
The short video blogger relied on insulting others to attract money, and was sentenced to 8 months in prison and was banned

author:Red Star News

Posing for fakes, out of the ordinary...... Nowadays, some online "self-media" bloggers can break through the bottom line for the sake of Bo traffic and fan attraction. In Nantong, Jiangsu Province, a man named Ji was sentenced for trying to gain attention through low-level and vulgar swear words.

Rely on wanton abuse to gain traffic

Immediately after scolding, the other party privately messaged for cooperation

"South Square and North Square, almost delivered to you xxx, as soon as the firecrackers were released, relatives and friends called out."

The short video blogger relied on insulting others to attract money, and was sentenced to 8 months in prison and was banned

The man who gritted his teeth and scolded swear words is named Ji, with the screen name "Qin Han", and most of the videos he posted are full of unbearable swear words.

Ji thinks that he can increase his fan flow by insulting anchors with a large number of fans, and constantly grandiose with the idea that "black and red" are also red. When some local Internet celebrities broadcast live, Ji will also chase and start a scolding war with him, trying to increase his popularity and get rewards in this way.

Attacking with oil and vinegar, wanton and reckless abuse, Ji's mouth was full of swear words, and black and white were reversed. In the face of questions and reports from netizens, he actually saw these as opportunities to increase his popularity.

The short video blogger relied on insulting others to attract money, and was sentenced to 8 months in prison and was banned

In order to achieve the purpose of traffic monetization, Ji constantly updates abusive videos. But in private, he tried to communicate with the abused bloggers, inviting them to cooperate with the bloggers in the name of hype. In the face of Ji's invitation to do a play, many bloggers did not reply, and some politely refused.

But Ji immediately promoted his "black and red" routine, saying that what he wanted to create was a "unique character design, black first and then white". Ji said that if the blogger on the other side of the chat box is unmoved, he will go to the next person to private message.

The short video blogger relied on insulting others to attract money, and was sentenced to 8 months in prison and was banned

The client was prosecuted on suspicion of insult

He was sentenced to 8 months in prison and was banned

Ji's vulgar behavior of using the "black and red" routine to find people to cooperate and rub traffic not only did not make him "out of the circle", but instead cocooned himself and bore the relevant legal consequences.

In June 2023, after receiving reports from a large number of netizens and the public, the Nantong police filed a case for investigation on suspicion of picking quarrels and provoking troubles by Ji, and asked the procuratorate to intervene in accordance with the law. After review, it was found that Ji's video insulted a total of 7 victims, all of whom were people with a certain network influence in the region, with a total of 45 videos and a spread of more than 620,000 times.

The Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Punishing Violations and Crimes of Online Violence in Accordance with Law", which clearly points out that where methods such as wanton abuse, malicious slander, or disclosure of privacy are employed on information networks to openly insult others, and the circumstances are serious and meet the requirements of article 246 of the Criminal Law, it is to be convicted and punished as the crime of insult.

The short video blogger relied on insulting others to attract money, and was sentenced to 8 months in prison and was banned

After learning about the relevant circumstances of the case, the local procuratorate analyzed that Ji's behavior not only blatantly harmed the personality rights and reputation rights of the seven victims, but also that these abusive videos were disseminated on the Internet, which had a bad impact and should be prosecuted as the crime of insult.

In March this year, the Haimen District People's Court in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, heard the case in open court. The court held at trial that in order to increase network traffic and attention, the defendant Ji X provoked everywhere on the Internet, wantonly abused and maliciously slandered many people, the circumstances were serious, endangered social order, and constituted the crime of insult. Considering that he truthfully confessed his crimes after being brought into the case, and signed a plea affidavit, the verdict was announced in court in accordance with law:

Defendant Ji X committed the crime of insult and was sentenced to 8 months imprisonment with a 1-year probation;

Defendant Ji was prohibited from engaging in business activities related to online live streaming during the probationary period of probation, and his Douyin account was also banned.

The short video blogger relied on insulting others to attract money, and was sentenced to 8 months in prison and was banned

Platforms should strengthen information review and supervision and management

Netizens should take the initiative to complain and report vulgar videos

Since April 23 this year, the Cyberspace Administration of China has launched a two-month nationwide special action of "Clear and Clear, Rectifying 'Self-Media' Without Bottom Line and Traffic", focusing on "self-media" creating hot spots without a bottom line, and creating "information traps" that mix fake and real with fake and real. Since the launch of the special operation, batch after batch of "self-media" that violated laws and regulations have been banned and even punished by law.

The short video blogger relied on insulting others to attract money, and was sentenced to 8 months in prison and was banned

How should the platform supervise and manage such bloggers who use improper means to chase traffic? How to effectively regulate the transmission chain of bottomless Bo traffic?

Wu Shenkuo, deputy director of the Research Center of the Internet Society of China, believes that platforms need to strengthen information review, take the initiative to find and deal with inappropriate content, and block the transmission chain of bottomless traffic:

Through effective technology and algorithms, abnormal situations can be detected in time and dealt with as soon as possible;

increase the investment in manpower inspections to detect and deal with illegal phenomena;

When receiving and handling complaints and reports, it is necessary to have a more rapid response mechanism to reduce the negative consequences of such phenomena.

Experts also pointed out that for this kind of short video bloggers with no bottom line traffic, the Internet is not only a "venting field", but also a "business field".

The Internet is by no means a place outside the law

The public shall use the Internet in accordance with laws and regulations, and in a reasonable manner

Don't try to push the bottom line for the sake of traffic

Source: CCTV News WeChat official account

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