
Changjiang District 2024 Primary and Secondary School Teachers and Special Post Teachers Recruitment Qualification Review Announcement

author:Changjiang propaganda

Changjiang District 2024 primary and secondary school teachers and

Announcement on the qualification review of the recruitment of special post teachers

According to the spirit of the "Jiangxi Province 2024 Primary and Secondary School Teacher Recruitment Announcement" and the "Jiangxi Province 2024 "Rural Compulsory Education Stage School Teacher Special Position Plan" Teacher Recruitment Announcement", on-site qualification review must be conducted for the interview personnel who apply for the recruitment of primary and secondary school teachers and special post teachers in Changjiang District in 2024. In order to ensure the smooth and orderly development of the qualification review, the relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1. Qualification examination object

Applicants for the 2024 provincial primary and secondary school teachers and special post teacher recruitment positions in Changjiang District (including the first batch of interview personnel and transfer personnel, see the announcement annex issued by the Provincial Department of Education for details).

2. Qualification review organization

The qualification review, interview, physical examination, and inspection of the recruitment positions of primary and secondary school teachers and special post teachers in Changjiang District in 2024 will be jointly organized and implemented by the Changjiang District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Changjiang District Education and Sports Bureau.

3. Time and place of qualification review

1. Qualification review time: June 28, 2024 (8:00-12:00, 14:30-18:00)

2. Qualification review location: Cultural living room on the first floor of Changjiang District Experimental School (left at the entrance of the east gate)

Fourth, the content of the qualification review

The content of the qualification review is: whether the materials provided by the qualification examiners for the interview are consistent with the conditions set for the position and the authenticity of the materials held, if the qualifications do not match the personnel, the qualification for the interview will be cancelled, and from all the personnel who have not entered the same position (including the original application for the post and the adjustment personnel) according to the written test results from high to low scores in order and only once. After the qualification review, the final list of candidates for interview will be confirmed. The qualification review runs through the whole process of recruitment, and if it is found that it does not conform to the scope and conditions of the announcement or is fraudulent, its employment qualification will be cancelled. After entering the interview process, there will be no replacement.

According to the job requirements and personal circumstances, the qualification examiners shall submit the following materials:

1. "Changjiang District School 2024 Teacher Recruitment Qualification Review Registration Form" (see Attachment 1 to download and print a copy on A4 paper)

2. "Jiangxi Provincial Primary and Secondary School Teacher Recruitment Registration Form" (can be printed in the examination registration system, must be signed by yourself).

3. The original and a copy of your valid ID card.

4. The original and a copy of the graduation certificate, and the original and a copy of the degree certificate are required if there is a degree requirement. All participants in the qualification review must go to the China Higher Education Student Information Network (hereinafter referred to as "", website: to print the "Electronic Registration and Filing Form of Academic Certificates of the Ministry of Education" with QR code and the online verification report of the academic qualifications. 2024 college graduates who have not yet obtained their graduation certificates and degree certificates are required to provide the online verification report of their student status and the "Graduation Certificate on Time" signed by the school (the certificate is valid on or before the day of qualification review); Those who have obtained academic qualifications and degrees outside the country (territory) must provide their "Academic Degree Certification" issued by the Service Center for Scholarly Study of the Ministry of Education.

If the major is not listed in the "Reference Catalogue" and a similar major in the recruitment position is selected, the enrollment brochure, graduation certificate, transcript of the major course studied (must be stamped by the Academic Affairs Office or Graduate School of the institution from which you graduated), and the description of the major setting of the graduate institution and other materials must be provided.

5. If the recruitment position requires "normal majors", if it is impossible to identify whether it belongs to normal majors from the admission notice, high recruitment check form, graduation certificate, registration card, academic information network recognition report and other materials, it is necessary to provide the student registration form and educational internship materials, as well as the certificate of normal majors issued by the school [the content needs to be clear: according to the Ministry of Education's college major filing approval (document number) in xxxx year, XX major of our school belongs to normal majors].

6. The original and a copy of the teacher's qualification certificate.

(1) All personnel participating in the qualification examination (except for those who participated in the teacher qualification certification this year) must go to the "China Teacher Qualification Network - Certificate Verification" column (website: to verify the certificate, and print the "verified teacher qualification query results (the style is as follows)" for future reference;

Changjiang District 2024 Primary and Secondary School Teachers and Special Post Teachers Recruitment Qualification Review Announcement

(2) Those who have passed the 2024 teacher qualification certification and have not yet obtained the certificate shall provide the original "Application for Teacher Qualification Certificate" issued by the teacher qualification certification institution (see Annex 2);

(3) Those who participated in the national primary and secondary school teacher qualification interview in May this year and obtained the certificate must provide the original and a copy of the Putonghua level certificate, the certificate of passing the teacher qualification examination and other relevant supporting materials, and sign a letter of commitment (see Annex 3).

7. The participating staff shall provide the Certificate of Consent to Apply for the Examination (Annex 4) issued by the unit and the competent department, among which the in-service teachers who have taught for five years or more and the special post teachers who have not been regularized after three years of service in 2024 must indicate the teaching years at the same time. Teachers who have served in public primary and secondary schools in the same county of our province for less than 5 years or are in the probationary period and have served for less than 3 years (recruited in 2022 and 2023) must obtain a certificate of termination of employment agreed by the school and its competent education administrative department before the deadline for written examination registration, and complete the dismissal and dismissal procedures before the interview qualification review.

8. For the positions of "limited to fresh graduates of colleges and universities", except for the graduates of ordinary colleges and universities in 2024, full-time graduates of ordinary colleges and universities who have not confirmed their work units during the career selection period (the archives and organizational relationships are still retained in the original graduation school or the graduates who are retained in the graduate employment departments at all levels, graduate employment guidance service centers, talent exchange service agencies at all levels and public employment service agencies at all levels) shall provide the "File Storage Certificate" issued by the archives preservation unit.

9. Written Examination Admission Ticket.

10. A one-inch photo with the same bottom as the online registration form, please write your name and position on the back (for making the interview admission ticket).

The above materials (including one original and one copy) should be arranged in order by number for inspection. Those who pass the qualification examination will be issued an interview admission ticket on the spot. Candidates who fail to participate in the qualification review within the specified time will be deemed to have automatically given up their qualifications for the interview.

5. Precautions

1. Candidates who participate in the qualification examination must enter the qualification examination location with their ID card on the day of the qualification examination, and follow the arrangements of the staff and keep quiet during the qualification examination.

2. If the candidate is unable to come to the on-site qualification examination for any reason, he or she can entrust another person to conduct the examination, and the original and copy of the ID card of the entrusted person and the power of attorney signed by the person concerned shall be provided.

3. Please print the letter of commitment on A4 paper and sign it by yourself.

4. Candidates are requested to pay attention to the websites of "Changjiang District Government Network", "Changjiang District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau" and the WeChat public accounts of "Charming Changjiang" and "Changjiang Education and Sports".

Consultation telephone: Organization and Personnel Unit of the District Education and Sports Bureau 0798-8337023, District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau 0798-8339693.

Attachment 1: Changjiang District School 2024 Teacher Recruitment Qualification Review Registration Form

Attachment 2: Application for Teacher Qualification Certificate

Attachment 3: Commitment to obtain the teacher qualification certificate on schedule

Attachment 4: Proof of consent to apply for the exam

Changjiang District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

Changjiang District Education and Sports Bureau

June 20, 2024