
Carefully nurture seedlings to promote policies to care for children's hearts

author:Chengdu Jinniu Public Security

In the tea shop in Jinniu District, Chengdu, a special police station is full of interesting furnishings and a bright and warm atmosphere, making this small space full of "home" feeling. This is the Yumiao Road Police Station of the Chadianzi Police Station of the Jinniu District Bureau of the Chengdu Municipal Public Security Bureau, and it is also the first "police + school + home + N" integrated community police station in Chengdu that fully serves kindergartens, primary schools, junior high schools and high schools in Chengdu.

Carefully nurture seedlings to promote policies to care for children's hearts

Therefore, in order to provide legal protection for young people, provide legal advice for families, provide legal protection for schools, and strengthen close communication between the police, schools and families, a "one-stop collection station for parents' appeals, a one-stop mediation station for campus disputes, a one-stop training station for campus safety, a one-stop service station for minors' mental health, a one-stop experience station for teachers and students in social practice, and a one-stop liaison station for police academy family co-construction and sharing" A smart police station integrating six functions came into being.

With the advent of the new era, the work of safeguarding the rights and interests of young people has also entered a new stage of development. In order to continuously improve the level of service for the development and protection of the rights and interests of young people, and do practical things for young people and solve problems, the Party Branch of Chadianzi Police Station focused on the work of "Youth Rights Protection Post", closely focused on the work goal of "preventing juvenile delinquency, protecting and promoting the healthy growth of young people", based on the public security function, and closely cooperated with the Youth League Committee of Jinniu District, the Education Bureau, primary and secondary schools in the district, kindergartens and neighborhood offices, community neighborhood committees and other units, and jointly signed the white paper on the cooperation of "Tea Yi Deep Cultivation • Tongrun Seedling". Through the construction of community police stations, a three-level regional campus safety protection network of "50-meter patrol and guardian circle, 500-meter conflict and dispute resolution circle, and 5-minute teacher-student help response circle" has been built, giving full play to the advantages of co-construction and co-education of police academies, and effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of young people.

Plan from the "fine".

Building the "Main Front" for Youth Protection

Every school season, police lights are always shining at the gates of primary and secondary schools in the tea shop sub-district, and dark blue figures are patrolling at the school gates. This is a small microcosm of the "student protection post" task carried out by the Chadianzi police station rain or shine, and they have solidly promoted the five measures of "seeing police lights, seeing police cars, seeing police, seeing teachers, and seeing nursing posts".

Led by party building, the Chadianzi Police Station established a leading group of "Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Youth", established a joint conference system for campus safety, based on the current courage to open up, and made new and extensive construction of "safe campus" with innovative measures in the development direction; With the seedling police station as the "fulcrum", we will actively build a working platform of "party and government leadership, departmental cooperation, police-school linkage, and family and community participation" to consolidate the responsibility for campus safety work.

Carefully nurture seedlings to promote policies to care for children's hearts
Carefully nurture seedlings to promote policies to care for children's hearts

Community police regularly conduct in-depth investigations of potential campus safety hazards, inspect campus safety and fire prevention facilities, etc., establish a list of potential safety hazards found, implement them one by one, supervise rectification, and ensure that potential campus safety hazards are eliminated in a timely manner. Pay close attention to the weaknesses of school security construction, urge schools to strictly implement the construction of "civil air defense, physical defense, technical defense, and joint defense", work together to plug campus risk loopholes, and improve the level of campus security work.

The Chadianzi Police Station uses the working method of "group building circles" to close the communication between the police station and the teachers, students and parents of the school, implement the person responsible for school safety, and smooth the communication channels between the police, the school and the family. The community police took the initiative to integrate the class groups, parent groups, and the owners of the communities around the school, responding to the needs of the school and class teachers for youth education at any time, regularly releasing common sense of safety precautions, and dealing with public opinion related to schools and teenagers in a positive and timely manner, so as to further build an overall line of defense for campus security.

