
Follow-up to the security guard's killing: public opinion has reversed, the cause of the killing has been exposed, and both sides have lost and learned a painful lesson!

author:One acre and three points of self-reserved land


Text / Editor: Bai Jie

Recently, the incident of a security guard in a small community in Fangchenggang, Guangxi Province killing a couple on the spot has caused a stir on the Internet, one is about the motive of the security guard's killing, and the other is the painful lesson of both sides!

Follow-up to the security guard's killing: public opinion has reversed, the cause of the killing has been exposed, and both sides have lost and learned a painful lesson!

We won't go into too much detail about what happened, the security guard who committed the murder has been arrested and criminally detained by the local police on the spot, and what awaits him next is definitely the trial and severe punishment of the law!

Follow-up to the security guard's killing: public opinion has reversed, the cause of the killing has been exposed, and both sides have lost and learned a painful lesson!
Follow-up to the security guard's killing: public opinion has reversed, the cause of the killing has been exposed, and both sides have lost and learned a painful lesson!

As for the reason for the security guard's murder, according to the revelations of local netizens, the two murdered couples were renovation workers, and the two often parked their cars indiscriminately in the community, so the security guards locked their cars, and there was a fierce conflict between the two sides.

Follow-up to the security guard's killing: public opinion has reversed, the cause of the killing has been exposed, and both sides have lost and learned a painful lesson!

Whether it is the security guard who committed the murder or the husband and wife who worked as a decorator, they are all front-line workers, all to make a living, there is no need to be aggressive, causing irreparable consequences! Now that the fish are dead, we still have to learn a profound lesson!