
What is the greatest blessing for a family? If your child has "three don't understand", do a good job of retirement in advance!

author:Mr. Yato

What is the greatest blessing of a family? Parental achievement? Accumulated wealth? A child's success?

None of them are the greatest blessings, the father is kind and filial piety, and the whole family lives in harmony. It is natural for parents to raise children, and it is understandable for children to be filial to their parents, but often not every old man can enjoy it.

If your child has the following problems, there is a high probability that we can only rely on ourselves in retirement, and we can't expect to raise children to prevent old age.

What is the greatest blessing for a family? If your child has "three don't understand", do a good job of retirement in advance!


I don't know how to be grateful

People are like jackals, we live in a country full of love, big love can be the country, small love at least relatives and friends around us, and even parents and children.

If a person has no love, there will only be resentment in his heart, and there will only be indifference, then this person is probably a person who lacks morality, compassion, and compassion.

What is the greatest blessing for a family? If your child has "three don't understand", do a good job of retirement in advance!

Parents raise their children all their lives, give their children the best conditions, but raise an ungrateful child, who does not take care of him when he is old, who does not ask if he is sick, and who is happy when he dies, what is the use of such a person? Even if you can eat well in society, it won't last long A person who has never been at ease with the hard work of his parents is a cold-blooded person.

If you raise a child who knows how to be grateful and will be grateful, parents can be regarded as having the greatest blessing.


People who have no responsibility

As the saying goes, thirty and forty are not confused, and there is no responsibility for those who do not go through the world. It is said that a person who has no responsibility and no sense of responsibility is a person who is spurned.

The child's achievements, how much money he makes, how good the house and car are, it doesn't matter, it is more important to dare to take responsibility.

Many people think that this is an economic society, there is money everywhere, and there is no way to take it without money, but in the eyes of parents, they will not be happy and sad because of how much money they give, and more importantly, they hope that you can have the courage to take responsibility, and the responsibility to your parents, to your wife and children, to yourself, and to the whole family is better than all the vanity outside.

What is the greatest blessing for a family? If your child has "three don't understand", do a good job of retirement in advance!

Raising children to prevent old age is for parents to have a good life in old age, not to spoil children, parents can not cover you for a lifetime, only children out of the ivory tower, fly out of their own know, how to pick up the burden.

If your child is reluctant to move and loses courage in himself, then I advise you to plan for retirement in advance.


I don't know the rules

Confucius once said that if you don't know how to be a person with etiquette, learn to be a person in advance. In ancient times, there was a clear difference between the upper and lower generations, and there were many rituals and ceremonies, of course, now the society pursues equality and harmony, abandoning a lot of red tape, but it does not mean that all the etiquette has been cut.

There are no rules, parents don't set rules for their children, how to become talents, what is it like to steal chickens and dogs and expose tiles on the wall? Parents who do not teach their children etiquette and how to integrate them into society are full of anger towards everyone.

What is the greatest blessing for a family? If your child has "three don't understand", do a good job of retirement in advance!

Parents should give their children some etiquette, and children must also learn etiquette, which is the development of our excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Don't think that children contradict their parents, eat nothing, treat people without caring about trivial things, often bad habits are accumulated over time, freezing three feet is not a day's cold.

If your children are rebellious, undisciplined, and do not understand etiquette, then be careful of your later life, most such families will not be happy.

Life is very short, we only have one life, and parents and children will have a lifetime of love, and they will go both ways. No matter who you are, first be worthy of yourself, be responsible for yourself, and then think about other people's other things, and live yourself well is the greatest effort.

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