few hundred yuan by selling it"...... This happened to the recently released offline linyl blind box "Oh Cub". Some players said that it took two days to grab two blind boxes after queuing at the door, "In the crowd of people queuing, except for a few of us real players, I feel that 90% of them are 'scalpers'." The reporter searched and found that on the second-hand platform, the blind box was doubled and resold, and a seller listed the "Spring Garden Party Series" hidden blind box, with a price of 6,500 yuan, compared with the original price of 129 yuan, the premium was as high as 50 times. (China News Network)

5. The concert sold pillar tickets and was sentenced to refund part of the ticket price

On June 20, the Shanghai Minhang District People's Court publicly pronounced the first-instance verdict in a case of buying a "pillar ticket" for a concert. Last year, 9 people, including consumer Ni, bought Liang Jingru's Shanghai concert tickets at prices of 699 yuan, 999 yuan, and 1299 yuan, but they bought "pillar tickets", which seriously affected the viewing experience, so they sued a performing arts company in Shanghai to the court, requesting "one refund and three compensations". The court held that it was the consumer's right to obtain a complete audio-visual experience, and that there were obvious flaws in the merchant's behavior, which constituted a breach of contract, and ordered the defendant to refund the plaintiff's ticket price according to the standard of 420 yuan, 650 yuan, and 910 yuan for a single ticket in the proportion of stepped refund. (CCTV News)

6. A number of village and township banks will be absorbed and merged

In the context of the continuous advancement of the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions, the news of small and medium-sized banks in many places absorbing and merging village and township banks has also continued one after another. According to the public information of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration, the reporter found that as of June 19, since the beginning of this year, six small and medium-sized banks such as Minsheng Bank and Hengfeng Bank have applied for the acquisition or dissolution of their village and township banks approved by the regulatory authorities. At the same time, small and medium-sized banks such as Bank of Lanzhou, Bank of Chengdu, Bank of Beijing, and Guangxi Beibu Gulf Bank are promoting the acquisition of their village and township banks. (Securities Daily)


1. Fat Donglai adjusted the sales of Yonghui Supermarket on the first day of 1.88 million yuan

On June 19, Yonghui Supermarket's first Fat Donglai Adjustment Store resumed business and became popular. According to Yonghui Supermarket, as of the end of the night, the sales of Yonghui Supermarket Zhengzhou Xinwan Plaza Store reached 1.88 million yuan on the first day, about 13.9 times the average daily sales before the adjustment, and the daily passenger flow exceeded 12,000, about 5.3 times the average daily customer flow before the adjustment, and the adjustment and reform achieved remarkable results. It is worth mentioning that due to the excessive flow of people on the opening day, in order to provide consumers with a more comfortable shopping environment, Yonghui Supermarket issued a notice on the night of June 19 to suspend the sale of DL craft beer series, and said that due to the addition of many new employees in the store and the weak professional skills and service awareness, Yonghui Supermarket will make adjustments as soon as possible, strengthen guidance and training, and continue to provide customers with a better shopping experience. (China Business Daily reporter Ran Longnan)

2. Haier Group acquired Shanghai RAAS for 12.5 billion yuan

On June 20, the reporter learned that Haier Group's strategic investment in Shanghai RAAS completed the transaction. According to the announcement, Haier Group acquired 20% of the shares of Shanghai RAAS held by Grifols, a global medical and health company, at a total price of 12.5 billion yuan through Haiyingkang (Qingdao) Medical Technology Co., Ltd., and after the completion of all transactions, Haiyingkang will obtain a total of 26.58% of the voting rights. After the reorganization of the board of directors of Shanghai RAAS is completed in accordance with the transaction agreement, Haier Group will become the actual controller of the company. So far, in the field of big health, Haier Group has controlled three listed companies: Haier Biotech, Yingkang Life, and Shanghai RAAS. Shanghai RAAS is a leading enterprise of blood products in China. Last year, the company achieved revenue of 7.964 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21.27%; The net profit attributable to the parent company was 1.779 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 5.35%. Liu Buchen, an analyst in the home appliance industry, told reporters that the stake in Shanghai RAAS can be seen as a strategic move by Haier Group to expand its health territory, which is conducive to improving its Haier biological blood product industry chain. According to the data, Haier Group's global revenue in 2023 will be 371.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6%; The total global profit was 26.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6%. (China Business Daily reporter Zhou Ziyi)

3. Xiaomi's Lin Bin was accused of violating his promise to reduce his holdings and cash out 160 million yuan

Lin Bin, co-founder, vice chairman and executive director of Xiaomi Group, reduced his holdings for three consecutive trading days in June, attracting investors' attention. According to the information displayed on the DisclosureEasy website, Lin Bin reduced his holdings of 10 million shares in total, cashing out a total of about 179 million Hong Kong dollars, or about 166.5 million yuan. After the reduction, some investors accused Lin Bin of breaking his promise and not being trustworthy on platforms such as Xueqiu. On June 20, the relevant person in charge of Xiaomi Group told reporters that (reducing holdings and cashing out) is for public welfare, and you can check their donation to Sun Yat-sen University for details. According to the official Weibo of Sun Yat-sen University, on the afternoon of April 17 this year, the signing ceremony of Lin Bin and Liu Xiangdong to Sun Yat-sen University was held, and Lin Bin and Liu Xiangdong donated 100 million yuan in cash to their alma mater. It is worth noting that there is a difference between the amount of Lin Bin's reduction and the amount of donation. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of Xiaomi Group said that it is the difference between Hong Kong dollars and RMB. (Red Star News)

4. The GMV of Dongfang's self-operated products exceeded 3.6 billion yuan

On June 19, Dongfang Selection disclosed the performance growth of its self-operated products to the outside world for the first time: in the second half of fiscal year 2024 (December 2023 to May 2024), the GMV (total merchandise transaction) of Dongfang Selection's self-operated products exceeded 3.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 108% and a month-on-month increase of 74%. Up to now, the total number of self-operated products selected by Dongfang has exceeded 400, and 260 have been sold in the same period. According to Dong Zheng, spokesman for Dongfang Selection Products, with the gradual maturity of the business, Dongfang Selection's self-operated products have established a good reputation in the market and users. (China Business Daily reporter Chen Qing)

5. Starbucks announced an upgrade to its membership system

On June 20, the reporter learned from Starbucks that the membership system of the Starbucks Rewards Club ushered in a major upgrade. The upgrades include: for the first time, we have joined hands with Hilton to jointly innovate the member experience and launch a series of special gifts; For the first time, the Diamond Star membership level was added, giving back to the most loyal "Star Fans" with more personalized and experiential exclusive gifts and superior services; In addition, the Starbucks Rewards Club will also add a new star redemption mechanism and gameplay, so that every star can be redeemed and "moved". (China Business Daily reporter He Yang)

6. Tick Travel applied for Hong Kong IPO

Dida Travel announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that it applied for the issuance of 39 million shares through a Hong Kong IPO. The guidance range of the issue price is HK$5-7 per share. Pricing is expected on June 26. The stock is expected to start trading on June 28. (CBN)

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