
Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

author:Talk about mmhktf

Where is the most competitive area in Guangzhou? It could be Tianhe.

A full range of product upgrades have been launched, and masters from all walks of life are showing their magical powers.

In order to impress buyers, developers are delivering their products with high standards and high quality, and competing indicators such as larger sizes, more expensive installations, and stronger detail designs are emerging one after another.

However, products and works are two different things, and wanting to do it and being able to do it are two different things, which is a test of strength.

I saw a project in Tianhe Wisdom City this time - Nengjian Tianhelu Yufu, under the concept of extreme human settlement, the first home and the first renovation have upgraded the quality to the level of luxury houses! It's really refreshed.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

A few key details,

How to live in a luxury house with the first home and the first remodel

Seeing the real gold in the fire, dare to grab food in the strong Tianhe market, and can build the Tianhe Luyu Mansion is prepared.

Its first killer feature is the sense of overmatching: dignified gates, overall raised design, high window-to-floor ratio, infinity pool, sunken courtyard, mid-level clubhouse...... It is comparable to the "high-energy habitat details museum".

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Renderings of the façade of the Yufu at the foot of the Tianhe River

When we say that a project is overmatched and exemplary, it is often inseparable from the blessing of the sense of indoor scale.

The reason why I can build Tianhelu Yufu can give me a feeling of overmatch is because when I walked into the project, my first feeling was that the product specifications far exceeded other similar products in Tianhe.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Over-provisioned product planning

To give you a few sets of keywords: about 60 meters wide door, about 10 meters high overall, over 43% window-to-floor ratio, 270° master bedroom bay window, curved glass surface, sunken garden. This is a very good pair of "dream combination" habitats.

As we can see, its goal is to create high-quality first-home homes.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Can build the rendering of the gate of Tianhelu Yufu

Needless to say, the majesty of the 60-meter gate, the first face of the family, can build Tianhelu Yufu for you to consider.

What do you think of the benefits of raising 10 meters? Living here, you have bid farewell to the dilemma of the Guangzhou proverb "heavy rain, flooded streets".

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Another advantage of the overall elevation of the project is that the garage can be arranged flush with the internal road of the community, and the owners can drive home to bid farewell to the "dark", "tide" and "moldy" underground garage.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension
Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Window-to-floor ratio of luxury house

I think what shows the sincerity of the developer in particular is the window-to-ground ratio, which can be built and the window-to-ground ratio of Tianhelu Yufu, which is over 43%! Much higher than the standard level. You may not have an idea, but I'll give you a set of data:

Different residential spaces naturally face different lighting requirements, and correspondingly, the requirements for window-to-floor ratio are also different. According to the Residential Design Code, a window-to-floor ratio of 15-16% is required for bedrooms.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Source: Mingyuan Real Estate Research Institute

According to the product line planning of a leading real estate company, the window-to-floor ratio of most real estate projects on the market is about 20%-30%.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

The product line layout of a real estate company Source: Mingyuan Real Estate Research Institute

On this data, Nengjian Chengfa brings you a window-to-ground ratio of more than 43%, and the extremely wide field of vision seamlessly connects the outside world.

According to industry estimates, the window-to-ground ratio reaches more than 40%, in fact, the cost is much higher than that of general projects.

Especially in luxury housing projects, many times, it is necessary to customize a large piece of non-standard large-area glass, in addition to the increase in material costs, there are more labor costs.

For the sake of appearance, the cost has increased several times, so the consensus in the industry is: non-luxury houses dare not match 40% window-to-floor ratio.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Can build the renderings of Tianhelu Yufu

So, to put it bluntly, whether your house is good or not, the window area is very important!

Because in South China, there is no one who does not like a sunny, well-ventilated and well-lit house.

The details that bring greater goodwill to Tianhe guests also lie in the infinity pool, sunken courtyard, and mid-level clubhouse.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Renderings of the infinity pool of Tianhelu Yufu

You must know that nowadays, even if it is a high-end improvement plate with a price of 80,000 yuan, it may not necessarily do the above configurations.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Renderings of the Yufu Club at the foot of Tianhe

Therefore, living in Nengjian Tianhe Luyu Mansion is full, with high window to floor ratio, sunken courtyard, mid-level club and infinity pool, and other Tianhe 8-100,000 unit price mansions are not necessarily equipped with excellent indicators as standard, and they are full for you here.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Can build the renderings of Tianhelu Yufu

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Windmill building type + curved glass curtain window!