Carefully nurture seedlings to promote policies to care for children's hearts

From the "real" force to strengthen

Adolescents self-protect their "immunity"

In April 2024, Wang Xuefeng, deputy director of the Chadianzi Police Station, walked into Chengdu No. 20 Middle School to organize an anti-drug lecture on "cherishing life and staying away from drugs". At the anti-drug propaganda lecture, Wang Xuefeng vividly explained the types and harms of drugs, the ways in which criminals lure young people to take drugs, and how to recognize, prevent and reject drugs in an easy-to-understand language in view of the characteristics of young people's strong curiosity and weak discernment ability. Many drug simulation models were also displayed at the event site, and the students listened to the lectures while carefully observing, and had a deeper understanding of the forms and hazards of drugs.

Carefully nurture seedlings to promote policies to care for children's hearts

Young people are the future and hope of the motherland, and they are shouldering the heavy responsibility of building the motherland. Through the integration and optimal allocation of resources, the Party branch of the Chadianzi Police Station selects the best police officers with excellent political quality, excellent professional skills, and enthusiasm for public welfare undertakings from among the party members and police to serve as the vice principals of the legal system of each school in the jurisdiction, and regularly promotes the "seven in" campus activities such as the legal system, security, and drug control every month, and regularly holds legal safety education and safety prevention knowledge lectures, guiding students to abide by the law, consciously resist bad trends, and implement full coverage of legal popularization and publicity.

In addition, through the development of daily safety education, the convening of police and public forums and the use of "one standard and three realities" information collection and maintenance, the distribution of various publicity materials to explain to parents how to carry out safety education for children, inform teenagers to learn to correctly handle emergencies, so that teenagers can learn to use legal weapons to protect themselves, and enhance the awareness of teenagers' self-protection ability.

The Chadianzi Police Station also invited a professor from the Department of Psychiatry of West China Hospital of Sichuan University to give a special lecture to relieve the mental pressure of teenagers and guide adolescents to correctly balance life and study. Community police went into schools, vigorously publicizing the "Youth Internet Civilization Convention", advocating that young people actively and healthily use the Internet, guiding young people to live a healthy life and moderate entertainment, not to browse bad information or indulge in online games, to tighten the strings of prevention of telecommunications network fraud, and to continuously improve the ability of young people to prevent online violations and crimes, and to care for the healthy growth of young people.

Carefully nurture seedlings to promote policies to care for children's hearts
Carefully nurture seedlings to promote policies to care for children's hearts

From the "heart" care to the uplifted

"Internal motivation" for youth protection

On September 28, 2023, after learning that the two minors suspected of theft had not been in school for a long time, the police of the police station found their parents and patiently persuaded them to let their children receive education, otherwise a mistake would be a fall into the abyss of crime. Under the persuasion of the police, the parents finally promised to strictly discipline their children and send them back to school as soon as possible. Subsequently, the police also joined forces with schools, psychological counseling institutions and other departments to continue to deepen the assistance work, using judicial temperature to urge the children to learn their way back, to prevent them from committing crimes again, and to urge the two minors to return to normal life as soon as possible.

The Chadianzi Police Station vigorously helped and educated "troubled youths", adhered to the principle of "education, reform, and rescue", and put "protection, education, and control" in place. Full-time people's police at rights protection posts are to intervene in a timely manner, and establish mechanisms for the entire process of discovery and intervention, feedback and intervention, support services, and final assessment for high-risk juvenile groups.

Carefully nurture seedlings to promote policies to care for children's hearts

On May 17, 2024, the police of the Chadianzi Police Station rescued a teenager who committed suicide, and after learning of the situation, Zhu Lili, a full-time police officer at the Youth Rights Protection Post, intervened in a timely manner. Verbal care and psychological counseling for teenagers, telling teenagers that they need help can go to the Yumiao Road Police Station for help, the police's concerned language opened the child's heart knot, and after learning that the cause of the incident was because of a quarrel with the mother, the police also communicated with the parents, and told the parents to pay more attention to the way and skills of communication. Later, when the police followed up and paid a follow-up visit, the parents told them that the relationship with the child had eased a lot, and the child also frankly said that he had no more radical behavior.

