
The backbone doctors of Jingyi went to the UK for training: they worked hard to know the words all over the world, and they returned from the study full of poetry

author:Jiang Han style

In order to focus on cultivating a team of high-end talents with an international vision, understanding the cutting-edge theories of medicine, and improving the ability of independent innovation, since September 2023, the central hospital has restarted the overseas training program for medical staff, and has successively selected high-end talents from the hospital to study in well-known medical institutions and medical schools abroad.

In March this year, Dong Chao, deputy director of the first ward of the breast department of Jingzhou Central Hospital, and Yan Lei, deputy director of the gastrointestinal surgery department, went to the Royal Free Hospital in the United Kingdom and the University College London Hospital for further study for three months.

Recently, Dong Chao and Yan Lei successfully completed their studies and have returned to the hospital safely. During the study, they learned about the latest cutting-edge developments in international medicine and broadened their academic horizons. At the same time, in the study exchange, they are full of confidence in the development of medicine in the mainland.

Make advanced technology better for patients

"I went to the UK for training this time, and I learned a lot of advanced technologies and concepts, and I hope to apply them to clinical practice as soon as possible to better serve patients." On the afternoon of June 19, Dong Chao, who was on duty in the ward, told reporters.

Talking about this study abroad, Dong Chao felt the most about the normalized multidisciplinary collaborative diagnosis and treatment (MDT) model. "In recent years, most domestic hospitals have also carried out the MDT model, but mainly for complex and difficult cases. At the Royal Free Hospital, MDT is used for every cancer patient, and throughout the entire diagnosis and treatment process, so that patients can receive standardized and homogeneous treatment. ”

In terms of medical technology, Dong Chao has also gained a lot. "In the breast reconstruction of breast cancer patients after surgery, prosthetic reconstruction is mostly used in China, while in the breast surgery and plastic surgery department of the Royal Free Hospital in the United Kingdom, autologous tissue (free inferior abdominal wall perforator flap) breast reconstruction technology (DIEP) is more used. This procedure is the "ceiling" of breast surgery, and the technical threshold is very high and the difficulty coefficient is also very large, but the reconstructed breast will be better in appearance and appearance, and there will be fewer complications than implants. ”

The backbone doctors of Jingyi went to the UK for training: they worked hard to know the words all over the world, and they returned from the study full of poetry

In addition, after breast conserving surgery or breast reconstruction surgery for breast cancer, patients may experience problems such as sunken breasts, asymmetry, etc. The Royal Free Hospital uses advanced autologous fat grafting technology to achieve a perfect result for sunken breasts.

After some breast cancer patients undergo axillary surgery, 20% will develop severe lymphedema, and the arm will be swollen as thick as the leg, which will have a serious impact on the patient's psychology and life. At present, most of the conservative treatment methods are adopted in China, and the effect is not ideal. In the UK, the more difficult ultramicroanastomosis of lymphatic venules is currently the only technique that can cure lymphedema.

The backbone doctors of Jingyi went to the UK for training: they worked hard to know the words all over the world, and they returned from the study full of poetry

"Three months is a short time, and there is so much to learn." Dong Chao said that he hopes to apply the advanced concepts and technologies he has learned to clinical practice and serve patients.

The backbone doctors of Jingyi went to the UK for training: they worked hard to know the words all over the world, and they returned from the study full of poetry

Humanistic care is brought into the hearts of patients

"We can do what they can do, and even some of them do better than them. Because of our large population base, the large number of cases, and the larger number of surgeries, the surgeries are more elaborate than they do. Yan Lei confidently said that although surgery originated in the West, China's surgical technology has advanced rapidly, and it has surpassed them in many aspects.

During this study, I heard that a student from Hebei Province did a very beautiful job in robotic surgery, and the University College London Hospital also held an academic lecture and invited the student to talk about robotic surgery. The British surgeons present were amazed by the rapid development of robotic surgery in China, "Oh my God! Our robotic surgery is just getting started, but they're already proficient! ”

The backbone doctors of Jingyi went to the UK for training: they worked hard to know the words all over the world, and they returned from the study full of poetry

However, in the comparison and reflection, Yan Lei found some strengths of the other party, which are worth learning.

"When people get sick, maybe domestic doctors pay more attention to curing the disease. In addition to treating diseases, British doctors also pay great attention to patients' psychological reactions and emotional changes, reflecting more humanistic care. "During the study, some cancer patients were depressed, and British doctors often comforted them by shaking hands, patting them on the shoulders or even hugging them, and would also say words of encouragement to help them build confidence.

"Foreign counterparts are quite strict about the privacy protection of patients." Yan Lei said that British doctors would draw up the bed curtains when they made rounds. Even doctors from China who are studying must first seek the consent of the patients before observing the consultations, ward rounds, and surgeries of British doctors.

The backbone doctors of Jingyi went to the UK for training: they worked hard to know the words all over the world, and they returned from the study full of poetry

"Through international exchanges, on the one hand, we can understand the international cutting-edge medical trends and broaden our academic horizons; On the other hand, we have established a good communication channel with our international counterparts, which has laid a good foundation for the future hospital to hold online and offline international academic conferences. Yan Lei said.

The backbone doctors of Jingyi went to the UK for training: they worked hard to know the words all over the world, and they returned from the study full of poetry

"Talent, technology and innovation are the three driving forces to promote the high-quality development of hospitals. In recent years, the hospital has adhered to the simultaneous development of medical education, research and management, and is transforming into a research-oriented hospital. On the one hand, through the 'introduction', a large number of high-quality medical talents will be introduced, and on the other hand, through 'going out', a large number of young backbone doctors will be sent abroad to carry out international academic exchanges, cultivate compound talents with an international vision, enhance the hospital's scientific research and innovation capabilities, and better protect the health of the people in Jingzhou and its surrounding areas. The person in charge of the scientific research department of Jingzhou Central Hospital said that according to the plan, in the future, the hospital will also select more outstanding young doctors to go to the United Kingdom, the United States, Israel, Japan, Singapore and other developed countries and regions of internationally renowned hospitals for further study.

(Reporter: Kuang Yijun, Lu Chenghai Special Reporter: Xia Ziyu Correspondent: Lu Meng, Hu Yizhi/Editor: Tao Wei/First Instance: Tang Jie/Second Instance: Wang Taofang/Third Instance: Jiang Min)

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