
Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

Crazy film and television industry

2024-06-21 17:26Posted in Henan Entertainment Creators

Facts have proved that the harem struggle between mother and son is only in TV series and novels.

If the man is determined not to recognize his son, those Internet celebrities who want to bring their son to the top should really think carefully, Wu Qili is a lesson from the past.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

The thresholds of sophistication and economic strength are by no means something that Huang Yiming can cross with his child.

The previous "admitting that the child is Wang Sicong's, Wang Sicong didn't know that I was pregnant with his child" is an appetizer, and Huang Yiming just wants to announce the news through online confession.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

It wasn't until the news of "Huang Yiming supports his daughter to inherit Wang Sicong's property in the future" that Huang Yiming finally gave up.

Because this touches the property of the Wang family, you can rub the traffic of the Wang family, but you can't hit the mind of the small target of the Wang family.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

The Internet celebrities who rubbed Wang Sicong's traffic said that there are at least hundreds of Internet celebrities that Wang Sicong has publicly dated.

But like Huang Yiming's appetite, he is still the first.

You must know that the previous actors such as Chen Yating , Zhang Yuxi and other big Internet celebrities such as Doudel, Sydney, and Tianqiu did not dare to think so.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

Huang Yiming's latest public response said that these interview drafts are untrue, and he is not stupid enough to say such things.

The MCN team that wrote the interview was introduced by an acquaintance, and it was released directly without Huang Yiming's approval, and Huang Yiming also said that he would not accept interviews in the future.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

Immediately afterwards, Huang Yiming uploaded another video, in which there were several cute kittens, with the words "A family of old and young, dragging a family, thank you for your trust, hahaha!" ”

This video also looks ironic, these little pets waiting to be fed are not like those wannabes who once wanted to rely on their bodies to catch the Wangjia Express?

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

Therefore, Huang Yiming's exposure on the Internet is just a hype trick, at least for now, there is no hope of victory.

Previously, the hot search on the Internet showed that Wang Sicong changed his avatar in response to "Your father is here", which is actually part of the irresponsible media hype, Wang Sicong has always been this avatar.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

Wang Sicong's last post was a week ago, posting a photo of him playing in Japan, Wang Sicong was playing at Universal Studios in Japan with his new love, and Huang Yiming had already disclosed the existence of the child at that time.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

The back wave of the girlfriend pushes the front wave, and a new generation replaces the old.

Some netizens also took pictures of encountering Wang Sicong, at this time, Xiao Wang was still enjoying the chic life of hugging left and right, hugging in front and back, and the Wang family had no idea about this milky little Internet celebrity.

The reply of netizens in the comment area is also a fight between gods, which is far more than the incident itself.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

One of the comments can be said to be a very direct mystery, although it is ridiculous, but it is very real and ironic, this online confession, it will only be netizens and her only few fans who will pay the bill.

Netizens commented: "Brother Cong, she doesn't want your money but she wants to start a live broadcast, isn't that coming for us? Your children can't be raised by our fans."

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

The Huang Yiming incident also vividly shows the "coldness of the world and the distortion of motherhood", what is the meaning of this child's existence?

Is it an overnight affair between two irresponsible young men? Is it to open the Pandora's box of online public opinion? Or a stepping stone to the threshold of a wealthy family?

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

24-year-old female idol Huang Yiming once participated in the talent show "Youth with You", and then gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock, and revealed that she wanted to have an abortion after she became pregnant, but her mother encouraged her to give birth.

Born in Anqing in 1999, she was admitted to the Broadcasting and Hosting Department of Chengdu No. 1 Influential Film and Television Academy in 2018, and met Wang Sicong in Chengdu the year she graduated in 2022.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

This also sets off Zhang Xuefeng's shallow but realistic evaluation of the broadcasting major, being an Internet celebrity is a shortcut in her broadcasting and hosting profession, this newly graduated art student seems to be unscrupulous in order to be popular, but in fact, the methods are also very professional.

Huang Yiming claimed that he felt that it was too late to meet at that time, and then fell in love, but for many reasons, the two parties broke up calmly and there was no conflict.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

She also added, "From pregnancy to childbirth, Wang Sicong did not know, and later tried to contact, but Wang Sicong did not reply to the message."

Wang Sicong's cold treatment is even more professional, you must know that the Wang family's legal and public relations teams are already first-class in the industry, which is far from what she can achieve as a fresh graduate.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

And Wang Sicong has definitely not been surfing the Internet less these days, but he doesn't pay attention to any rumors from the outside world, and it is a dilemma for the child to recognize it or not.

What's more, is the child his own? Cold treatment, as if it is not his own, no longer contact is the wisest choice for him.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

Wang Sicong has been praising his new girlfriend in the past few days, Wang Sicong's new love is Internet celebrity laziness, and she also generously shared her love experience with Wang Sicong in a live broadcast.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

According to Lazy Disclosure, she and Wang Sicong met through a friend's introduction, and she was only 17 years old at the time! It took four years to get along with each other before the relationship was finally settled.

As usual, they are young girls who are not deeply involved in the world and are relatively materialistic.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

Compared with Wang Sicong's previous ex-girlfriends, the new girlfriend is lazy and more delicate, which is completely the white and thin pursued by many young people at present, and it also gives people a sense of purity and desire.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

Some fans even did not shy away from ridiculing in the comment area, "Wang Sicong's bed is about to become an Internet celebrity check-in place." "Are you proud of this relationship?"

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

In the face of everyone's doubts and ridicule, just like her online name, her lazy and lazy mentality has not been affected, and she continues to share her memories with Wang Sicong, and said that she cherishes this relationship very much, and at the same time, she also understands that it is still unknown whether the two can go on for a long time.

Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

For Huang Yiming, this incident is undoubtedly a huge challenge and test. She has to face pressure from all sides, especially the gossip that the future mother and son will face, while also protecting her children.

In this process, she may have realized that online recognition is not the best way to solve the problem, but may bring more trouble and trouble, and even lay hidden dangers for the child's future recognition.

This article was originally edited by Crazy Film and Television Circle

Statement: The picture comes from the Internet, please contact the author for infringement

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  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored
  • Huang Yiming was stunned and denied that he inherited the property of the Wang family with his son, and Wang Sicong's new love was exposed and ignored

Personal opinion, for reference only

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