
The man accidentally slipped down ten meters while taking pictures of the cliff, and was lucky to pick up a life, and he wouldn't die if he didn't die!

author:Captain Wonder Man
The man accidentally slipped down ten meters while taking pictures of the cliff, and was lucky to pick up a life, and he wouldn't die if he didn't die!

What a shock!

Is this the courage of the artist, or is the traffic king, and he fights for his life?

The man accidentally slipped down ten meters while taking pictures of the cliff, and was lucky to pick up a life, and he wouldn't die if he didn't die!

In the video, a young man in green clothes and yellow pants is leaning on a large vertical rock on the edge of a cliff to show off various dangerous actions.

The man's feet were in the gap between two stones, and the large stone standing diagonally was equal to his height. There is a cliff at his feet, and the man stands in the air, making people's scalps tingle.

Suddenly, the man supported the smooth stone surface in front of him with both hands, his legs suddenly hung in the air, and then quickly landed, and in an instant, the crowd of onlookers erupted in warm praise and exclamation.

The man accidentally slipped down ten meters while taking pictures of the cliff, and was lucky to pick up a life, and he wouldn't die if he didn't die!

The man reveled in his stunt and climbed the top of the stone with both hands, ready to turn to the other side of the stone.

Unexpectedly, because the center of gravity was unstable and his feet slipped, the man instantly fell off a cliff more than 10 meters high. The crowd was stunned and screamed.

Fortunately, the man was interviewed afterwards and said that the injury was not serious, but only a little skin injury.

After the video was exposed, the man also became an Internet celebrity overnight.

But after "becoming famous", what he gained was not the love and support of netizens, but the ridicule of "posing for coolness" and "not being dead".

Although, the man revealed that he had four years of experience in freehand rock climbing, the incident was just an accident.

However, this move is too dangerous.

The premise of any exercise is to ensure personal safety, and never joke with life.

After all, people have stumbles, and horses have stumbles. Not every time, there is such a lucky one.

The man accidentally slipped down ten meters while taking pictures of the cliff, and was lucky to pick up a life, and he wouldn't die if he didn't die!
The man accidentally slipped down ten meters while taking pictures of the cliff, and was lucky to pick up a life, and he wouldn't die if he didn't die!

In April this year, the news that a Chinese female tourist unfortunately fell off a cliff while visiting and taking pictures at the Izhen volcano on the island of Java, Indonesia, attracted great attention.

Ijin Crater Lake, located in the eastern part of the Indonesian island of Java, is an active volcano with an altitude of 2,662 meters.

The man accidentally slipped down ten meters while taking pictures of the cliff, and was lucky to pick up a life, and he wouldn't die if he didn't die!

Because of the magnificent crater lake and rare blue flames, it attracts many tourists every year.

The Internet celebrity tree that the female tourist took pictures of at the time of the incident happened to be on the edge of the sulfuric acid lake.

The unique shape of the tree and the excellent location not only have a panoramic view of the entire Ijin volcano, but also the clear blue volcanic sulfuric acid lake behind it as a backdrop, which is undoubtedly a great view for taking pictures.

But beautiful is really beautiful, and danger is also extremely dangerous.

Because, the whole Internet celebrity tree grows on the edge of a 75-meter-high cliff, and there are no guardrails around it, and there are no protection measures.

Below the cliff is a sulfuric acid lake with a pH of 0.3 or less, shrouded in toxic sulfur dioxide mist.

The man accidentally slipped down ten meters while taking pictures of the cliff, and was lucky to pick up a life, and he wouldn't die if he didn't die!

The female tourist went to the Yizhen Crater with her husband to watch the sunrise at more than 2 o'clock in the morning, and went to the Internet celebrity tree to take sunrise photos at 6 o'clock.

At first, she chose to take pictures in a safe location 2-3 meters from the crater rim.

