
Chinese executives were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, the latest response of our embassy →

author:Overseas Chinese Network of China
Chinese executives were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, the latest response of our embassy →

Recently, the kidnapping and murder of two Chinese company workers who went to the Philippines has aroused widespread concern.

According to people familiar with the matter, the two killed belonged to two different medical device companies in China, both of whom were middle and senior management personnel of the company, and the two arrived in the Philippines on June 20 to inspect the business, hoping to further expand overseas markets, but unfortunately suffered a kidnapping and were killed on June 24.

One of the victims was a 39-year-old Chinese citizen who was the director of international marketing for a medical technology company in Suzhou. In May this year, he met another victim, Sun (Chinese-American), who was also exhibiting in Europe, and then the two met a distributor who claimed to be a medical device company in the Philippines, and was invited to the Philippines in June to inspect the market.

Chinese executives were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, the latest response of our embassy →

The picture shows a landscape map of the Philippines. Courtesy of the Philippine National Tourism Authority

It is alleged that the two men took the same flight from Beijing to the Philippines at noon on June 20 and arrived at Manila Airport at about 6 p.m., where they were picked up and their mobile phones were constantly uncontactable. The next morning, both family members received a phone call from the kidnappers demanding ransom. According to media sources, when the kidnapping occurred, the kidnappers contacted their families through WeChat to demand a ransom of 5 million yuan, claiming that it was the amount that the victim lost gambling in the casino. Then the kidnappers opened their mouths to demand a ransom of 25 million yuan, and one of the family members paid a ransom of 3 million yuan to the kidnappers, but the kidnappers still tore up the ticket.

The families of the victims confirmed to the media that a memorial service had been held in Beijing on the morning of July 1, and the company had provided corresponding assistance to the families, and the relevant aftermath work was underway. At present, the Chinese public security department and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation are cooperating with the Philippine National Police Anti-Kidnapping Brigade in the investigation. In addition to the Chinese police, the FBI also intervened and cooperated with the investigation because the victim Sun was an American citizen. The authorities indicated that they could not rule out that the case was committed by an international criminal group.

The Chinese Embassy has made every effort to deal with the kidnapping and murder of Chinese citizens in the Philippines

The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines released the latest news, saying that the embassy received a report of a Chinese citizen who had been kidnapped in the Philippines for help, and immediately activated the emergency mechanism and made every effort to carry out rescue work. The embassy actively assisted the family members in reporting to the Anti-Kidnapping Bureau of the Philippine National Police, carried out law enforcement cooperation with the Philippine police under the guidance of the domestic public security department, and lodged representations with the Philippine side through diplomatic channels, demanding that the hostages be rescued as soon as possible and take practical measures to protect the safety and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens in the Philippines. At the same time, the embassy also coordinated the provision of assistance and facilitation for the families of the abductees to come to the Philippines.

Chinese executives were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, the latest response of our embassy →

Photo credit: Chinese Embassy in the Philippines

Unfortunately, the Chinese citizen was eventually killed. It is understood that a Chinese American was also killed. The Embassy expressed its condolences to the two victims and condemned the perpetrators in the strongest terms. The embassy actively provided consular assistance to the families of the Chinese citizens who were killed, and once again lodged representations with the Philippine government and relevant departments on the case from various levels, urging the Philippine side to intensify the handling of the case and arrest and severely punish the murderers as soon as possible.

Xiaoqiao also reminds overseas Chinese in the Philippines and Chinese citizens who plan to go to the Philippines that they should be cautious about the invitation of strangers, do not trust strangers, pay attention to network security, and stay away from pornography, gambling and drugs. If you encounter a kidnapping, you should immediately report it to the Philippine National Police (calling the 117 or 911 hotline) or the Philippine National Police Anti-Kidnapping Brigade. You can also seek help from the Chinese Embassy through the Chinese Embassy's consular protection WeChat, consular protection mailbox, 24-hour consular protection hotline, and the 12308 hotline of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Source: China Overseas Chinese Network WeChat public account (ID: qiaowangzhongguo) comprehensive Philippine Business Daily,, Embassy in the Philippines, etc

Editor: Wang Qin Editor: Li Mingyang

Chinese executives were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines, the latest response of our embassy →

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