
The land of Liaoshen is changing day by day

author:Wah Seng Online
{"info":{"title":{"content":"辽沈大地日日新","en":"The land of Liaoshen is changing day by day"},"description":{"content":"光明日报记者郝泽华刘勇吴琳董蓓光明日报见习记者戴宁馨夏日,辽沈大地到处生机勃勃,产业高质量发展风头正劲。2023年11月...","en":"Guangming Daily reporter Hao Zehua, Liu Yong, Wu Lin, Dong Bei, Guangming Daily trainee reporter Dai Ningxin In summer, the land of Liaoning and Shenyang is full of vitality, and the high-quality development of the industry is in the limelight. November 2023..."}},"items":[]}