
Earn points and get gifts! Jianghanfeng APP points mall was launched today

author:Jiang Han style

Jiang Hanfeng reported: Today (June 21), the Jiang Hanfeng client points mall was officially launched, and many users immediately used the points exchange to bring their favorite goods home.

Citizen Li Yanxia is an old user of the Jiang Hanfeng client, and as soon as the points mall was launched, she used 600 points to exchange for the sterilization and mite removal laundry detergent of Jiejie makeup.

Earn points and get gifts! Jianghanfeng APP points mall was launched today

Li Yanxia, a user of Jianghanfeng client, said: "After the Jianghanfeng Mall is launched, I feel that it is some daily necessities, and it is still very affordable, and I feel very good, I hope that there are more and more products in Jianghanfeng Mall, and it is more and more abundant." ”

In addition, Jianghanfeng points mall also has a number of products such as tote bags, tickets for tourist attractions, facial masks, eight-treasure porridge, notebooks, etc., involving daily life and eating, drinking and playing, etc., all of which are provided by the friendly support of caring merchants, and users can redeem and receive them for free with points.

Earn points and get gifts! Jianghanfeng APP points mall was launched today

Peng Zengsong, the owner of Shunfa Wholesale Supermarket, said: "We have prepared some gifts with Jiang Hanfeng's netizens, including eight-treasure porridge, mung bean soup, and Yinlu's soybean milk, as well as mineral water. ”

Users can easily accumulate points by logging in, reading, commenting, sharing, liking, inviting and other ways to redeem their favorite products, and then go to the address provided on the product details page to collect the goods.

Earn points and get gifts! Jianghanfeng APP points mall was launched today

Jiang Hanfeng client activity operation Tu Qin said: "Click on the mall There is an exchange record, there is an immediate use below, click on the merchant will give you a write-off, the second way is to collect on behalf of you, this interface allows friends to take screenshots and send them to you, and will also give you a direct input code for verification." ”

Earn points and get gifts! Jianghanfeng APP points mall was launched today

Jianghanfeng points mall will continue to be new and enrich the product category, so stay tuned.

(Reporter: Xu Shizhe, Han Yujiu / Editor: Tao Wei / First Instance: Tang Jie / Second Instance: Wang Taofang / Third Instance: Jiang Min)

Jiang Hanfeng client, the first end of Jingzhou news. Pay attention to Jingzhou's government affairs, people's livelihood, and the big and small things around you, create a local authoritative entrance, and serve the urban life circle for the people, inject the brand value of the traditional brand "Jianghanfeng", integrate the news, government affairs and services of the province, city and county, and also launch multiple models such as newspapers, contributions, and circles, so as to diversify and enrich the user experience.

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