After that, she gradually retreated and approached the Internet celebrity tree, trying to get a better shooting angle. Unexpectedly, when she stepped back, she accidentally tripped over the long skirt on her body and accidentally fell from a 75-meter-high cliff.

Because it was too early and in the middle of nowhere, it took rescuers 2 hours to find the female tourist.

By this time, the female tourist had died.

It's embarrassing! For a beautiful photo, he paid the price of his life.

And if you search for the same Internet celebrity tree on the Internet, you will find countless difficult actions performed on it.

The man accidentally slipped down ten meters while taking pictures of the cliff, and was lucky to pick up a life, and he wouldn't die if he didn't die!
The man accidentally slipped down ten meters while taking pictures of the cliff, and was lucky to pick up a life, and he wouldn't die if he didn't die!

They were lying, sitting, standing, hugging, and some were half-hung in the middle of the forks, as casually as if they were sitting on their own low stools and swinging.

Scratching his head and posing, just to take a photo of the fight, it is shocking to watch, but if you don't stand firm or the branch sits down, there will be a risk of falling off the cliff.

Beauty is precious, and life is more valuable.

When you go out, safety first is the most important thing, and walking on the road in a healthy and safe way is the most comfortable state compared to seeing the stars and the sea and the aurora volcano.

The man accidentally slipped down ten meters while taking pictures of the cliff, and was lucky to pick up a life, and he wouldn't die if he didn't die!

In August last year, 11 aunts met to take photos in the downstream of a river in Yucheng District, Ya'an, Sichuan, but were directly swept away by the flood, which eventually led to the tragedy of seven deaths.

The man accidentally slipped down ten meters while taking pictures of the cliff, and was lucky to pick up a life, and he wouldn't die if he didn't die!

At that time, the water level of the Huanglong Reservoir rose sharply due to heavy rains in various parts of Ya'an.

Therefore, the river management department decided to open the flood gate at 8 a.m. that day and notified the villages downstream of the Huanglong Reservoir in advance.

It also requires village cadres to inform the villagers in advance, do a good job in publicity, and keep the villagers away from the river to avoid accidents.

In addition, the river management department has also set up warning signs at each river entrance and put up a cordon.

However, who would have thought that the aunts who were eager to take pictures would turn a blind eye to this.

At about 9 o'clock in the morning of the same day, 11 aunts met and came to the Yuliangba section of the Longxi River, which is the downstream of the Huanglong Reservoir, and began to take pictures.

The man accidentally slipped down ten meters while taking pictures of the cliff, and was lucky to pick up a life, and he wouldn't die if he didn't die!

They are all dressed fashionably and beautifully, and they are also wearing sunscreen hats, lined up in exclusive poses, and happily took pictures and videos.

However, just a few minutes later, the reservoir was discharged.

The flood roared with lightning speed, instantly sweeping 11 aunts into the water.

Under the violent impact of the flood, the aunts were powerless and could only struggle in vain in the water. At first, you could vaguely hear the cries for help from the aunts, and you could see their heads exposed, but soon a few waves rolled over and drowned them in a moment.

The flood kept coming, the impact was getting stronger and stronger, and the aunts were soon washed downstream.

By the time they were found and the rescue team was notified, the 11 aunts had already been washed away by the flood.

In the end, only 4 of the 11 aunts were rescued, and the remaining 7 people had no signs of life.

It's really heart-wrenching and sad, knowing the danger of flooding, but still risking their lives to take pictures.

One wayward act led to the pain and breakdown of multiple families. In order to take pictures, this price is too great.

The man accidentally slipped down ten meters while taking pictures of the cliff, and was lucky to pick up a life, and he wouldn't die if he didn't die!

Everyone has only one life.

Be in awe of nature and take responsibility for your body and health. Because, there is no dress rehearsal in life, and once you lose it, you can't start it again.

The author of this article | Mr. Pumpkin

Editor-in-Charge | Faint emerald

Curated | Faint emerald