These details are full of value

Looking at the over-matching details of the whole plate, we review the living experience.

The building that pushes the goods this time is 1#, from the layout of the building, to the building that pushes the goods, and then to the layout of the house, the living experience runs through the overall situation.

For example, its windmill building is full of highlights.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Let more people get the "quasi-slab floor experience"

Is the building you usually see similar to the picture below?

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Other real estate renderings are for reference only

Traditional towers are regular, and some of the units have poor orientation and poor ventilation.

The south and two wings are the best house types, and the north side houses are generally hot in summer and cold in winter, which is easy to cause different orientations to be completed in large houses.

Through the observation and research of Guangzhou's climate, through digital simulation, the innovative use of the "windmill" building type, how wonderful is this design?

The essence of the "windmill" building type is the rotation and superposition of two plate building types, so that the advantages of large surface width and outdoor space are brought into full play.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Compatible with the advantages of slab buildings and towers, the public pool is small, the households are facing south, the lighting, ventilation and privacy are good, and you can enjoy a zero-obstructed view.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension
Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

A design trick to solve the rainy day

Due to the monsoon climate in Guangzhou, the main wind direction of the city is southeast in summer and northwest in winter, and the "windmill" building type rotates to the main direction of the monsoon, which has better ventilation. The innovative building has a pure point layout, single-family design, larger spacing and better permeability.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Schematic diagram of the ventilation of the residential buildings

The main direction between single households is 90° vertical, and the concept of "building spacing" can be basically ignored in the "windmill" building type, with unlimited perfect views and zero interference in privacy.

This layout. On the one hand, the public area can be laid out in the all-bright elevator hall, and the sense of quality is improved.

For residents, the "windmill" building type allows each household to be lit on three sides to the south, which is the real meaning of the bright kitchen and bathroom.

Guangzhou is humid in spring, and houses are often damaged due to lack of lighting and ventilation, household appliances are fragile, and furniture and clothes are mildew, which is easy to breed bacteria and bring discomfort to people.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Section renderings of the building of the Yufu Mansion at the foot of the Tianhe River

The "windmill building type" innovates three-sided lighting, the households face south, the hall is designed to be short and wide, and the kitchen and bathroom are directly to the outside, which is far better than the traditional concave shading and wind blocking in the slab building.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Curved glass windows are standard for a more comfortable living experience

There is also a detail, all units of Nengjian Tianhelu Yufu are equipped with 270° curved glass curtain windows as standard.

The addition of curved glass curtain windows means that a large piece of non-standard large-area glass must be customized, which not only needs professional customization, but also needs customized ladder cages to complete the transportation of glass, and this cost has increased several times.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Renderings of the view of the master bedroom of the Yufu Mansion at the foot of the Tianhe River

But in return, every morning, you walk into every room, open the curtains, and the sun just happens to shine on the flower and the book of poetry on the bedside table. You will unconsciously stop in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, facing the warm sun, with light in your eyes and a bright heart.

With the staggered arrangement of the buildings, the scenery outside the window that we see from the interior can be more three-dimensional, and the gardens and landscapes of the community are more ornamental.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

This kind of heavy investment, the benefits are first of all, the appearance, the 270° glass curtain window brings the bay window and even the façade integration, the texture of the building façade, will be a completely different feeling.

The use of curved glass elements is a good plus for the façade, and the entire building façade will be thinner and more transparent.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Renderings of the view of the master bedroom of the Yufu Mansion at the foot of the Tianhe River

Secondly, it is more comfortable to live in. The daylighting surface can be expanded to the extreme, bringing natural light into the room, and the whole room will be better lit and ventilated.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Up to 110% Utility Rate!

What other details does it have?

