
"Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people

"Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people

Superelectric Laboratory

2024-06-21 17:57Posted in Shandong Science and Technology Creators

"Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people

Looks like a Ferrari of 5 million"

Author|Wang Lei, Liu Yajie

Edited by Qin Zhangyong

"Farami", has it come true?

On the evening of June 20, spy photos of the road test of "Xiaomi Auto's first SUV" leaked out, causing many onlookers.

Judging from the pictures, the new car is very similar to the previous hypothetical picture, and it is very similar to Ferrari's first SUV model, the Purosangue, which is priced at 4.988 million yuan.

According to previous news, the second car of Xiaomi Auto may be unveiled at the end of this year, and sales will begin in 2025. The third car is positioned as a people-friendly model with a price of about 150,000 yuan, or a hybrid version, and is expected to be officially launched in 2026.

At the symposium on the 30th anniversary of China's Internet held in April this year, Lei Jun recommended Xiaomi SUV to Zhou Hongyi for the first time, and many netizens expressed great expectations at that time.

It took three years to build the first car, and then a year to conquer the market segment, and Xiaomi Auto began to accelerate the harvest of the market.


  The first "Ferrari" for young people

A set of highly camouflaged spy photos attracted all kinds of car Vs to forward one after another, for no other reason, the model in the spy photos is highly similar to the previously exposed Xiaomi car SUV imaginary picture.

According to previous revelations, the Xiaomi SUV model is internally codenamed MX11 and is expected to be officially released in 2025.

"Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people

Although the new car is in a highly camouflaged state, it can be seen that it has a design similar to the Xiaomi SU7 fastback coupe, and the overall lines are very smooth.

The front of the car has a slender shape and a clamshell-style front bonnet. At the same time, the front lights are also recessed there, and there may be air duct design.

In addition, the side camera, yellow calipers, and five-spoke wheels can be seen in detail, and the overall design is very similar to that of the Xiaomi SU7.

The sides of the body feature a press-down roofline and raised side windows that don't take up too much of the side windows, and are paired with large five-spoke wheels and yellow brake calipers for a sporty look.

Combined with the design elements of the new car, such as frameless mirrors and frameless doors, this model is likely to reduce wind resistance like Xiaomi SU7.

At the same time, a set of spy photos also exposed two models with different configurations, one is a cobble-oval lidar on the head, which is very similar to the lidar shape of Xiaomi SU7, and the other is a non-intelligent driving model without lidar.

"Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people

The rear of the car is not too detailed, and it is obscured by thick camouflage, but it can be vaguely seen that the new car is likely to continue the taillight design of the Xiaomi SU7.

From the side, it adopts the design of long front overhang and short rear overhang, giving people a more concentrated impression, according to the previous planning of Xiaomi Automobile, the second model will directly compete with Tesla Model Y.

"Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people

More "enthusiastic" netizens have posted a side comparison picture of this car and the Ferrari Purosangue. Not to mention, it's a bit like that.

It is worth mentioning that the previous imagination of the Xiaomi SUV is also similar to the actual car of Ferrari's Purosangue.

The predictions of netizens are indeed well-founded. "There was Paula Mi before, and now there is Farami, and it seems that Bugami is not far away."

The price of the Ferrari Purosangue model is as high as 4.988 million yuan. The Porsche Taycan, which was previously tied to the Xiaomi SU7 in a hot search entry, is also priced at the million level.

And it is worth mentioning that Xiaomi Auto had applied for a patent for a door before the Xiaomi SU7 came out.

Last year, it was reported that Xiaomi Automotive Technology Co., Ltd. disclosed to the public its patent for a new body rear structure and a bisect-type vehicle, and the patent application number is CN111523510A. Since this patent is not used in the Xiaomi SU7, it is very likely to be realized in subsequent models.

However, judging from the spy photos,This model still uses the standard side door,It is not the door opening method in the patent,Think about it from another angle,The body of the Xiaomi car is formed by one-piece die-casting,Changing the mold will inevitably increase the cost,Obviously, it is not a good choice for the current Xiaomi。

"Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people

However, Ferrari's Purosangue is in the form of a side-by-side door, and if it can be replaced with a side-by-side configuration, the "first Ferrari for young people" will really be coming.

At present, key information about the power, size, and pricing of this SUV has not yet been disclosed, but it is likely to take the pure electric and sports route like Xiaomi SU7, and form a combination with Xiaomi SU7 to attack the 300,000-level market.

Not only Xiaomi's second car, but also its third model. According to 36 Krypton reports, a person familiar with the matter revealed that Sunwoda's power battery company "Sunwoda Power" has won the battery fixed-point project of ideal M8, M7 and Xiaomi's third model "Kunlun".

In this regard, Xinwang Daxin responded that it involves a confidentiality agreement and is inconvenient to disclose.

The person familiar with the matter said that Xiaomi's third model "Kunlun" is strictly cost-oriented, positioned at the level of 150,000 yuan, which is also one of the key factors in the selection of Sunwoda.

In order to reduce costs, it will be equipped with "Sunwoda Power" batteries, and the system-level quotation may be less than 5 cents per watt-hour.

"Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people

And this car, and maybe a hybrid model. Earlier, Xiaomi Auto's product plan was to launch two pure electric models and one hybrid model.

The hybrid model may be the extended range version, after all, there is still a recruitment for the extended range system position on the official website of Xiaomi, and the threshold for extended range is relatively low.


 Production capacity = explosive model

Let's not talk about whether this set of highly camouflaged spy photos is Xiaomi's second model, but Xiaomi Auto's planning for its second model is still in a strict confidentiality policy.

At present, the only official information revealed by Xiaomi is in its earnings call in the first quarter of 2024, Lu Weibing said that it is indeed developing new models, but at present, Xiaomi Auto's energy is focused on the delivery of Xiaomi SU7.

Even if Xiaomi's second model has really become what everyone calls "Yizhuang Ferrari" today, if you want to make the next hit, production capacity is the top priority.

"Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people

And before the second model of the suspected Xiaomi rushed to the hot search, the recent popularity of Xiaomi SU7 seems to be much weaker than before.

There are even recent rumors that "Xiaomi SU7 sales have begun to decline", the specific content is that the weekly sales of Xiaomi cars in the 23rd week of 2024 (6.3-6.9) are about 2100 units, a slight decrease from 2192 units in the 22nd week of 2024 (5.27-6.2), which seems to be different from the continuous increase in sales that Xiaomi cars have been advertising.

Wang Hua, general manager of the public relations department of Xiaomi Group, had to show up to respond, saying that the current number of lock orders has been steadily increased every day, as a new car brand, there is only one model at present, the number of delivery centers in the country is very limited, and the delivery volume can be ranked every week, and the delivery pressure is extremely high.

"Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people

In other words, in fact, the "tightness" that restricts Xiaomi cars is not the hand speed set by users, but the production capacity delivery that seriously lags behind.

According to the Xiaomi Auto app, the delivery date of the SU7 main configuration version has been postponed to about 30 weeks, and the SU7 Max has come to 32-25 weeks.

Even recently, because Xiaomi currently has a large number of orders in hand, and the production capacity is difficult to meet the delivery demand in the short term, there has been a magic moment in the second-hand trading market, Xiaomi's prospective car owners or delivered car owners have sold their cars at a higher price.

In the case of huge delivery pressure, Lei Jun is a car that owes a butt.

From the point of view of sales, as of June 13, the latest data officially released by Xiaomi Auto shows that from April 1 to delivery, Xiaomi SU7 cumulative delivery has exceeded 20,000 units, and Wang Hua also said that the monthly delivery volume in June will exceed 10,000 units.

"Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people

Moreover, at the 2024 Future Automobile Pioneer Conference not long ago, Lei Jun also said that he would guarantee the delivery of 100,000 vehicles throughout the year and sprint to the goal of delivering 120,000 vehicles.

Now that June is coming to an end, the June Flag set by Xiaomi Auto can also be roughly speculated.

As of last week (June 16), the Xiaomi SU7 has delivered more than 5,000 vehicles, and 4,939 units are still needed to be delivered to meet the target of 10,000 units. Based on this calculation, in the remaining period of June, Xiaomi Auto needs to deliver an average of 2,470 cars per week to achieve the goal of 10,000 units. And the weekly sales of Xiaomi Auto in the latest week were 2,500 units.

From this point of view, it is not a big problem to deliver more than 10,000 in June, of course, provided that the production capacity of Xiaomi cars needs to continue to rise.

Going back to Xiaomi's second model, even if the release time is expected to be at the end of 24-early 25, there is still half a year to go. If there is still an order for Xiaomi SU7 that cannot be delivered, and an SUV with a similar price is launched, it is likely that it will not attract a splashing traffic, but a "splashing delay".

By the end of 2024, Xiaomi Auto plans to have 219 sales and service outlets, covering 46 cities. 143 service centers covering 86 cities. With the completion of the layout of the second batch of Xiaomi sales stores nationwide, there is a high probability that a wave of orders will explode.

However, in order to improve the serious shortage of production capacity that it is facing today, Xiaomi Auto is also trying its best to increase production capacity.

"Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people

Lei Jun said that starting from June, Xiaomi's auto factory will open a double-shift mode to increase production capacity. At the same time, in order to accelerate the efficiency of matching orders with production, the hesitation period for large orders will be shortened from 7 days to 3 days from 0:00 on June 5.

In addition, Xiaomi Auto Factory has released a large number of job recruitment needs on the recruitment platform, including assembly workshop, welding workshop, painting workshop, body workshop, battery workshop, fully automated workshop and other positions, with an average monthly salary of between 6500 yuan and 8000 yuan, and the highest forklift worker can even get a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan.

With the arrival of the second model, Xiaomi Auto has more homework to do in terms of production capacity and delivery.

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  • "Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people
  • "Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people
  • "Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people
  • "Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people
  • "Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people
  • "Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people
  • "Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people
  • "Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people
  • "Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people
  • "Farami" is stable! The spy photos of Xiaomi SUV became popular, and Lei Jun wanted to empty the wallets of young people

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