
The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

author:The voice of Huawen

The China Coast Guard reported on June 17 that on the same day, the Philippines violated its promise and sent one replenishment ship and two inflatable boats to illegally intrude into the waters adjacent to Ren'ai Jiao in China's Nansha Islands in an attempt to deliver supplies to the illegal "beached" warship.

In order to resolutely safeguard China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, the China Coast Guard has boarded and inspected Philippine Navy vessels in accordance with the law, and disarmed Philippine Navy special forces weapons.

According to the Philippine "Palawan News" and other Philippine media on June 18, citing so-called sources, the Philippine side's replenishment operation was thwarted by China's countermeasures, and paid the price of "seven injured, one severed finger, eight shots confiscated, and one ship damaged".

The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

The following is a full record of the process of disarming the Philippine Navy's special forces at Ren'ai Jiao, the Chinese Coast Guard.

Those who offend my Chinese will be punished even if they are far away, so disarm them first!

The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

Philippine Navy special forces came prepared, and the trouble escalated: look at their armored boats without a single piece of glass.

It is said that a machine gun was also erected in the forward compartment!

Delusional hard hard!

The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

China Coast Guard: Unambiguous, intercept!

The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

Hit on both sides!

The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

The tow rope bites, and you can't run away!

The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

Throw the stick and point it out, stop the ship, be inspected, obediently obey!

The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

The division of civilization will scare them with an axe at most!

The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

Hold your head and squat!

The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

A squat, a big piece!

The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

Resistance is futile!

Look at what happens to you guys playing aggression! It's not the mobile phone and the cabin that will be stabbed in the future!

The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

Go home, the commander will give you the honor to comfort you, and the cannon fodder will continue to go!

The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

Good luck!

I lost a finger this time, and I don't know if I can go home and lie in bed next time!

The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

Daddy, Mommy! Come and help, I've been "bullied"~My guns have been confiscated~What should I do~

The axe is pointed at, and the wind is discouraged: the Chinese coast guard has a full record of the Philippine Navy special forces

The above comprehensive reference to the Global Times, The Paper and other related news

Editor in charge: Hu Yuchun

Simultaneous distribution of the official account of the Voice of China and the aggregation of the new media network of the voice of the Chinese news

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