In order to carry out the friendship to Tianhe buyers to the end, Nengjian Tianhe Luyu Mansion includes entry-level products with a construction area of about 80 square meters, as well as the main building area of about 93 square meters, about 96 square meters, about 100 square meters, and about 125 square meters, a total of 4 apartment types.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Can build Tianhelu Yufu first recommended 1#

It is equipped with a 270° south-facing landscape as standard, as well as a utility rate of about 101%-109% reported for construction in the new regulations.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

The unit is about 80 square meters, but there is considerable space for the people

With three bedrooms and two bathrooms of about 80 square meters, only a few developers and very few real estate developers are willing to spend a lot of effort to do it.

The three-bedroom and two-bathroom products of Tianhe Metro on the market often go to more than 95 square meters, which is a heavy budget for many urban youth.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

The building area of Tianhelu Yufu is about 80 square meters, and it can be laid out with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, the area is close to the people, and the utility rate is about 107%, the overall space is very considerable, and it can put down a lot of configurations full of happiness.

For example, it can be a 5.7-meter variable square hall with four bay rooms facing south and a 270° bay window in the master bedroom. The kitchen and two toilets are uniformly laid out at the north end to complete the separation of dry and wet in the whole house.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

The unit is about 96 square meters, and the configuration is more advanced

The building area is about 96 square meters, four bedrooms and two bathrooms, and the configuration is further improved.

On the basis of retaining the advantages of the house type such as the separation of dry and wet of about 80 square meters, the area is fully enlarged:

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

This type of apartment is friendly to three-generation families, and the space next to the restaurant can be prepared for the elderly who love morning luck, as well as for the owners who work overtime late at night or return late.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

About 100 square meters of house type, higher specification design

The building area is about 100 square meters, which is the most exciting part.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

With daylight on three sides, there are almost no beams and columns on the façade, as if a crystal clear square box is enclosed by a transparent glass curtain wall.

The living room and dining room are all north-south convection, and if you want, you can even knock out a room and prepare yourself a hall about 6.1 meters wide.

Coupled with the devilish details such as the aircraft layout and walk-in closet, with a 109% utility rate, it is enough to create a high-specification design that only other competing 120 or even 140 square meters of Tianhe can have.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

The 125-square-meter unit is a luxurious layout

The building area is about 125 square meters, and it is the kind of house type that makes people look at the past at a glance.

The five-bay room faces south, and the lighting and ventilation of the family are properly arranged; The master bedroom is a luxury package, with 270° glass and a cloakroom.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

In addition, in terms of landscape view, this unit is a must, in addition to the master bedroom, the main balcony and the second bedroom have a 270° bay window view.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Renderings of the view of the master bedroom of the Yufu Mansion at the foot of the Tianhe River

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Metro + school bag all-round,

Tianheke's pain points were pinched by it!

Did you find anything? Although there are many projects for sale in Tianhe, there are very few that can meet the needs of customers for the first home and the first change.

First-time buyers search in the Tianhe property market, and it is always difficult to find the property they want.

took a fancy to the prosperous area of the main city, but had to endure the ultra-high plot ratio; took a fancy to the comfortable and comfortable natural environment, but had to accept the shortcomings of lack of supporting facilities; I fancy the outstanding high-end quality, but I have to face the reality of insufficient budget......

This time, Nengjian Tianhelu Yufu gave us a new option.

It is located next to Tianhe, subway, park, Huayang educational resources, and Quannan-facing mountain view residential area...... Combine all of the above advantages to build a deep enough moat of value.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Huayang Education Group runs a school, with the blessing of top schoolbags

Tianhe degree is known for its volume, and some parents will even sacrifice their residence level for the convenience of their children's study and pick-up.

The arrival of Huayang has given a great sincerity to the buyers of the smart city, and the Yufu of Tianhelu has not yet been sold, and Huayang Education Group has taken the lead in coming to the smart city to meet you.

In August last year, Gaotangshi Primary School near Nengjian Tianhelu Yufu was included in the management of Huayang Education Group, and its counterpart was directly promoted to the provincial first-level No. 89 Middle School (subject to the enrollment policy of the Education Bureau that year).

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Renderings of Gaotangshi Primary School of Huayang Education Group

How good is Huayang Primary School? It can be said that it is the top degree in Tianhe District, directly benchmarking Dongfeng East in Yuexiu District.

