
Why intestinal polyps turn into bowel cancer

author:Bowel Cancer Academy
{"info":{"title":{"content":"肠息肉为什么会变成肠癌","en":"Why intestinal polyps turn into bowel cancer"},"description":{"content":"肠息肉转变为肠癌是一个复杂的过程,涉及多种因素。以下是肠息肉可能转变为肠癌的主要原因,分点表示并归纳如下:1.遗传因素:...","en":"The transformation of intestinal polyps into bowel cancer is a complex process involving a variety of factors. The following are the main reasons why intestinal polyps may turn into bowel cancer, which are expressed and summarized as follows: 1. Genetic factors:..."}},"items":[]}