In order to care for left-behind children, adhere to the work orientation of "helping one person, warming a family, and winning a heart", in view of the fact that there are many households requisitioned and demolished in the jurisdiction and a large number of migrant workers, the police station also organizes the people's police auxiliary police to cooperate with community cadres, primary and secondary school teachers, young volunteers and other forces to carry out assistance activities such as "caring for left-behind children" and "urban and rural children hand in hand" to protect the healthy growth of left-behind children.

Carefully nurture seedlings to promote policies to care for children's hearts

From "strict" control

Weaving a "protective net" for youth campus safety

"My child was bullied and beaten by his classmates!" After receiving the report from the masses, the Chadianzi Police Station immediately dispatched the police to deal with it. It is understood that two fourth-grade students had a conflict over being called nicknames and other things and got into a fight. Given that both parties are adults and have no obvious injuries or physical discomfort. In accordance with the "Mentoring Mechanism" formulated in the "Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Youth", the people's police used a diversified mechanism for resolving conflicts and disputes in a timely and appropriate manner, and jointly organized the parents of both sides to mediate, not only from the perspective of minors, patiently and meticulously talking with students, educating and guiding, but also explaining the importance of family education to parents on both sides, and persuading the parents of the parties to strengthen the guardianship and education of their children from the perspective that the family is the first school in their lives, and earnestly perform the duties of guardians. Eventually, both students recognize their mistakes and the parents reach a mediation agreement. He also said that he would set a good example for his children, strictly educate them, refuse violence, and expressed his gratitude to the serious and responsible work attitude of the police in the youth rights protection post.

The Chadianzi Police Station has completed a working mechanism for giving priority to acceptance, dispatching police, filing, and investigation, making full use of police big data to comprehensively control three types of personnel: extreme tendencies, social idleness, and "big bullying", to put an end to major school-related cases and campus bullying incidents, and to crack down on school-related violations and crimes.

Carefully nurture seedlings to promote policies to care for children's hearts
Carefully nurture seedlings to promote policies to care for children's hearts

At the same time, in handling cases, persist in educating, reforming, and rescuing juveniles who have broken the law. Continue to govern the surrounding environment of the campus, adhere to the service mode of "video surveillance + stationed patrol control" during the peak period of school hours, and seamlessly connect the patrol team of the police station with the campus guard post and the social guard post, so that important areas and important nodes "see the police, see the police lights, and see the red armband", and pay close attention to the governance of the campus security environment.

The police of the police office led the "two posts" personnel to investigate and grasp the public security situation on the campus and its surroundings, coordinate with joint market supervision, urban management law enforcement and other units to carry out joint inventory and rectification of industry venues, and ban illegal business premises around the campus. Combined with various special actions, we promoted the construction of the "smart and safe campus" security system, urged the school to complete the high-definition video surveillance points in the parking lot, ensured the personal and property safety of teachers and students, and further gave full play to the role of the campus police room.

The protection of minors is not only a matter of care and respect for individuals, but also a guarantee for the future development of society. Escorting the growth of young people is the common responsibility of the whole society, and the work of protecting young people has a long way to go. In 2024, the Chadianzi Police Station will be awarded the advanced collective of the 5th "Care for Tomorrow, Popularize Law First" Youth Legal Publicity and Education Activity in Chengdu.

In the future, the Chadianzi Police Station will also be guided by the three-year plan for the creation of a youth rights protection post and a new era of public security police station, and vigorously safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of young people by giving full play to the advantages of co-construction and co-education of the police academy, strive to provide a safer learning and living environment for young people, do a good job in the protection of the rights and interests of young people, build a harmonious and safe campus, and continuously enhance the sense of security, gain and happiness of young people in the jurisdiction.

Editor: Cai Shixuan

Review: Pan Xunhua