Since its establishment, a large number of outstanding teachers have emerged: a national outstanding primary school principal, four outstanding teachers in southern Guangdong, 2 special teachers, 2 senior teachers in primary and secondary schools, 13 senior teachers in primary and secondary schools, dozens of backbone teachers at or above the municipal level, and 9 provincial and municipal famous principals and teachers' studios.

The quality of teachers in Huayang educational resources is understandable, and this year, Huayang Primary School has been recognized by the Ministry of Education.

Huayang Primary School, together with the Affiliated School of Panyu Middle School and the Affiliated Primary School of China Normal School, has become the only three schools in Guangzhou to be included in the 2024 Education Reform Experimental Base of the Ministry of Education.

Huayang, which can be called the top stream of education, is flying, and what resources can the owners of Tianhelu Yufu rub into Huayang Group?

According to the news released on the official account of "Tianhe Release", after Gaotangshi Primary School is incorporated into Huayang Education Group, the original Huayang Primary School will send a team of vice principals and backbone teachers to it.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

According to the plan, it will be increased from 12 classes to 24 classes, in addition, Guangzhou Huayang Education Group's characteristic projects "Juvenile Academy of Sciences" and "Juvenile Literature College" will also follow, and at the same time, the establishment of these two colleges of Huayang Education Group Gaotangshi Primary School Branch, to provide students with more learning resources, improve students' scientific literacy and literary literacy.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Huayang Primary School and Guangzhou Nanyue Aerospace Science and Technology Innovation Research Institute awarded each other's licenses

The good news is that at present, Huayang Education Group Gaotangshi Primary School has started the expansion project, which is expected to expand from the current 12 classes to 24 classes within 3 years, which is about the same as the delivery time of the first batch of owners (subject to the enrollment policy of the Education Bureau in that year).

In addition to the subject level is expected to be continued to be raised by Huayang Education Group, the original high-level physical education of Gaotangshi Primary School of Huayang Education Group is expected to be retained.

Huayang Education Group Gaotangshi Primary School has profound basic skills in the world's first sport football, and is one of the first batch of "National Youth Campus Football Characteristic Schools". He has won the overall championship of the "Danone World Cup" in China three times, and in 2019, he won the seventh place in the world in Spain.

In addition, from the perspective of its own scarcity, it is very capable of fighting.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Tianhe rarely has a real subway plate, and commuting is more playable

At present, the projects for sale in Tianhe can be only a few hundred meters away from the subway, and it is worth paying attention to the fact that Tianhe Luyu Mansion can be built.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

The project is about 700 meters away from Gaotangshi Station of Line 6. 30 minutes to quickly reach the CBD of Zhujiang New Town, Financial City and Pazhou, and no longer worry about commuting.

In addition, the project Linji Guangshan 2nd Road, one foot of the accelerator can reach Tianhe, Science City and other core areas, daily travel is very convenient.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

It is located in the third central axis of Guangzhou and the industrial highland of the smart city

When it comes to Tianhe, it is inseparable from the industry, and in the official tone, it is Tianhe Smart City (CTD) that can sit on an equal footing with Tianhe Central Business District (CBD), which together constitute a development pattern of "one district and two cores".

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

Tianhe Smart City has attracted about 2,000 science and technology enterprises, about 1,000 high-tech enterprises, and about 34 headquarters enterprises.

Among them, there are many leading enterprises such as NetEase, Kugou, and UC, as well as unicorn companies such as XAG Technology and SIE, which jointly build a booster for the value of the smart city area.

Quality out of the circle! It brings Tianhe's product strength to a new dimension

The new project in the area can build Tianhelu Yufu, which will be more and more embedded in the "eye of the storm" of the tide of Tianhe real estate.

Why do we say that this project is a model of overmatching?

In fact, overallocation is only the result, behind the developer's investment in all in, and the concept of making the product truly return to life and life, the core is time and intentions.

Whether it is interior design and materials, or garden landscape and creation, or architectural form and modeling, including supporting iron merchants, Nengjian Tianhe Luyu Mansion has put a lot of thought into it, and is going to do it at the head of Tianhe.

A house with plate air supremacy, such as Nengjian Tianhelu Yufu, is the best bargaining chip for betting on the next ten years.

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